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Question Top 10 players. where do we stand post Dallas?


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
You're one of the only players who gets major attention when you LOSE! The only other person who gets that kind of attention is probably PL, the 2x EVO champ. I wish people gave a shit when I lost in something, means they care lol.
Truer words are rarely spoken.


Guys, I would refrain from placing me in any top ten list. I don't want my placings to discourage others on attending tournaments or anything because most lists have me on some tournament wins. However, I suggest more people regurgitate that Perfect Legend is the best player and champion of this community because it does not discourage anyone.


Guys, I would refrain from placing me in any top ten list. I don't want my placings to discourage others on attending tournaments or anything because most lists have me on some tournament wins. However, I suggest more people regurgitate that Perfect Legend is the best player and champion of this community because it does not discourage anyone.
Oh you...


Oh you...
I am just agreeing with one of my fellow friends on his stance and opinion. Lists like this are pointless and discourage players. I think Perfect Legend should be noted as the best player, but no more than that because then it would be unnecessary, IMO.


cr. HP Master
I am just agreeing with one of my fellow friends on his stance and opinion. Lists like this are pointless and discourage players. I think Perfect Legend should be noted as the best player, but no more than that because then it would be unnecessary, IMO.
How did it feel having your chance to get vengeance at MLG and come up short against him?


How did it feel having your chance to get vengeance at MLG and come up short against him?
I have already stated numerous times that Perfect Legend is a better player than me all around and I will never be half the player he is. So it came to no surprise. I just appreciate PL still plays the game after he has won EVO twice.


cr. HP Master
I have already stated numerous times that Perfect Legend is a better player than me all around and I will never be half the player he is. So it came to no surprise. I just appreciate PL still plays the game after he has won EVO twice.

Way to take it like a champ! Nothing is wrong in admitting your defeat and sub-par playing compared to the EVO champ.


Way to take it like a champ! Nothing is wrong in admitting your defeat and sub-par playing compared to the EVO champ.
Not only is PL the EVO champ, but he is the EVO champ two times in a row... That is insane and one of a kind accomplishment. If I won EVO back to back, I would quit because there would be nothing left to prove in MK. PL has my utmost respect.


cr. HP Master
Not only is PL the EVO champ, but he is the EVO champ two times in a row... That is insane and one of a kind accomplishment. If I won EVO back to back, I would quit because there would be nothing left to prove in MK. PL has my utmost respect.

I mean...I was kinda bustin your balls...can't tell if you're serious lol.


Mid Tier
LOL NFG, top 10 lists,

lets feed the ego's,

these are pointless, everyone who is a part of the community knows who the high level players are, ranking them changes nothing and is therefor pointless,

plus there are way more then 10 top players in this community that have a chance at winning when they attend tournys, and thats a good thing.


I mean...I was kinda bustin your balls...can't tell if you're serious lol.
Well, the way I see it is if I won EVO twice, that would be all the proof I would need for MK accomplishments. What more could someone ask for? So yes, I am serious in that I would quit if I won EVO twice like PL.


Not only is PL the EVO champ, but he is the EVO champ two times in a row... That is insane and one of a kind accomplishment. If I won EVO back to back, I would quit because there would be nothing left to prove in MK. PL has my utmost respect.
Reo you won MLG 2 times back to back..as for right now you're top 1. Evo was last year and after that you've improve your game and PL stop practicing mk.This thread about right now and not last year. Perfect legend will probably win evo again if he get serious and starts practicing mk instead of DOA.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
Well, the way I see it is if I won EVO twice, that would be all the proof I would need for MK accomplishments. What more could someone ask for? So yes, I am serious in that I would quit if I won EVO twice like PL.
I don't necessarily get why you would quit though. Do you enjoy playing the game or just want to win? Sounds fucking cliché, but it boils down to that. No one asked you to prove anything, just play the fucking game or don't.


cr. HP Master
Reo you won MLG 2 times back to back..as for right now you're top 1. Evo was last year and after that you've improve your game and PL stop practicing mk.This thread about right now and not last year. Perfect legend will probably win evo again if he get serious and starts practicing mk instead of DOA.

Not starting shit here, but EVO was this year....like 4 months ago or something lol. He basically is the reigning Super Bowl champ. I do agree that REO has accomplished a lot and not winning EVO does not take away from his career/resume.


Reo you won MLG 2 times back to back..as for right now you're top 1. Evo was last year and after that you've improve your game and PL stop practicing mk.This thread about right now and not last year. Perfect legend will probably win evo again if he get serious and starts practicing mk instead of DOA.
I think it is not fair to only count accomplishments for now and not MK9's life in general. Players accomplishments like Perfect Legend get thrown out the window, which causes the list to lose meaning. This is my honest opinion.

I don't necessarily get why you would quit though. Do you enjoy playing the game or just want to win? Sounds fucking cliché, but it boils down to that. No one asked you to prove anything, just play the fucking game or don't.
Just winning one EVO would mean the world to me. You don't understand how satisfying a title of that monument is. In the end it would prove that I am good at the game I play and I can leave with a memory I will forever hold onto.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
Just winning one EVO would mean the world to me. You don't understand how satisfying a title of that monument is. In the end it would prove that I am good at the game I play and I can leave with a memory I will forever hold onto.
Fair enough. I just don't want you to quit.


Reo you won MLG 2 times back to back..as for right now you're top 1. Evo was last year and after that you've improve your game and PL stop practicing mk.This thread about right now and not last year. Perfect legend will probably win evo again if he get serious and starts practicing mk instead of DOA.
Uh, you do know PL won EVO like 4 months ago right?


Most people in this community downplay their character and toot their horn as players. REO toots his character's horn and downplays himself. That is some A level trolling there. Much respect good sir.


REO - He's proven across several MKs and several tournaments just how expertly he knows Mortal Kombat, not just MK9. He can find the exploits of the entire game given with some time, and just plays to win.

Pig of the Hut - Some people may be skeptical to put him at number 2, but this makes so much sense. He turns every match into more of strategy game rather than fighting game. He just has tactical mind that IMO is only really rivaled by Tom Brady. And he's also very passionate about the game, he just enjoys playing it, which is one of the biggest pluses for me.

Maxter/Dizzy - I put 3 and 4 as Maxter and Dizzy just because their fundamentals are flawless, they only seem to lose in disadvantaged MUs just because they can keep control and pace of the match if they ever face an opponent of equal skill and an equal toolset, they WILL find their opponents patterns and exploit them.

CD jr - He's 5 just because of his recent showings. Placing high everywhere but Dallas just says he's putting less time into it now (most likely because of Injustice and Tekken) but he knows the game well and can play it to the point where he just feels the flow of the match. I really don't understand how he does it but i've played him a few times and he can just mentally acquire what's going on and just take the game from there.

16 Bit - This guy deserves props beyond props for dedication to his character. He's passionate about playing Kitana. During the early/mid life time of this game was literally putting out the weaknesses of Kitana everywhere just so people would take advantage of that so he could learn from that. The fact that he's beaten REO on multiple occasions with a character who's supposedly 4-6 disadvantaged every time. He proves that a 4-6 isn't worth counterpicking for, it's only a slight disadvantage toolset wise but to him, he sees no disadvantage at all. We all have something to learn from this.

Perfect Legend - He just gets the game. As far as my knowledge goes, he has more tournament experience than the other people on this list and he's taken that to hone how to read his opponents and get in their minds, as well as pressing the advantage. It gives him an edge that is only stopped by players who play unfamiliar to what he's used to. He'd probably be the best if he fought offline more and knew the MUs for his characters as well as anyone else on this list.

Detroit/MITDJT - These guys are 8-9 because they are masters of the roster. They know how every characters works and can play them well, and I just don't know how they do it. I never played any of these guys but to me they just seem to enjoy the game at its core. And their passion for playing puts them high placing whenever they compete.

Crazy Dominican - He may be at the bottom of the list, but LBSH, top 10 players means they know the game very very well and this is no exception. Besides just MK9 experience he's played UMK3 for a while and just like PL he uses his experience to gain an edge in his fights, and being able to train with the three of the other top players on this list means he's no slouch in any fight. He's just good, anyone who fights him can't deny this.