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Source: http://news.msn.com/us/cops-man-plotted-attack-during-twilight-movie

20-year-old Blaec Lammers was charged with three felony counts on Friday. Police say he had purchased movie tickets, two assault rifles and 400 rounds of ammunition.

BOLIVAR, Mo. — A southwest Missouri man accused of plotting to shoot up a movie theater during the new "Twilight" film was charged Friday after his mother contacted police, telling them she worried her son had purchased weapons similar to those used during the fatal Colorado theater shooting.
Blaec Lammers, 20, of Bolivar, is charged with first-degree assault, making a terroristic threat and armed criminal action. He was jailed in Polk County on $500,000 bond.
"Thankfully we had a responsible family member or we might have had a different outcome," Bolivar Police Chief Steve Hamilton told The Associated Press. He said Lammers is under a doctor's care for mental illness, and court documents said he was "off of his medication."
A phone message left by The Associated Press at Lammers' home wasn't returned Friday. No attorney is listed for him in online court records.
His mother contacted authorities Thursday, saying she worried that with this weekend's opening of the final film in the popular Vampire movie series, her son "may have intentions of shooting people at the movie," police wrote in the probable cause statement.
She said she thought the weapons — two assault rifles and hundreds of bullets — resembled those used by a gunman who opened fire inside a theater in Aurora, Colo., during the latest Batman movie in July. That attack killed 12 people.
Lammers was questioned Thursday afternoon and told authorities he bought tickets to a Sunday "Twilight" screening in Bolivar and planned to shoot people inside the theater. The town of roughly 10,000 people is about 130 miles southeast of Kansas City.
According to the probable cause statement, Lammers also planned to "just start shooting people at random" at a Walmart store less than a mile away. He said he'd purchased two assault rifles and 400 rounds of ammunition, and if he ran out of bullets, he would "just break the glass where the ammunition is being stored and get some more and keep shooting until police arrived," investigators wrote.
Lammers stated he wanted to stab a Walmart employee to death and followed an employee around a Walmart store before officers got involved in 2009, according to police.
When asked about recent shootings in the news, Lammers told police "he had a lot in common with the people that have been involved in those shootings," the probable cause statement said. Investigators also wrote that Lammers said he "was quiet, kind of a loner, had recently purchased firearms and didn't tell anybody about it, and had homicidal thoughts."
Police said Lammers bought one firearm Monday and another Tuesday. He then went to the Missouri town of Aldrich to practice shooting because he "had never shot a gun before and wanted to make sure he knew how they shot and how they functioned," the probable cause statement said.
Hamilton said it appeared that Lammers obtained the firearms legally but that police were continuing to investigate "to determine how in fact he was able to obtain a permit."
Ashley Miller, who lives in a nearby town, said she has known Lammers for about a year and described him as "one of the sweetest guys I had ever met" but "very emotional," noting he would periodically stop talking to her.
She said he told her that he had bounced between relatives growing up. As an adult, he bounced between girlfriends, she said.
"He was never actually happy," she told the AP in a phone interview. "I think he had depression or something."
Polk County prosecutor Ken Ashlock said Lammers' first court appearance likely will happen Wednesday. He said his office would file a motion asking for a mental exam of Lammers. He said he wasn't aware of any charges in the 2009 Walmart incident.
Like the police chief, the prosecutor credited Lammers' mother for contacting police.
"It was a good thing they found what they found and took care of it," Ashlock said. "Everything was there as far as the weapons. He did have the weapons; he did have the ammunition ... Those things were all there, and then he made the statements to the officer about what his plans were."


MK Mad Decent
Hmm.. Well, being the person that I am all I have to say is...

Please don't take away my second amendment.
This is more fuel for the fire...


A prop on the stage of life.
Yea, shootings turn into a trend after the first one sets it in motion. Same thing happened after virginia tech. The next year there was a school shooting somewhere across the country like once a week for a month or so. I shit you not. Its a sad day when the rest of us need to start getting searched like we're at an airport to go to a god damn movie. .

DJ L Toro

Inb4 "well it was twilight so he would of been doing them a favor". I already see that one coming.
i was going to go with "still a better love story than twilight" :p
I dont dislike people that watch twilight. a good friend of mine watches them because the MST3K people riff every twilight movie. that stuff is freaking amazing.
Hmm.. Well, being the person that I am all I have to say is...

Please don't take away my second amendment.
This is more fuel for the fire...
So when you are at the movies with your friends and a guy walks in and shoots all of you... How exactly is the second amendment going to help you...

The only thing that would stop stuff like is getting rid of ALL GUNS

go look up the stats... In home invasions for instance , people that own guns are more likely to be injured or killed than those without them . You either get knocked out and shot with your own gun or you end up shooting your family members by accident...

Think before you speak sal


MK Mad Decent
So when you are at the movies with your friends and a guy walks in and shoots all of you... How exactly is the second amendment going to help you...

The only thing that would stop stuff like is getting rid of ALL GUNS

go look up the stats... In home invasions for instance , people that own guns are more likely to be injured or killed than those without them . You either get knocked out and shot with your own gun or you end up shooting your family members by accident...

Think before you speak sal
Yea, Let us have nothing to protect ourselves from our government because there's a few crazy people in the world. Nuclear bombs are cool though. Educate yourself. I'm not doing it for you. Everything isn't as wonderful as CNN and FOX would like you to believe.
Yea, Let us have nothing to protect ourselves from our government because there's a few crazy people in the world. Nuclear bombs are cool though. Educate yourself. I'm not doing it for you. Everything isn't as wonderful as CNN and FOX would like you to believe.
So you are saying that we need guns for your hypothetical scenario where the US government for some reason tries to attack its own population?

What about the daily deaths from gun violence in the US... Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs sal?

Is your shotgun going to protect you from the nukes you mentioned?

DJ L Toro

Everything isn't as wonderful as CNN and FOX would like you to believe.
you clearly dont watch fox, it's always the end of the world on that channel, lol
cnn we always just acieved utopia

So you are saying that we need guns for your hypothetical scenario where the US government for some reason tries to attack its own population?
What about the daily deaths from gun violence in the US... Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs sal?
Is your shotgun going to protect you from the nukes you mentioned?
oh snap people die. so what? both of you are being stupid extremists. what the 2nd amendment does is it protects from unjustified martial law. that is it allows revolution if it ever becomes necessary. this country will never nuke its own people because that would cause a 192 vs 1 war that even the big bad USA cant win


MK Mad Decent
So you are saying that we need guns for your hypothetical scenario where the US government for some reason tries to attack its own population?

What about the daily deaths from gun violence in the US... Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs sal?

Is your shotgun going to protect you from the nukes you mentioned?
Not at all, Which is actually a huge problem in the civilian side of things. But regardless of this... Uh... Um.... Hmmm?
I guess no body was ever murdered before guns? Ohh..... Ok. It's not human nature to want to kill. It's the guns.... Ahh Ok.

Yeah. We should ban our right to protect ourselves because guns have minds of their own and kill people. I'm a believer now. Thank you.

And if you make some sort of argument that it wouldn't be as easy to kill people without guns, you are under estimating the ability of the human mind. We can kill a room full of people with a small can of toxic chemicals. Get real son.
Not at all, Which is actually a huge problem in the civilian side of things. But regardless of this... Uh... Um.... Hmmm?
I guess no body was ever murdered before guns? Ohh..... Ok. It's not human nature to want to kill. It's the guns.... Ahh Ok.

Yeah. We should ban our right to protect ourselves because guns have minds of their own and kill people. I'm a believer now. Thank you.

And if you make some sort of argument that it wouldn't be as easy to kill people without guns, you are under estimating the ability of the human mind. We can kill a room full of people with a small can of toxic chemicals. Get real son.

You're sitting there creating fictional scenarios and I'm talking about reality. And you've defeated your own argument when you said you can "kill people without guns" ... You can protect yourself without guns Sal. You're reciting some ancient backwoods ignorance here... Stop being stupid and look at reality.... People are shooting up theathers with GUNS.. Not "toxic chemicals" as you're pretending


might wanna wait a minute before the jokes start rolling in....
he must of really hate twlight....sorry couldn't help myself :(


MK Mad Decent
You're sitting there creating fictional scenarios and I'm talking about reality. And you've defeated your own argument when you said you can "kill people without guns" ... You can protect yourself without guns Sal. You're reciting some ancient backwoods ignorance here... Stop being stupid and look at reality.... People are shooting up theathers with GUNS.. Not "toxic chemicals" as you're pretending
It still makes it more complicated regardless. I was only stating it doesn't make it impossible. I'm stupid? If you think this government gives two shits about you, wants you to have the right to protect yourself, good health, clean water, and natural foods then you are a hopeless moron. Maybe evaluate the degrading the of 2nd amendment, the fact we have health care worse then 3rd worlds countries such as Cuba, add the fact the government adds fluoride to your tap water and pesticide and preserving chemicals to your food and then take a seat and see what you come up with. Stfu son. You're uneducated.
It still makes it more complicated regardless. I was only stating it doesn't make it impossible. I'm stupid? If you think this government gives two shits about you, wants you to have the right to protect yourself, good health, clean water, and natural foods then you are a hopeless moron. Maybe evaluate the degrading the of 2nd amendment, the fact we have health care worse then 3rd worlds countries such as Cuba, add the fact the government adds fluoride to your tap water and pesticide and preserving chemicals to your food and then take a seat and see what you come up with. Stfu son. You're uneducated.