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SoCal Regionals 2013: NYChris G to take on GGA 16 Bit in a Money Match


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
No shit, I flat out said strategically it's in my best interest not to do it. I did keep it real.

you went on for many minutes on how you do not and will not do money matches especially before a tourny and now theres a front page thing on you challeging someone to a money match before a tourny.
LBSH that looks odd.

also thats cool your playing reo for the charity stream, i sure GGA will pull out all the stops for the event and its a great type of thing for you guys to do

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
you went on for many minutes on how you do not and will not do money matches especially before a tourny and now theres a front page thing on you challeging someone to a money match before a tourny.
LBSH that looks odd.

I didn't, I've universally declined them for a year and a half. Now we have this non-MK player is calling out TYM and I wanted to challenge him. I want to make one exception but since I'm not allowed so be it. STORMS take this down.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I didn't, I've universally declined them for a year and a half. Now we have this non-MK player is calling out TYM and I wanted to challenge him. I want to make one exception but since I'm not allowed so be it. STORMS take this down.
man stop please,
if you read my 1st post you see i say this will bring in alot of views even from outside mk.
never said was a bad thing, just pointing out that its looks odd after the OBS show.
if it goes down ill be watching like im sure many others will


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I didn't, I've universally declined them for a year and a half. Now we have this non-MK player is calling out TYM and I wanted to challenge him. I want to make one exception but since I'm not allowed so be it. STORMS take this down.
Wtf? Why aren't you doing this?
man stop please,
if you read my 1st post you see i say this will bring in alot of views even from outside mk.
never said was a bad thing, just pointing out that its looks odd after the OBS show.
if it goes down ill be watching like im sure many others will

Who gives a fuck? Bit decided to change his mind and do what he wants to do. What's this "odd" thing you speak of? You act like nobody has ever changed their mind in the past ever for any reason no matter what ever ever ever ever ever.

Not everything is about the illuminati or "behind the scenes", can't the guy truly just want to play against Chris G in the style that he'd want to be played in any other game? Sounds more like respect to me brotato.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Who gives a fuck? Bit decided to change his mind and do what he wants to do. What's this "odd" thing you speak of? You act like nobody has ever changed their mind in the past ever for any reason no matter what ever ever ever ever ever.

Not everything is about the illuminati or "behind the scenes", can't the guy truly just want to play against Chris G in the style that he'd want to be played in any other game? Sounds more like respect to me brotato.
did u listen to that esp?
to go on such a rant about money matches to this very soon later, its odd man.

BUT i never wrote 16 bit couldnt change his mind or now he HAS to mm reo that hes mm chris g or anything stupid like that.
i never mentioned anything of illuminati or behind the scenes, i did state im sure 16bit and reo did know what story was but i was mentioning how it looked to those who didnt, if thats what u meant

the most important thing i said was..it will get views...and from outside the mk world. thats the ONLY really thing that matters
did u listen to that esp?
to go on such a rant about money matches to this very soon later, its odd man.
I do not watch OBS. Nor do I care if you think something is odd or not. This isn't an every day opportunity; a chance to play a PRACTICED Chris G in MK9? If I were Bit i'd be pursuing that too. And i'd be busy blindly shouting support at him instead of questioning his motives.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

It's Perfect Legend before Frosty Faustings all over again.

Doubt as far as the eye could see, then he won the damn thing.

This all depends on Chris.
I personally would love to see a serious, "I'm gonna give as much of a legitimate fuck as I possibly can about this game" comeback from Mr. G, for no reason more complicated that he's one of my favorite players out there. And let's face it, the guy is a draw, and a full-fledged return would be a great way to start spurring interest from the scene at large going into 2013, especially if it maybe led to others of a higher standing from his neck of the woods coming back around with a serious effort.

Anything that can be done to unify different parts of the scene at large is a positive, IMO.
And opening the year with the return of the "Phenom" to serious Kombat commitment against the defending SCR champion? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Let's go.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I do not watch OBS. Nor do I care if you think something is odd or not. This isn't an every day opportunity; a chance to play a PRACTICED Chris G in MK9? If I were Bit i'd be pursuing that too. And i'd be busy blindly shouting support at him instead of questioning his motives.
lol when did i say anyone cares about what i think about anything.

im supporting it happening but im also free to write my opinion on how dodgy it looked one man would make such a strong stand to flip so soon ,no matter if 16 bit was fighting diago or any other well known FGC member, sure i wasnt even the 1st to bring in up

so just to restate it so its clear, this is a good thing and should happen.
end of story.
no need for drama.
feel free to edit my 1st post or any other if you feel it has effected the thread


I normally do not do money matches. I made this challenge because it's such a funny situation and it's not likely Chris G would play be otherwise. I told REO if he wanted to play me just come ot the GGA room and we did.

However, since I cannot make a single exception and am now being blown up I will go ahead and call it off.
Lbsh, you calling it off is props fishing. You know we all want you to do the money match and we're all going to beg you to carry through with it


To Achieve, You must Believe
GGA 16 Bit
You gotta go follow through with it, especially since you tweeted him and got his hopes up! the fact all these foos are you blowing up for it seems very unfair... and ruins the hype for it. I see where your coming from, as MK player and fighting a non mk player.. but still to each their own ......i definitely would agree on the MM


Positive Poster!
I see no point in calling characters brain-dead, personally. It's not like it's a surprise that certain characters are easy to win with while others are hard to win with. All the same, getting angry over computer games and pointing fingers going "you don't press buttons nearly as proficiently as I do, thus I shun you kind sir!" makes just about as much sense as me claiming Jade to be top 5.
We don't stop, though. :D


GGA 16 Bit makes a big issue on how doesnt do money matches, then this.
why couldnt he just be fully honest that it was only because it was REO challeging why he said no, not just added as a sidenote when he was talking about fear of his gimmicks being found out and wanting to play reo as little as possible outside tourny.

withstanding that 16bit is a great player and chris g is a well known FGC member so it will def bring the views in....even outside mk

Agreed... But I applaud GGA 16 Bit coming out the Money Match Closet..

At first glance one can criticize him for saying what he said in the past about mm's BUT BUT BUT humans are certainly aloud to change their mind and go for the gusto...

I totally 100% applaud 16 Bit and Chris Geeeeezus for setting this up... LBSH the views on this match , if properly setup up can breaks some records.. People like the OBS crew, Triforce, 995 Phil, Sp00ky etc etc should talk about this and multiple FGC fans across multiple games will watch this..