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Most Memorable Moment...and Most Disappointing Moment.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
We all have them, especially offline players.
Memorable Moment: NEC XII, Match Vs Noobe

This match was the last time I ever had tournament freights. My scrubby online Cage gimmicked harder than ever in this match.

Most Disappointing Moment: ECT4 Match Vs Gamma is Back

You see the amount of disappoint towards the end of the match.
Most memorable: Looking like a complete idiot in my match vs. ninjapendence day on stream at UFGT8.
Most disappointing: Looking like a complete idiot in my match vs. ninjapendence day on stream at UFGT8.


NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Most memorable: Looking like a complete idiot in my match vs. ninjapendence day on stream at UFGT8.
Most disappointing: Looking like a complete idiot in my match vs. ninjapendence day on stream at UFGT8.

your emoness is overwhelming.
No one should ever feel like an idiot in this game. I mean ...... :)


Most memorable moment: Beating Detroit and placing top 8 at EVO

Most disapointing moment: Going 2-2 with Waffles and getting down to the last match, last round, and getting hit by that abnormally long-lasting Cage X-ray to lose the set.

Or going up on Insuperable and Winter Warz and Tyrant 2-0 and letting them comeback 3 games straight and take the set. I have alot of disappointing moments lol


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Most memorable moment: Beating Detroit and placing top 8 at EVO

Most disapointing moment: Going 2-2 with Waffles and getting down to the last match, last round, and getting hit by that abnormally long-lasting Cage X-ray to lose the set.

Or going up on Insuperable and Winter Warz and Tyrant 2-0 and letting them comeback 3 games straight and take the set. I have alot of disappointing moments lol
I was disappointed you didn't eat more McChicken's during SB


your emoness is overwhelming.
No one should ever feel like an idiot in this game. I mean ...... :)
Especially when compared to me ;)

Most Memorable Moment: God, there's so many! I'd have to say my MOST memorable was walking into my first major (Toryuken). Seeing all the players and feeling like I was part of something "major", it was just oodles of hype :D

Most Disappointing Moment: Losing to a fucking 10 yr old in DoA at a local. I haven't touched DoA since :mad:


I was disappointed you didn't eat more McChicken's during SB
Dude, after I got eliminated from the tournament I walked up to Mcdonalds and bought 6 McChickens and a large chocolate shake. What do you mean lol. 6 is enough for one sitting


Most disappointing is how dismal I played in a tourney in Mexico in front of a hot guy..

Most memorable, doing an interview in Dallas and getting called STD Goldfish - which made me laugh, and I was already nervous, so the interviewer says, "Oh, I'm sorry! We'll edit that out. Want to show us your box?" In reference to the hitbox, but I lost it and started laughing so hard they had to turn the camera off until I collected myself.

Maturity. I haz it.

By the way, the interviews are somewhere on the Internet. It's called Drunk Plane (plain?) podcast or something. I'm not sure. I haven't wanted to look lol.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Dude, after I got eliminated from the tournament I walked up to Mcdonalds and bought 6 McChickens and a large chocolate shake. What do you mean lol. 6 is enough for one sitting
6 McChickens...somewhere in the world Joey Chestnut is laughing.

Which one?
The one in the spring because McDonald's stopped selling them due to a chicken shortage that hit around May and they weren't available for SB:A

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
which you did!!!
Now if only he would stay there!

most memorable moments for me were

3. The first time walking into an MLG event.

2. Getting top 8 at a major for the first time (Revelations 2011)

1. Most of all was meeting everybody for the first time at Evo 2011. Especially in Silent's timeshare and Farmer's room.

Most disappointing was losing to Xblades my first match at Evo 2012. I just wish it hadn't been someone I played all the time.

Also maybe tied for disappointing is learning that I don't think we're getting paid for Revelations 2012.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Most memorable, hitting 16 Bit with my x-Ray gimmick thing during the Anaheim casuals. That was the only reason I fought him.

Most disappointing:


EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Most memorable, hitting 16 Bit with my x-Ray gimmick thing during the Anaheim casuals. That was the only reason I fought him.

Most disappointing:

aww you looked so sad at MLG Anaheim!

Although my BEST win against you was to decide who had to sleep on the small couch at Krayzie's.


A prop on the stage of life.
Most disappointing is how dismal I played in a tourney in Mexico in front of a hot guy..

Most memorable, doing an interview in Dallas and getting called STD Goldfish - which made me laugh, and I was already nervous, so the interviewer says, "Oh, I'm sorry! We'll edit that out. Want to show us your box?" In reference to the hitbox, but I lost it and started laughing so hard they had to turn the camera off until I collected myself.

Maturity. I haz it.

By the way, the interviews are somewhere on the Internet. It's called Drunk Plane (plain?) podcast or something. I'm not sure. I haven't wanted to look lol.
Looks like he just recently started uploading MLG videos. Your interview isn't there yet. Wasn't hard to find. :)

Anyway, on topic of this thread.

Most memorable: Beating Moe30w in the Ermac mirror. My story always starts with "3 Ermacs at this tourney, small, medium, and large"(Me being small, Jeremiah being medium, and Moe being large) lol Actually that and playing against pimpimjim despite losing.

Most disappointing: Losing to Digimon at CH3, promising my revenge, and then choking on stream when we met again a year later at UFGT8.


missiles are coming
I've never taken the game seriously enough to have dramatic highs or lows.

My favorite moments probably come from MLG Columbus; it was a great group of buds to travel with.

I guess we'll see if I have a greatly disappointing moment at NEC...

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
Most memorable: Winning my first real MK tournament at ReSe back in june.
Most embarassing: Final Round 13, $50 mm vs Marn. I just had learned SF4 about 2 months back and I found myself competing at professional level with the pros. Gimped a style change and accidentally taunted with Gen.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Most memorable moment: Beating Detroit and placing top 8 at EVO

Most disapointing moment: Going 2-2 with Waffles and getting down to the last match, last round, and getting hit by that abnormally long-lasting Cage X-ray to lose the set.

Or going up on Insuperable and Winter Warz and Tyrant 2-0 and letting them comeback 3 games straight and take the set. I have alot of disappointing moments lol
Winter Warz did that to me to knock me out at Raleigh. Glad to know it wasn't just me haha

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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Most dissapointing = Losing to CDjr at Final round and being told to go back to canada :(
But when he told you that you should have just said

"I Plan to, Monday at 2pm, Ill be going home to see my family and In fact ill buy a movie on the plane home..........Pig will take me to airport maybe we'll stop by for some chick fila, I want 8 nuggets possibly 12 with chick fila an BBQ sauce, IDK MAYBE A SWEET TEA, maybe stop at Home depot after we pick up the food, BUT IDK IF WE'RE GOING TO HAVE ENOUGH TIME, can you recommend a MITER saw? I NEED MITER MITER MITER - WHY IS MY BACK ALWAYS WET?"

This would have been epic and would have made you look insane

I do this sometimes and people have no f ing idea what to say do or what reaction to make

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Most Memorable:
Making top 8 EVO 2012 - it was a dream/goal
Hanging out with all of you and meeting you guys. Seriously some of the best friends and people Id like to hang out w daily.
All my matches w the Terry Brothers. They're insanely good and 2 of my favorite people ive met. Id be at their house everyday if they lived in atl

Most Disappointing
Not being able to make NEC this year
Getting my back blown out by Kabals until I figued out the MU and went to dallas prepared only to be HELLA dissapointed that no Kabal was in sight until Grand finals in my path.

Most exciting: That fictious time stb shujinkydink and I went to home depot for miter saw shopping only to pick up a towell to dry his back, after picking up chick fila and discussing what movie he should rent on the plane ride home


Come On Die Young
Most memorable would be any of these:
- almost sending Perfect Legend to losers in front of hundreds of people
- making it to grand finals at a tournament vs Death
- making it out of my pool at Evo
- beating AC1984 at Flawless Victory and making him throw his stick against the wall

Most disappointing:
- being eliminated 3-0 by Smarrgasm (im sorry lol). i almost threw my controller in the garbage on my salty walk up to my room
- choking against PL and not finishing him off
- losing to CD on stream without being able to get a round