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It used to have about as much armor as exTU(not much), now it has armor up to when the first hit lands/whiffs. I personally think it's now fair because its her only viable wakeup. This of course comes from a completely unbiased person who mains Sonya.
BF4 is a wake up. ღ


The Saltan of Salt
So is ex arc kick, both are punishable on block. Kartwheel is punishable by a well timed njp, but its the best option, seeing as how its safe on block.


The Free Meter Police
It used to have about as much armor as exTU(not much), now it has armor up to when the first hit lands/whiffs. I personally think it's now fair because its her only viable wakeup. This of course comes from a completely unbiased person who mains Sonya.
Wait... since when did exTU ever have armor? lol. i main sektor and can tell you it definitely does not have armor.


Online Punching Bag
So since the dash nerf I seem to have a fair bit of difficulty getting in on Reptile, I fought one last night running away and kept alternation between acid spit and slow and fast acidballs. When I try an arc kick and they do a slow acid ball, I tend to get caught by it, if I keep dash blocking, I get hit by one thing or the other when they do the slow acid ball and the spit, if I keep advancing slowly I'm taking alot of chip damage. Suggestions?


"Thanks" button abuser.
Replace 1+3 for R1?




Now playin' on the PS3 pad with oldskool kontroller preset became so much easier!

thx guys. rly ty.


Bison of Beat Downs
I've been in this situation before and I don't know if I was just lucky, but I used the dive kick as a quick jump over projectiles and then crouch block the ones coming too fast.


" Bros before Hoes"
ive got mad problems going into MS after 114. every time i attempt 114~MS she does 114~db4 :confused:. if wait too long nothing comes out after 114. any advice would be helped, thx beforehand.
Release the "4" before you press db~2. If you release it after you press d b, you get db 4, 2... hence the arc kick :p


MSB2 NJP Kiss Divekick 21 Cartwheel B21F2 112 more consistent and still 39%
Yes, I've been using this week as punishment :) (I like your playing technique for Sonya) How do you look at what we used to DK as a punishment, such as in Baraka d,f+2(In general, what complex sentences with DK you know?)

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
D4 MS F1 on hit or block cannot be avoided.

MS B4 after a block string cant be interrupted, overhead can be beaten by KLs spin, all can be armoured out of

Blockstrings into X-Rays too

D4 MSF1 is her main one, 10% everytime it lands, as well as a mixup situation that opens either a F4 overhead, JIP, throw etc.


I probably already know the answer to this, but if the D4 in the string D4xxMSF1 whiffs, you can't cancel into MS right?


come at me
sorry for not reading and sorry if its been answered but i think im going to pick sonya up and become the number 1 sonya in the usa. I will beat morty for the title with my new tech lol.

Is 312 cartwheel, 11, 312 carwheel an infinite or is it just working cause im doing it in practice mode? lol


sorry for not reading and sorry if its been answered but i think im going to pick sonya up and become the number 1 sonya in the usa. I will beat morty for the title with my new tech lol.

Is 312 cartwheel, 11, 312 carwheel an infinite or is it just working cause im doing it in practice mode? lol
312 is neutral on block.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Been looking for uses for her less used MS attacks, MS 4 in the corner acts as 2 things:

1. On block it should roughly space you to around D4 distance so it means you can either D4 them if they stay grounded or AA them if they jump, its also 3% chip. Obviously its gonna depend on the opponents reaction but its a favourable situation for Sonya

2. On hit its combo-able into 29% for what I've found so far, this is good because you can just reset the situation to what it was at the beginning.

Also its mid hitting which means if the opponent presses anything other than block they're gonna get launched since they'd already be in block stun

Has anybody else made any uses for her other Ms attacks that are practical?