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Question Tournament Brackets: Who should do them?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
GGA 16 Bit
GGA Soonk
Claude VonStroke



Big D
STB Shujinkydink
STB TakeAChance
Mr. Mileena
CD jr
Tom Brady
GGA Dizzy
Im working w crimson in creating a system for FR bracket pool seeding and the bracket outside the top 16 seeds will be done pubicily randomized online on a FR MK9 special show on my stream w shin blank in attendance and all invited to see the bracket make itself and proof no one had a hand in f ing with it

In summary

seed 16 top players who have pre registered based on tourney results from evo 2012 to fr march 2013 of all players who pre registered using crimson's system

Separate the 16 as so per bracket per this way:

1,16 2,15 3,14 4,13 <-----TOP HALF OF THE EACH OF THE FOUR BRACKETS

Make it public

Post bracket public and make the bracket pubicly by generating the other registers into each of the brackets at random on a live stream for all the see.

Use this as an event and present the seeded players in order w a PowerPoint presentation for WCW hype and explain why they are seeded where they are explaing each of the point systems


Post bracket 3-5 days before tourney online for all the study and see
Registers at the door will not be cared for or seeded



Pig Of The Hut whats ur thoughts on 128 man brackets being 4 pools of 32 players or do u prefer 8 pools of 16 players? i personally had a issue with this at nec seeing 8 pools and felt it should have been 4 pools with the amount of people we had and it would give more of a chance for players to get more games in thats how i feel.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig Of The Hut whats ur thoughts on 128 man brackets being 4 pools of 32 players or do u prefer 8 pools of 16 players? i personally had a issue with this at nec seeing 8 pools and felt it should have been 4 pools with the amount of people we had and it would give more of a chance for players to get more games in thats how i feel.
4 pools
32 each

No question

Run 2 pools at once

2 streams one per pool

This is how FR will run


4 pools
32 each

No question

Run 2 pools at once

2 streams one per pool

This is how FR will run
thank u im glad u feel the way i do i really hate the 8 pool 16 players thing i think it sucks major ballz and it should never be 8 pools unless u got 256 players then i can see that happen.


Alternative-Fact Checker
Because I'm tagged, I'll say my peace.

No more wack ass seeding. We seed the best and the brightest, and that's it.

Other than that, I don't see the issue that the community seems to have with Grassroots TO's. Why the fuck would I want a backroom group to determine the brackets when shit has been going pretty well for years? I've yet to see evidence.

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
from what i gather it ABSOLUTELY has to be:

Someone who isnt playing in the tourney

Who can work with TO

Who has no ties to any players attending

Who also know all there is know of the scene

I agree 100%
One problem with these requirements...

...no one like this exists...


Administrator and Community Engineer
One problem with these requirements...

...no one like this exists...
Yeah, I think the proposed system will solve that issue.. Because instead of guesswork, it'll just be based on previous tourney results + location for the top X number of players, and then random seeds for the rest -- straightforward and removes most of the 'riggability'.

With access to the full list of results for midsized to major-sized tournies, you could seed as deeply as you wanted to from actual records+region, and then leave the rest up to the dice.

There are just a couple of wrinkles that need to be worked out.. For example, if 16bit and Fill Pops are in the same tournament, do they need to be separated because they're on the same team, even if according to tourney results they should be drastically diff. seeds (FP would probably be unseeded)?


One problem with these requirements...

...no one like this exists...
Yeah that's the biggest issue of people suggesting it should only be TO's doing the brackets. No one knows the MK scene better than the MK players and the TOs, as involved as they are in the FGC, we can't expect ShinBlanka, Big E, SweetJohnnyCage to be up to date on who is in the same scene, etc. and who are the top name players.

If we leave it to only TOs it'll be basically putting the list of registers on a Challonge bracket, clicking random and just setting that bracket in stone. with the possibility of stupid matches in the first couple rounds. (E.g., 16Bit vs. Pig in regular bracket then in Loser's one of these guys facing another top player in loser's.)

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
Im working w crimson in creating a system for FR bracket pool seeding and the bracket outside the top 16 seeds will be done pubicily randomized online on a FR MK9 special show on my stream w shin blank in attendance and all invited to see the bracket make itself and proof no one had a hand in f ing with it

In summary

seed 16 top players who have pre registered based on tourney results from evo 2012 to fr march 2013 of all players who pre registered using crimson's system

Separate the 16 as so per bracket per this way:

1,16 2,15 3,14 4,13 <-----TOP HALF OF THE EACH OF THE FOUR BRACKETS

Make it public

Post bracket public and make the bracket pubicly by generating the other registers into each of the brackets at random on a live stream for all the see.

Use this as an event and present the seeded players in order w a PowerPoint presentation for WCW hype and explain why they are seeded where they are explaing each of the point systems


Post bracket 3-5 days before tourney online for all the study and see
Registers at the door will not be cared for or seeded

I like it.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
Bullshit noone like that exists. Dark rob and jamesmk are both willing to not play and set shit up, and I'm sure there are others like them elsewhere. Here in Chicago we have CurlyW, who even goes so far to pot monster every game he runs(he signs up but never plays, even MK).

The problem lies in the system being used.

I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracketing process. For this, there needs to be a generic process that TOs can use, even if they aren't in the MK loop.

We already have a ranking system in place; it's called the NFG. If you tell a TO to seed by NFG rank, then region, then random, your brackets should come out well enough. It can't be much different from Evo; you'd just be using NFG points rather than Evo points. Obviously this won't be as detailed as seeding by hand, but I think it'll be close enough as well as simple enough for any TO to do without input from the players.
Bullshit noone like that exists. Dark rob and jamesmk are both willing to not play and set shit up, and I'm sure there are others like them elsewhere. Here in Chicago we have CurlyW, who even goes so far to pot monster every game he runs(he signs up but never plays, even MK).

The problem lies in the system being used.

I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracketing process. For this, there needs to be a generic process that TOs can use, even if they aren't in the MK I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracketing process. For this, there needs to be a generic process that TOs can use, even if they aren't in the MK I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracke
Did Soonk just have a stroke?


Go to hell.
Bullshit noone like that exists. Dark rob and jamesmk are both willing to not play and set shit up, and I'm sure there are others like them elsewhere. Here in Chicago we have CurlyW, who even goes so far to pot monster every game he runs(he signs up but never plays, even MK).

The problem lies in the system being used.

I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracketing process. For this, there needs to be a generic process that TOs can use, even if they aren't in the MK I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracketing process. For this, there needs to be a generic process that TOs can use, even if they aren't in the MK I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracke


Administrator and Community Engineer
I find Pig's idea to be interesting, and it will work so long as it remains transparent. However, not every tournament is going to be run by guys that feel like streaming the seeding/bracketing process. For this, there needs to be a generic process that TOs can use, even if they aren't in the MK loop.

We already have a ranking system in place; it's called the NFG. If you tell a TO to seed by NFG rank, then region, then random, your brackets should come out well enough. It can't be much different from Evo; you'd just be using NFG points rather than Evo points. Obviously this won't be as detailed as seeding by hand, but I think it'll be close enough as well as simple enough for any TO to do without input from the players.
This process is what I've been harping about all day.. NFG is pretty bad, doesn't include enough players or placements, and it's not based on the most accurate data. The replacement I'm working on is 100x better and much more inclusive of everything happening that's relevant to placements and brackets.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
This process is what I've been harping about all day.. NFG is pretty bad, doesn't include enough players or placements, and it's not based on the most accurate data. The replacement I'm working on is 100x better and much more inclusive of everything happening that's relevant to placements and brackets.
Your process convolutes things. NFG is close enough that you can show to any TO and they can make you a decent bracket.
The point we should be aiming for is uniformity, and for that you must have simplicity. It's probably much easier to convince a TO to use NFG than your TYM user made tier list.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Your process convolutes things. NFG is close enough that you can show to any TO and they can make you a decent bracket.
The point we should be aiming for is uniformity, and for that you must have simplicity. It's probably much easier to convince a TO to use NFG than your TYM user made tier list.
1) It's not a user list
2) It's not TYM-made
3) The thread is not the system -- it was just a way of collecting the necessary information
4) It's far simpler than NFG, but powerful and far deeper and more accurate. Much more easily searchable and easier to get the information you need. Think about how simple the frame data bot is and how it consolidates information that was on 100 diff. pages
5) It will look much more professional than NFG once it's formatted.

So lets see.. More professional, easier to use, better data and far more accurate.. Now explain to me how that's a complication.

And honestly NFG is pretty irrelevant anyway.. It ranks a total of 20 people, several of whom hardly even compete any longer.. So how can you use that to seed current tournaments? "Well we seeded the top5..." Lets be real.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I would not go to a tournament where the brackets are done by a TYM dude or in a smoke filled room full of TYM illumanati. Period.

We all know this is a non starter anyway. None of the serious majors are going to hand over responsibilty to guys on TYM. Just try suggesting to Kiets that Boxy does the brackets for UFGT.

Can we be serious about this?
Then call it a test bracket.
I'd be doing a bunch of stuff with it before the show where it wouldn't affect anything aside from my imagination anyway, but TL;DR version is that since the brackets are never done until right before the shows regardless, I collect the names as time goes on/as many names are confirmed leading up to the day before the show, rack them up accordingly in a way that makes sense via region, stable, and accomplishments, and present them to whoever's officially given the job. If they like it, they keep it. If not, at least they'll have a template of some sort to work with for their official decision/assembly of the show.
They can keep it or lose it, it's all good, I just want to be helpful, as I'm pretty sure I could do a decent job.

from what i gather it ABSOLUTELY has to be:

Someone who isnt playing in the tourney
Wouldn't be an issue. Check.

Who can work with TO
I'm all for joining forces with the elders to make things work. And I'm smart. Ish. Check.

Who has no ties to any players attending
No clan, no sponsor, no regional rep, no troll rep, and no high-standing friend who wouldn't be more upset with me if I DID show them favoritism than if I did. Check.

Who also know all there is know of the scene
Put a name in front of me, and I'll either know them, or dig around/ask them directly on TYM to ascertain their identity before racking them up in the test bracket. I doubt anyone anyone would really object to it if it meant a smoother running tourney in the long run.

Up to you guys. I really think I could be of use.


I guess we're pretty spoiled in Toronto as we don't have issues like this. NeoRussell plays every game and knows every scene. Plus, there are a lot of upstanding guys that are trustworthy enough that we can let them play and help with the brackets. Russell will even try to accomodate special requests occasionally (like if someone plays the same person often in the first round, he'll switch things up if he can). So my opinion on this is a little different I guess. I don't see a problem with letting people who are playing help out since it has never been an issue for us. At the end of the day, there's always someone that feels they got put in a ruff pool or forced to face their friends in the second round or something, but that's not the TO's problem.

I hope a streamlined process can be developed so that huge events like NEC run as smooth as possible. Getting everyone to agree/conform will be the hard part.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I guess we're pretty spoiled in Toronto as we don't have issues like this. NeoRussell plays every game and knows every scene. Plus, there are a lot of upstanding guys that are trustworthy enough that we can let them play and help with the brackets. Russell will even try to accomodate special requests occasionally (like if someone plays the same person often in the first round, he'll switch things up if he can). So my opinion on this is a little different I guess. I don't see a problem with letting people who are playing help out since it has never been an issue for us. At the end of the day, there's always someone that feels they got put in a ruff pool or forced to face their friends in the second round or something, but that's not the TO's problem.

I hope a streamlined process can be developed so that huge events like NEC run as smooth as possible. Getting everyone to agree/conform will be the hard part.
I like the name neorusell

I might speak with him on this


can you comment on my idea?

Im working w crimson in creating a system for FR bracket pool seeding and the bracket outside the top 16 seeds will be done pubicily randomized online on a FR MK9 special show on my stream w shin blank in attendance and all invited to see the bracket make itself and proof no one had a hand in f ing with it

In summary

seed 16 top players who have pre registered based on tourney results from evo 2012 to fr march 2013 of all players who pre registered using crimson's system

Separate the 16 as so per bracket per this way:

1,16 2,15 3,14 4,13 <-----TOP HALF OF THE EACH OF THE FOUR BRACKETS

Make it public

Post bracket public and make the bracket pubicly by generating the other registers into each of the brackets at random on a live stream for all the see.

Use this as an event and present the seeded players in order w a PowerPoint presentation for WCW hype and explain why they are seeded where they are explaing each of the point systems


Post bracket 3-5 days before tourney online for all the study and see
Registers at the door will not be cared for or seeded
