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Question Tournament Brackets: Who should do them?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
So whats it gonna be. Pig is right, we need a solution to this.

My thoughts are that 4-6 people (maybe from each region) are in charge of seeding every major grass roots tournament whether they go to compete or not. These would be considered the elders of tournaments and should be elected based on knowledge of players, and integrity to respect the power they have. Im not sure af all who I think should be on this team but I know for sure that I want...

OSU 16 bit

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
If we were to allowed tournament Participants
16 bit to me is a shoe in then Someone from Atl, NE and WC

Other way to think about it is this these 4 could make a seeding list and do a SKYPE live show call, insert the seedings, randomize the bracket online for all to see and that my friends is the bracket

NO BITCHING from there on out as it was all done in front of everyone


Plays too much Civ
I agree with the notion that those who are elders should probably sit out for THAT tournament. I still feel there should be a rotation and that it should be a community effort. Obviously, we can't ask players who are regular top 8'ers or top 8 threats to do it because it is asking them to sacrifice potential EVO points depending on how far this goes.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I agree with the notion that those who are elders should probably sit out for THAT tournament. I still feel there should be a rotation and that it should be a community effort. Obviously, we can't ask players who are regular top 8'ers or top 8 threats to do it because it is asking them to sacrifice potential EVO points depending on how far this goes.
yea if mk9 is at evo 2013 f that im playing

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I agree with the notion that those who are elders should probably sit out for THAT tournament. I still feel there should be a rotation and that it should be a community effort. Obviously, we can't ask players who are regular top 8'ers or top 8 threats to do it because it is asking them to sacrifice potential EVO points depending on how far this goes.
We cannot make it a community thing. When too many people are involved it will never get done.

It has to be the same people everytime. and good luck getting people to do it if they have to sit out of a tourny.

Here is why I dont see an issue with the bracket organizers playing:
1) Honestly if you have 4-6 competitive players, they will not want the other players to have easy rides.
2) These people are elected because of their integrity

there wont be any issue...as long as it isnt a community wide list...lol at this ever working


TYM White Knight
Reposting this here.

If you do pre regs and all grass roots do the pre reg rules, I will make all brackets for free. Seriously, why the hell aren't people using Challonge for this? Everyone can see the brackets as the tournament goes then. It's much more intuitive. I am dead serious here. I will spend every single weekend doing brackets or at least seeding them. Completely unbiased, for every tournament. For every bracket fuck up I will donate 5 dollars to the community.


TYM White Knight
I can do this from my home. Seriously, as long as pre reg is the rule, I could do the brackets. Completely unbiased, and I am willing to put my money on the line to prove that.


TYM White Knight
I have hella bracket experience man. Stems waaaaay back from leadership class in grade 12 lol. But I have done countless Online tournaments in the past (mostly random seeds) but I know I could do this and do it right.


TYM White Knight
But this is how I envision this working. 1. We use Challonge. I create the bracket, TO's get login access and can update the bracket as the tournament goes on. Community gets to see the bracket at every tournament, and TO's don't have to worry about the mess of creating them the day of the tournament.

This of course all hinges on pre reg becoming the standard.


I don't think competitors should do the brackets imo, when you sign up it asks for your state so seeding goes accordingly. The to's or someone that knows the scene but not competing should do brackets

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I think this council idea is dumb/impractical. It also completely violates one of the tenets of bracket making, and that is to not allow players involved in the bracket making.

Here is how I think it should be run for the grassroots majors: Take X top seeds, X second seeds and place them in X brackets, respect region and random otherwise. 16 player pools maximum, 8 player minimum with pool amounts in the power of 2. That let's the top 12.5-25% of players be seeded depending on entrants. If TOs don't know the MK scene they can ask for input on who should be seeded (NOT where they should be seeded or how they should be seeded), other than that no player should have a hand in the generating of brackets what so ever.

CurlyW is best bracket maker I know and was a pivotal element in making UFGT8 (most well run grassroot major) go smoothly, I think he should give his input too.

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
To avoid drama, make sure the people who make the brackets have no special ties with the competitors. If that means people from outside the scene, so be it; but then they NEED to do their homework on who's who...

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I agree with Dizzy. We don't need convoluted Illumanati bullshit.

We also need to stop seeding a million players. A major the scale of NEC shouldn't be seeding guys that win locals or hyped up online players. Seed the top guys and seperate regions and go. Enough with the nonsense. MLG does it right except needs to be a little better at region seeding.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
A panel...of players who aren't friends and not from the same region. Outspoken people aren't scared to scold or chastise ridiculous divas. ;)