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The Walking Dead, Season 3 Discussion

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
i actually thought season 2 was good. my only complaint is that a bunch of characters decided to be extremely stupid.. Biggest example of this Lori driving to "go save rick" HUH???? wtf??? oh and let me stare at this map for a extended amount of time while driving.. then dale getting killed, durrr ok i see a cow dead from a distance, now let me go walk all the way over to dead cow and just stand there acting all shocked :confused: then the dumb kids... i hated that Shane was killed, that actor is one hot guy hopefully he gets on another tv show, that face and body needs to be seen :p speaking of duurrr moments it just happened in this episode
oh look theres a dead person on the floor, let me walk real slow right in front of his face, really??? im praying for loris baby to be a zombie baby LOLOLOL that would be funny as hell..

i watched season 1 and 2 in 2 weeks. zombie movies scare me hardcore. while watching this show i end up shaking like crazy, its weird. i honestly should not be watching it, but it is a good show and they made me feel sorry for a zombie, i never thought that would ever be possible.. so im 10000% ok with watching it one episode a week at a time, i cant handle multiple episodes in a row..

Love Rick, andrea(i think thats her name, the blond chick), daryl and
chick with the samurai sword and her chained zombies
lmao you crack me up bro :)

I hope that baby dies in Lori and eats its way out LMAO

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
New Zombie Tech, Play Dead Bitches lmao!
When Rick found the guard, i though he would wakeup, but he was actually dead, poor hershel
A lot of people are saying the group/Hershel is stupid for wandering past the zombie that bit him, and not killing it, Umm, they have names in the comics they are called:


Lurkers are the zombies that just sit around playing "dead" until something approaches them and they bite. Lurkers can be the real threat because they can appear to be a dead corpse. One of them was responsible for Allen's death and Dale losing one of his legs. Oftentimes, lurkers have suffered some type of major injury or are otherwise in some kind of weakened state, preventing them from walking around. The term "lurker" is used most frequently in theComic Series.


Warlock Nerd
i had no idea this thread existed until now. awesome.
anyway, cant wait to see more of Michonne, the return of Merle, and the governor. on a side note, were the father and son that took in rick when he first came out of the coma in the comics or were they just in the tv show? i wonder whatever became of them


Button Masher
i had no idea this thread existed until now. awesome.
anyway, cant wait to see more of Michonne, the return of Merle, and the governor. on a side note, were the father and son that took in rick when he first came out of the coma in the comics or were they just in the tv show? i wonder whatever became of them
they were in the comic and if they go by the comic you will see more of them.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
I really hope the governor shows up in the next episode, i cannot wait to see what he does. He does some fucked up shit in the comics.


Button Masher
i really hope they dont do every other episode with rick's group then andrea and michone. i feel like it will go slow that way.


I was hoping to see more of Andrea and Michon tonight but I loved what happened on tonight's episode.

I spoiled my self last summer after reading The Walking Dead wikipedia about the comics, but I just couldn't help myself lol.

I'd personally like to see a whole episode of just Andrea and Michon next week, because everyone in the prison is safe (for now). It would really set the show up for the rest of the season. But they won't do that because Rick is one of the main characters.

Great Show! Time for me to watch Dexter now.