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Almost another Denver CO Tragedy


Getting better with age
A few more incidents like this and I could see most movies going digital or straight to dvd/bluray.
The movie theater industry is hurting anyway without the danger of sick people shooting up the place.
After the tickets the popcorn, the sodas, the big box of candy, who has any $ left to splurge on kevlar?


You're sitting there creating fictional scenarios and I'm talking about reality. And you've defeated your own argument when you said you can "kill people without guns" ... You can protect yourself without guns Sal. You're reciting some ancient backwoods ignorance here... Stop being stupid and look at reality.... People are shooting up theathers with GUNS.. Not "toxic chemicals" as you're pretending
New member, 15 messages, and arguing with a top dog about the second amendment? salival is right, you can kill people even with a nail clipper , all it takes it is a killer mind and you will find a way to kill regardless, now you can't defend yourself against a killer if the killer is better armed than you.
firearms are made for long range killing kid, one person with one of those assault riffles can kill dozens of unarmed people and these can't do anything else but run, but also one armed person amongst those dozens can take out the killer if he has a long range weapon and save the others. think about it before posting, read about history and the bill of rights of our constitution, banning weapons won't solve anything, it will just make us feel powerless and thrust our live on some other humans with dirty minds like we have.
i can get weapons way cheaper here in the bronx illegally than buying them in the weapon shop and having a background check. Who told you these killers wont get their weapons or whatever it takes to kill if they are legal or not?
The killer will kill regardless, next time you go to a theater get a weapon for yourself and take it there, just in case someone start shooting you can defend yourself.


New member, 15 messages, and arguing with a top dog about the second amendment? salival is right, you can kill people even with a nail clipper , all it takes it is a killer mind and you will find a way to kill regardless, now you can't defend yourself against a killer if the killer is better armed than you.
firearms are made for long range killing kid, one person with one of those assault riffles can kill dozens of unarmed people and these can't do anything else but run, but also one armed person amongst those dozens can take out the killer if he has a long range weapon and save the others. think about it before posting, read about history and the bill of rights of our constitution, banning weapons won't solve anything, it will just make us feel powerless and thrust our live on some other humans with dirty minds like we have.
i can get weapons way cheaper here in the bronx illegally than buying them in the weapon shop and having a background check. Who told you these killers wont get their weapons or whatever it takes to kill if they are legal or not?
The killer will kill regardless, next time you go to a theater get a weapon for yourself and take it there, just in case someone start shooting you can defend yourself.
Much respect to you Maxter, but I think you're only looking at this from one perspective. A killer will find ways to kill sure, but I doubt the guy who shot up the theater at TDKR would have been able to kill as many people as he did if he didn't have access to the kind of guns that he had. It's one thing for people to be able to buy guns to defend themselves, it's another when they can have access to the type of ammunition that man had. The guy had enough guns and bullets to shoot up a city. So it's tough to say gun control won't solve anything.


Do not touch me again.
It still makes it more complicated regardless. I was only stating it doesn't make it impossible. I'm stupid? If you think this government gives two shits about you, wants you to have the right to protect yourself, good health, clean water, and natural foods then you are a hopeless moron. Maybe evaluate the degrading the of 2nd amendment, the fact we have health care worse then 3rd worlds countries such as Cuba, add the fact the government adds fluoride to your tap water and pesticide and preserving chemicals to your food and then take a seat and see what you come up with. Stfu son. You're uneducated.
lol good god you went from NRA activist to full-on anarchist conspiracy theorist. love it. let me guess: the end game for you is sitting in your hand-built cabin out in Maine waiting for the national guard to close in on your home base. You'll be ready, though, because your cabin is stocked with black market AK-47s that the government 'tried to keep from you.' Could it be, though, that the second amendment is just a government ploy to give you a false sense of security? Hmmmm... yes. Watch out for those 'chemtrails', bro.

New member, 15 messages, and arguing with a top dog about the second amendment? salival is right, you can kill people even with a nail clipper , all it takes it is a killer mind and you will find a way to kill regardless, now you can't defend yourself against a killer if the killer is better armed than you.
firearms are made for long range killing kid, one person with one of those assault riffles can kill dozens of unarmed people and these can't do anything else but run, but also one armed person amongst those dozens can take out the killer if he has a long range weapon and save the others. think about it before posting, read about history and the bill of rights of our constitution, banning weapons won't solve anything, it will just make us feel powerless and thrust our live on some other humans with dirty minds like we have.
i can get weapons way cheaper here in the bronx illegally than buying them in the weapon shop and having a background check. Who told you these killers wont get their weapons or whatever it takes to kill if they are legal or not?
The killer will kill regardless, next time you go to a theater get a weapon for yourself and take it there, just in case someone start shooting you can defend yourself.
I can only wish that the murderer in Aurora had been equipped with just a nail clipper.


New member, 15 messages, and arguing with a top dog about the second amendment? salival is right, you can kill people even with a nail clipper , all it takes it is a killer mind and you will find a way to kill regardless, now you can't defend yourself against a killer if the killer is better armed than you.
firearms are made for long range killing kid, one person with one of those assault riffles can kill dozens of unarmed people and these can't do anything else but run, but also one armed person amongst those dozens can take out the killer if he has a long range weapon and save the others. think about it before posting, read about history and the bill of rights of our constitution, banning weapons won't solve anything, it will just make us feel powerless and thrust our live on some other humans with dirty minds like we have.
i can get weapons way cheaper here in the bronx illegally than buying them in the weapon shop and having a background check. Who told you these killers wont get their weapons or whatever it takes to kill if they are legal or not?
The killer will kill regardless, next time you go to a theater get a weapon for yourself and take it there, just in case someone start shooting you can defend yourself.
Wild west all over again. Gotta love it.


Lose without excuses
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You guys do realize that it being legal to have a weapon won't stop someone who wants one from getting one right? Last time I checked, criminals and murderers do not obey the law. In fact, the bitch who shot up TDKR theater used an illegal weapon, illegal weapon for civilians that is. Point is, prohibition has never, and will never work. It will only cause more problems in the long run.


Do not touch me again.
You guys do realize that it being legal to have a weapon won't stop someone who wants one from getting one right? Last time I checked, criminals and murderers do not obey the law. In fact, the bitch who shot up TDKR theater used an illegal weapon, illegal weapon for civilians that is. Point is, prohibition has never, and will never work. It will only cause more problems in the long run.
Ah yes, the old 'if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns' argument. To this, I ask: so what? Unless someone in that theater had a permit to carry a concealed weapon (pretty unlikely) and was trained to shoot across a theater even in the midst of a panicked crowd and tear gas (extremely unlikely), there would be no benefit in that situation to a law-abiding citizen having a gun.

The one thing gun prohibition *would* do, however, would be to drive up the cost of arms AND ROUNDS to astronomical levels. The cases we'd have of low-income, mentally disturbed people being able to attain guns and the ammunition for them would become extremely low from that fact alone.

Mr. Mileena

You're sitting there creating fictional scenarios and I'm talking about reality. And you've defeated your own argument when you said you can "kill people without guns" ... You can protect yourself without guns Sal. You're reciting some ancient backwoods ignorance here... Stop being stupid and look at reality.... People are shooting up theathers with GUNS.. Not "toxic chemicals" as you're pretending
Laws will be in place.
Do you think criminals will abide by these rules?

Of course not.

Criminals run the risk of stores, homes, etc having guns to defend themselves.
With these laws in place, INNOCENT, LAW ABIDING citizens will be HELPLESS at their OWN HOME OR BUSINESS.

Look at drugs trafficking.
Next thing we know, we will have weapon trafficking. (we already do for more deadly weapons that are illegal without a special license)

I want my amendment.
Criminals will never follow the law, so we will be doing them a HUGE HUGE favor if Guns are made illegal.

Just my two cents
New member, 15 messages, and arguing with a top dog about the second amendment? salival is right, you can kill people even with a nail clipper , all it takes it is a killer mind and you will find a way to kill regardless, now you can't defend yourself against a killer if the killer is better armed than you.
firearms are made for long range killing kid, one person with one of those assault riffles can kill dozens of unarmed people and these can't do anything else but run, but also one armed person amongst those dozens can take out the killer if he has a long range weapon and save the others. think about it before posting, read about history and the bill of rights of our constitution, banning weapons won't solve anything, it will just make us feel powerless and thrust our live on some other humans with dirty minds like we have.
i can get weapons way cheaper here in the bronx illegally than buying them in the weapon shop and having a background check. Who told you these killers wont get their weapons or whatever it takes to kill if they are legal or not?
The killer will kill regardless, next time you go to a theater get a weapon for yourself and take it there, just in case someone start shooting you can defend yourself.
Pretty ignorant thinking here. When the second amendment was adopted in 1791... People were using muzzled loaded weapons ffs... Breech loading weapons werent popular until 60 years later. You want to allow muzzle loaders? That's fine by me... You can't kill 15 people in 5 seconds with one of those. All of you pro gun people don't even know the history of the stuff you're trying to defend. Like the other guy said... Yeah it would have been better if the aurora shooter was using nail clippers... 12 people would be able to celebrate the holidays with their families this year


MK Mad Decent
It's sad seeing people act condescending toward people who are pro 2nd amendment. These people literally want their right to protect themselves from the bad guys in the world takin away. I guess the government will just take care of us, hell should we out law knives too? Someone could walk into a theater and stab you ya know. Let's just nerf the world guys.

If you give up freedom for security, you deserve neither and will lose both! - Benjamin Franklin
It's sad seeing people act condescending toward people who are pro 2nd amendment. These people literally want their right to protect themselves from the bad guys in the world takin away. I guess the government will just take care of us, hell should we out law knives too? Someone could walk into a theater and stab you ya know. Let's just nerf the world guys.

If you give up freedom for security, you deserve neither and will lose both! - Benjamin Franklin
It's even sadder to see people ignore real world problems...

Sal if you were at that theater, in that seat waiting to see tdkr... Would you rather the guy walked in with a knife in his hand... Or a 12-gauge Remington 870 Express Tactical , a S&W mp15 with a 100 round drum magazine, and a glock 22

Don't sit there and pretending that a knife is equivalent


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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The one thing gun prohibition *would* do, however, would be to drive up the cost of arms AND ROUNDS to astronomical levels. The cases we'd have of low-income, mentally disturbed people being able to attain guns and the ammunition for them would become extremely low from that fact alone.

The one thing gun prohibition *would* do is the same thing prohibition will always do, create a black market. Which fixes everything right? Also, how are you going to enforce this gun ban anyway? Do you realize millions of Americans own guns? Are they going to go up to all of them and take their guns away? Yeah, that's a totally plausible and logical situation I see happening. On top of that, what would be the cost to even attempt to enforce something like a gun ban? Not only money and resource wise, we'd have to become even a larger police state than we already are.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not proposing giving guns to all, nor am I or have I suggested that. My point is banning guns will not solve the problem. And it will, in fact, create more problems than it will solve.


Do not touch me again.
The one thing gun prohibition *would* do is the same thing prohibition will always do, create a black market. Which fixes everything right?
There's already a black market for weapons, so that would be nothing new. Right now, however, legal guns kept in homes (for things like self defense) are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than they are to kill an intruder (Source: New England Journal of Medicine). These romantic wild-western ideas of protecting your family against a robber in striped pajamas and a black mask are rubbish, as are the ideas that you're going to be able to stop a Mexican cartel in their tracks with your legally-owned 92FS. Even if you do manage to shoot one of them, chances are the charred and severed heads of your entire family will be mailed to you in a box. Gun ownership does more harm than good to the average American.

Also, how are you going to enforce this gun ban anyway? Do you realize millions of Americans own guns? Are they going to go up to all of them and take their guns away? Yeah, that's a totally plausible and logical situation I see happening.
Probably with a buyback program similar to what Australia did. This argument is pretty weak considering there are many things that all US citizens are forced to do regularly, like pay taxes, complete the census, observe speed limits and rationing mandates, etc.

On top of that, what would be the cost to even attempt to enforce something like a gun ban? Not only money and resource wise, we'd have to become even a larger police state than we already are.
It would make the police's job easier, really. If a cop sees a gun, he automatically has reason to put someone under arrest. No gray area of seeing if it's a stolen weapon, who it's registered to, etc.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not proposing giving guns to all, nor am I or have I suggested that. My point is banning guns will not solve the problem. And it will, in fact, create more problems than it will solve.
And I'm not anti-gun, I'm just pointing out that your arguments are weak.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Ok If i were to jump in on this now political conversation I would say one thing and most people wont like it

Our country is being Tyson ass raped by the amount of prisoners we have in prisons across the country so how do we keep them out of prison? People who offer nothing to society, the world but problems and harm towards others due to their actions?

Well first off we have tougher penalties for their actions as well as less sanitized jail cells and bottom of the barn food. Im talking terrible food and scraps.

Lethal Injection for the following:
^^^To remove them quickly without our tax dollars going to them

Obvious problem with this is you need 100% success in the justice system, hah but this guy for example is caught red handed so he's a no question

So obviously this guy and the CO guy falls into these category

As for guns it's more about the owner and the one who is crazy as hell. Sure you could rid the world 100% of guns or have world wide ban but it wouldnt work. Personally i want my guns for when someone decided to break into my house i wont think twice, not for a sec because it's on him for walking into the wrong house.

If our prison system became hell on earth and we had tougher consequences i think it'd have a trickle down effect for less crime.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Possible waiting times for purchasing your gun - 6 month and a public gun registry list so others can see who bought a gun recently maybe would help. Also when buying a guy youd have to list 3-5 family members and friends on the list and have them notified

For being caught illegally owning a gun put them on my lethal list up above

Seriously if you want to fix a problem you have to get seriously harsh and out of the box


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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This argument is pretty weak considering there are many things that all US citizens are forced to do regularly, like pay taxes, complete the census, observe speed limits and rationing mandates, etc.
Paying taxes so we don't turn into a 3rd world country and obeying speed limits so we aren't road raged lunatics aren't comparable to taking away peoples right to bear arms. We're not really forced to do these things. Most people realize the necessity for them because it's pretty obvious. And you have the nerve to claim anything I say is "weak"?

It would make the police's job easier, really. If a cop sees a gun, he automatically has reason to put someone under arrest. No gray area of seeing if it's a stolen weapon, who it's registered to, etc.
No shit. Having the police and government be armed to the T while everyone else is defenseless? You're acting like everyone that owns a gun is a gangster or something. Lets try and be realistic here.

And I'm not anti-gun, I'm just pointing out that your arguments are weak.
Funny coming from someone who says paying taxes are comparable to taking guns away, haha. You're clearly anti-gun, if you aren't though, you must just love to argue for the sake of it then. Well I don't mind that, you clearly need some practice. :p


My blades will find your heart
You guys are all pathetic. A shooting happens(TDKR) and another shooting almost happens and here we are with this 2nd amendment bullshit.

Does it not mean anything that people die or almost die? Does it really matter if you have guns or not? The sad part is all anyone ever does is try to make everything political.

(FTR: I get arguing in this thread because no one really died, but you all know this exact same discussion happened during the TDKR thread, and that is where my main grievance is. Sorry for bringing up the past.)


Do not touch me again.
Paying taxes so we don't turn into a 3rd world country and obeying speed limits so we aren't road raged lunatics aren't comparable to taking away peoples right to bear arms. We're not really forced to do these things. Most people realize the necessity for them because it's pretty obvious. And you have the nerve to claim anything I say is "weak"?
Don't be ridiculous. People pay taxes because they don't want the IRS coming after them. People don't speed because they don't want tickets. By your logic, EVERYONE should be against guns because they realize how easy it is to harm innocent people with them.

No shit. Having the police and government be armed to the T while everyone else is defenseless? You're acting like everyone that owns a gun is a gangster or something. Lets try and be realistic here.
Oh, great, another anarchist who's watched one-too-many Denzel Washington movies. News for you: police officers actually *aren't* the enemy.

Funny coming from someone who says paying taxes are comparable to taking guns away, haha. You're clearly anti-gun, if you aren't though, you must just love to argue for the sake of it then. Well I don't mind that, you clearly need some practice. :p
Have you not been on this site long? I love to argue.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Don't be ridiculous. People pay taxes because they don't want the IRS coming after them. People don't speed because they don't want tickets.
And people don't do bad things because they don't want to go to hell! :rolleyes:

By your logic, EVERYONE should be against guns because they realize how easy it is to harm innocent people with them.
BillStickers used straw man argument... it's not very effective.

Oh, great, another anarchist who's watched one-too-many Denzel Washington movies. News for you: police officers actually *aren't* the enemy.
You might want to let them know that. Look, the naivety is cute, but stop messing around.

Have you not been on this site long? I love to argue.
I can see that, which means no matter what I say it will never get through to you. Just like trying to argue with religious people. There's a certain close-mindedness skill gap that I simply cannot breach. Which is why, I'm done here. But you will probably still post your inevitable condescending reply that doesn't really oppose anything I've said. As long as you think it does, and it helps you sleep at night, swing away champ!


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Ok im really fucking confused here, and probably wrong
This is what I understand. This guy does something completely legal (buys guns and ammo, and movie tickets) his mom then tells the police about him buying said products. He is involuntary detained for 90+ hours because that is a law I guess, and then confesses these plans to shoot up the theater?? Seems almost on the level of thoughtcrime, was he at the theater with the guns or something at least?