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Most Memorable Moment...and Most Disappointing Moment.


I'm a literal Sloth
Most memorable would be any of these:
- almost sending Perfect Legend to losers in front of hundreds of people
- making it to grand finals at a tournament vs Death
- making it out of my pool at Evo
- beating AC1984 at Flawless Victory and making him throw his stick against the wall

Most disappointing:
- being eliminated 3-0 by Smarrgasm (im sorry lol). i almost threw my controller in the garbage on my salty walk up to my room
- choking against PL and not finishing him off
- losing to CD on stream without being able to get a round

Damn there's a first time for everything eh? ;)

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Most memorable include:
- beating showtime in tournament
- beating waffelz in a 3-7 mu at anaheim
- beating chris g at NCR ( yea lol i know but it was a turning point for me. I became a better tourney player that day)
- making it out of my pool at evo and getting top 16 at dallas
- winning pig's redo tourney and proving my point ;)

Most disappointing:
- getting beat by detroit
- choking against 16 bit and dizzy.
- choking against pig

Phase 3

Feels Good Man

So hard to top the 30k van.

Also, the WNBA vs MAK 5v5 was ridiculously hype so that gets a mention.


Leaving my PS3 controller at MikeMetroid's for like 5 months. He's passing it off to 7L or STH at NEC so maybe we'll finally be reunited in the near future.