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Match Footage MLG Dallas MIT vs Perfect Legend


Dead Kings Rise
LBSH, PL lost because of one reason only. His pants were too tight, causing an uncomfortable pain in the lower abdominal area. Therefore, he couldn't focus on the match 100%.

Good shit thought MIT, you're always one of my favorites to watch.


LIn Kuei Champion
i got a little of dab vs pl too. some of the matches i only got a little of because i had to play first. but still bout to upload everything now.


Get over here!
Good stuff MIT.

PL don't be pissed about the haters, there is no shame in losing to another top player at all.

Tom, great to read your posts in this thread, very good perspective.


After watching the video again. I noticed the this lui kang was played calmly and precise. I've seen some crazy rushdown kang get blown out but that's cause they are rushing down too much and not thinking. MIT played calm and smart.

I noticed the same thing


Ay, were gonna have to do that first to 10 random select at NEC instead ;)
Nice matches by the way though, I was told that PL used Kung Lao all three matches. I guess not. That's probably what he should have did.
we need to do that, i didn't care if he went all lao, i was just way too determined.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
PL is a great fighting game player with a deep understanding of the nature of FGs. His MK9 loss at MLG, though, shows that you do actually need to put in work in order to be the best. At a certain point, being out of practice, not having a scene, and not knowing the matchups stop being legitimate excuses.
Would it not be the complete opposite? Since you actually do have to put in some serious time and effort, those excuses are the only thing that matter. I'm not one for excuses and I'm somewhat surprised at PL's actions, but it might be actually true what he says. Then again, I've heard so many different excuses from him that it's almost starting to smell like bullshit.

Like Tom says, the community blows people up for being salty, but they fucking love it. I think PL is definitely playing to that string.

MITDJT says he doesn't need talk because he has this video, but he sure is talking a shit load. It's quite apparent bait imo...


As competitors, no one likes to lose, I mean LBSH here lol. But when we do lose, people want to hate and rub your nose in it and this can make you get defensive. What players need to do is step back and when the haters come at you with "DAAAMNN! BLOW UP! YO BRO, WHY'D YOU LOSE AHAHAHAHA" just look at them and say "uhh.. because the other guy is a great player".

hell.. back in the old days of MK9 when the game was fucking new, you couldnt say shit LOL. "HEY TOM YOU SCRUB, WHY DID YOU LOSE TO THIS GUY AHAHAHAHA" and I would say "because he is a great player" all you got was "EXCUSES! YOU LOST AHAHAHAHAHA!". After several months, i got defensive and started to talk and thats when the slippery slope started lol. I even started getting defensive after getting top 8 in 4 consecutive majors with 100 or more players. Looking back on that I see just how dumb that was. When you start defending getting 4th and 5th at big majors to nobodies trying to blow you up for still placing top, you know the trolls are winning.

What I learned is that some people are just assholes and haters and they want to hurt you, even though they dont even know you. Yes, there are people out there that who are so childish that they actually want to hurt you all because they dont like the manner in which you play a video game. What you have to realize is that these people dont matter. Who are they? Nobodies who are too scared to ever show their face. They are a non factor unless you make them one. By acknowledging them and allowing their words to influence your decisions, your name now lends to theirs, and you give them power and their words power. You open the door for them and make their words as loud as yours. These haters sit back and laugh as they get top players to basically give them the power to kill a community by causing dumb inner turmoil.

The thing that makes the MK community the best is that while we all want to be competitive, no matter who we beat or lose to, there is always that level of respect where we KNOW who is legit at the end of the day. TYM is growing, the MK community is growing.. and even though we are getting bigger, we are a very tight knit group, almost like an MK family. Just like a family, while we may make our jokes and occasional trash talk, we will be damned if some random avg/scrub player/troll comes in and insults top players. Then, even hose who talk trash to you will have your back.

This is what makes us a great community. Dont you think if some troll said to the Vegas crew "yeah.. hahaha PL sucks and is mad over rated" that ALL of them would say "maaaaan.. STFU". But if the trolls get you PL and get him to come on and say something, thats when it starts.
Wait a minute, are ou saying that hater is S+ tier ? He can blowup any top player ? Damn ^^

In another hand, do you know IdrA pgmer from sc2 ?

If people loves one of the biggest progamer star of sc2 scene it is because he is known for this :

(HuK vs Idra is like cdjr vs PL)

That's the most entertaining shit in video games/tv/books/comics. Rage, fights and war. So PL, keep going ;p


Would it not be the complete opposite? Since you actually do have to put in some serious time and effort, those excuses are the only thing that matter. I'm not one for excuses and I'm somewhat surprised at PL's actions, but it might be actually true what he says. Then again, I've heard so many different excuses from him that it's almost starting to smell like bullshit.

Like Tom says, the community blows people up for being salty, but they fucking love it. I think PL is definitely playing to that string.

MITDJT says he doesn't need talk because he has this video, but he sure is talking a shit load. It's quite apparent bait imo...
nah i'm talking cuz he making excuses, and if you know how i am with this kind of stuff, i blow up anyone trying to make excuses for something. So i'll gladly continue.


Would it not be the complete opposite? Since you actually do have to put in some serious time and effort, those excuses are the only thing that matter. I'm not one for excuses and I'm somewhat surprised at PL's actions, but it might be actually true what he says. Then again, I've heard so many different excuses from him that it's almost starting to smell like bullshit.

Like Tom says, the community blows people up for being salty, but they fucking love it. I think PL is definitely playing to that string.

MITDJT says he doesn't need talk because he has this video, but he sure is talking a shit load. It's quite apparent bait imo...
i probably should do what denzell does, ignore trashtalk, but i'm just not that kind of person haha.


And I don't mean this to offend you whatsoever, because it could not be true. Just food for thought.

It's a classic sign of insecurity.
insecurity? i wouldn't call it that because i have nothing to be insecure about. I am a stand up person who takes trash talk from no one unless it is constructive criticism.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
insecurity? i wouldn't call it that because i have nothing to be insecure about. I am a stand up person who takes trash talk from no one unless it is constructive criticism.
That's the whole point. You let trash talk affect you to the point where you need to defend or be counter-offensive to save face. Trust me, we all saw you body him 3-0, no need to defend anything. Ironically, I suffer from what I'm talking about...


That's the whole point. You let trash talk affect you to the point where you need to defend or be counter-offensive to save face. Trust me, we all saw you body him 3-0, no need to defend anything. Ironically, I suffer from what I'm talking about...
yeah i agree with you, my bro is saying the same thing. I just despise any kind of excuses haha, but yeah your right i got the video right here, i dnt need to say anything.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
yeah i agree with you, my bro is saying the same thing. I just despise any kind of excuses haha, but yeah your right i got the video right here, i dnt need to say anything.
Like I said man, I sometimes do the same shit... But I'm nowhere near your level in skill for MK9. haha

Your kang is fucking mental btw. Composed as fuck.


Like I said man, I sometimes do the same shit... But I'm nowhere near your level in skill for MK9. haha

Your kang is fucking mental btw. Composed as fuck.
haha thanks for the props bro, appreciate the support. More ppl need to play liu, and i'm definitely going to keep representing him without a doubt!! :)


Zoning Master
Perfect Legend, Cleveland has one of the best Mortal Kombat scenes, but no one has played a lot lately because of DoA5 and TTT2. We just have to get together and play.


Administrator and Community Engineer
It's a classic sign of insecurity.
But just out of curiousity, what does MIT have to be insecure about? :)

He's been blazing a trail through all kinds of people for months.. Much respect to him because he backs up everything he says. Imo it's positive hype.

Everytime I see 'MIT vs. X next' onscreen I get amped.. Because it's never a boring match. Kudos to vegas and bernies