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SoCal Regionals 2013: NYChris G to take on GGA 16 Bit in a Money Match

And so 16bit wins the award of biggest hypocrite of the year.....
Yea I side with you full time. Everyone is trying to say this same thing in a diplomatic way. I will say it flat out too, 16-bit was scared of loosing his money to REO. I don't care if I am put on blast. 16-bit is a great player and I accept that - infact everyone does - but it was clear he run from REO's challenge. The community must learn to say things the way they are irrespective of who is involved, then, this community will be a better place for us all in all fairness. But, this match will be a must watch cos 16-bit can take anyone out at anytime whiles ChrisG can do same on his day. Waiting for this...
Agreed... But I applaud GGA 16 Bit coming out the Money Match Closet..

At first glance one can criticize him for saying what he said in the past about mm's BUT BUT BUT humans are certainly aloud to change their mind and go for the gusto...

I totally 100% applaud 16 Bit and Chris Geeeeezus for setting this up... LBSH the views on this match , if properly setup up can breaks some records.. People like the OBS crew, Triforce, 995 Phil, Sp00ky etc etc should talk about this and multiple FGC fans across multiple games will watch this..
Hi there, little correction with all due respect, it is 'allowed' and not 'aloud' in the context you are writing.
This would be good promotion for Mk. I don't know why the fuck 26 bit cares if anyone likes his history with money matches. Being stubborn and not doing it to punish us is a bit odd. 16 bit you are far and away my favorite Mk player to root for but stop giving a shit about what everyone says or thinks. You want to do the mat,h then do it. Ppl forget this is a game.

i guess reptile wasnt good enough aka he wasnt good enough with reptile the character who gets safe pressure and combos off of amazing zoning and who gets around zoning like no other so he had to go to kenshi


Come On Die Young
Yea I side with you full time. Everyone is trying to say this same thing in a diplomatic way. I will say it flat out too, 16-bit was scared of loosing his money to REO. I don't care if I am put on blast. 16-bit is a great player and I accept that - infact everyone does - but it was clear he run from REO's challenge.
There's no reason why anyone has to accept a money match against the best player in the world of the best character. How dumb is it that he has to accept gambling his money or he looks like he's scared.

We should also start blowing up the online-only players who decide to go offline. What fucking hypocrites.

I also don't think you guys understand the context of each one. REO challenged 16bit, but 16bit challenged Chris G. He didn't suddenly change on accepting a MM challenge, he decided to put himself out there and challenge him to create hype.
There's no reason why anyone has to accept a money match against the best player in the world of the best character. How dumb is it that he has to accept gambling his money or he looks like he's scared.

We should also start blowing up the online-only players who decide to go offline. What fucking hypocrites.

I also don't think you guys understand the context of each one. REO challenged 16bit, but 16bit challenged Chris G. He didn't suddenly change on accepting a MM challenge, he decided to put himself out there and challenge him to create hype.
Listen to yourself sir, you just reiterated why he didnt accept the match. And explain to me why he would accept another MM? Because he feels he can win it? My point once again reiterated by your comments, he was damn scared.


Come On Die Young
Listen to yourself sir, you just reiterated why he didnt accept the match. And explain to me why he would accept another MM? Because he feels he can win it? My point once again reiterated by your comments, he was damn scared.
He didn't "accept" another mm. He sent out the challenge. It's a different situation.

And this isn't about who would win or lose, it's because it would be fun because of the situation with Chris G


Man of Tomorrow
Man I was looking forward to this but people just rained on the parade. Honestly, who cares what he said about MMs? Who cares if he "ran" from REO? WHO CARES? We've had very few instances buzz around our game beyond major tournaments and with MK9 possibly not being at EVO/MLG next year we're gonna have even fewer instances. Now, here's a match that will not only create buzz within our own community but attention from a lot of the FGC outside MK. But, because of some crap that was said or done 18 months ago we're not gonna get it because.....Why?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I am going to do it. Obviously I was just salty/props fishing.

This shit is annoying though. Only a fool couldn't see why I made this challenge. I don't even care about the money aspect, I just want to do this exhibition and I doubt Chris would be interested without that part.


Man of Tomorrow
I am going to do it. Obviously I was just salty/props fishing.

This shit is annoying though. Only a fool couldn't see why I made this challenge. I don't even care about the money aspect, I just want to do this exhibition and I doubt Chris would be interested without that part.

Nice, looking forward to it.


I never really understood why so many people dislike Chris G? I can only assume it's because he is not really an active part of the MK community.


Get over here!
I never really understood why so many people dislike Chris G? I can only assume it's because he is not really an active part of the MK community.
I think it is because he's not an active part of the community AND he still has placed high at many events in mk9 which makes many mk guys jealous that he does better at a game he barely cares about than they do at the game they love/devote their time too. Really that is no reason to hate Chris G though.


PSN: Skkra
GGA 16 Bit, don't listen to any idiots. Too many people are gigantic whining children with nothing better to do than create random drama. You're the hypest hype man in MK9 for reasons like this. This is a great idea and will bring a lot of attention to MK.

Anyone who thinks Chris G isn't going to be threat, get the hell outta here. The guy is a world class player and a complete beast at every game he touches. He's without a doubt one of the smartest and fastest-adapting players in the scene today... it's like everyone ignores the fact that he's placed well at almost every MK event he's entered, and he doesn't even play the game. Now he's going to try and take the game seriously, he learns like Skynet, and oh yeah, he'll only be training with the dominicans, who happen to be some of the best in the world.

This is going to be a sick throwdown.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Its clear 16 Bit is only trying to get a friendly exhibition going with a nemesis of his. It has little to do with money.

16 Bit beat REO and then beat him in the runback. When a champion beats the same contender twice; thats it. The contender doesn't get to keep challenging him infintely until he wins. Thats silly. REO had his chance. 16 Bit no longer has any obligation to play him until fate decides otherwise.

Whats worse, is that its against KABAL. Who would want to MM a 3-7 matchup not in their favor? Who would place a bet when the odds are clearly not in their favor? Its ridiculous. I think even 16 Bit will admit you gotta play out of your ass to beat the best Kabal in the country...TWICE.

Give the guy a break. He's like, one of two people that even have a chance against Reo right now. The more they play, the more the law of averages kick in that Reo will win just because of the matchup. So unless you wanna see nothing but Reo winning every major from here on out, I'd say let 16 Bit keep whatever advantage he's got over Reo and lets see if Reo can overcome it when it matters most: In Tournament.


Emperor of the Moon
Is it a Money Match? Yes or No? Smh
He isn't telling you one is a money match and one is not. He is saying because 16bit originated one of the matches it is a different situation to someone coming to him with the match. Do you understand that distinction Yes or No?