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How to properly antiair?

Can I get some real insight on this? Perhaps everyone would like a straight up answer on how to universally antiair with d1 or *insert standing normal here*.

Currently I can standing AA or d1 AA someone from a jump in punch. I usually always uppercut jump in kicks because other AA options seem to get stuffed, I know a jump in kick is coming when Im fighting a Kitana player, lulz. My only problem is AAing someone who jumps over you, over and over again. Yes, after they do it once or twice its easy to read and you can NJP them but sometimes you want that d1.

1: Is there a guide already on here somewhere? I could have sworn I read one once but couldnt find it.
2. When youre blocking standing or ducking and the opponent jumps over you, do you have to release the block button before they go over you to land a d1 AA or is it just a matter of timing a certain height?


TYM White Knight
It's character dependant, and timing specific. Some characters have godlike d1's (scorpion, Quan Chi, Raiden, etc.) that make d1'ing crossups easier. Some characters don't have as good d1's which makes it a little trickier. Basically, it comes from timing and experience.


I noticed that shit too; some chars whiff while others like Scorpion or Kabal mash you. I noticed Cage has high priority on his cross up punches no matter how hard your trying to AA, unless you're Scorpion.


Making a read: NJP
On reaction vs cross-ups: D1 or dash forwards (which would be backwards once he crosses over) and do a standing normal
On reaction vs standard jump-in punch: AA of choice

Avoiding getting blown up: D3 (to lower your hit-box) or B4 i.e. the sweep (not all characters)


Joker waiting room
Making a read: NJP
On reaction vs cross-ups: D1 or dash forwards (which would be backwards once he crosses over) and do a standing normal
On reaction vs standard jump-in punch: AA of choice

Avoiding getting blown up: D3 (to lower your hit-box) or B4 i.e. the sweep (not all characters)
only time you should be going for a NJP is for very often crossups, otherwise you risk getting AA'd for that 5-8% more DMG in your combo
lol, I play dink all the time. His d1 is amazing.
I personally wouldn't use it to reliably stuff a cross up. It could have the biggest hitbox in the world, but it takes too long for me to trust it. Dink however is a much better quan than I am.
This is unrelated, but are you going to do any more life on boon st?


only time you should be going for a NJP is for very often crossups, otherwise you risk getting AA'd for that 5-8% more DMG in your combo
yeah i should have specified. because if you make a read its more likely on a cross up. you can normally see a jump in from a mile away anyways


Dojo Trainee
Sonya's D1 anti air almost always misses for me. Does it just have a tiny hitbox or what? I almost never miss with Scorpion but Sonya I almost always have trouble.


Sonya's D1 anti air almost always misses for me. Does it just have a tiny hitbox or what? I almost never miss with Scorpion but Sonya I almost always have trouble.
Sonya has a very short range D1 as opposed to Scorpion who's D1 can actually AA an opponent jumping in from 3 / 4 of the screen.

You'll want to AA with her uppercut (cross-ups / jump-ins) because it's one of the best in the game or standing 1 jab on jump-ins.

You can also AA with EN Cartwheel for a combo into standing reset just to piss off you opponent. :D

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
I personally wouldn't use it to reliably stuff a cross up. It could have the biggest hitbox in the world, but it takes too long for me to trust it. Dink however is a much better quan than I am.
This is unrelated, but are you going to do any more life on boon st?

you should, its awesome :)

you can combo off it too

ie d1, 112 trance


Sonya has a very short range D1 as opposed to Scorpion who's D1 can actually AA an opponent jumping in from 3 / 4 of the screen.

You'll want to AA with her uppercut (cross-ups / jump-ins) because it's one of the best in the game or standing 1 jab on jump-ins.

You can also AA with EN Cartwheel for a combo into standing reset just to piss off you opponent. :D
While Sonya's Uppercut is a very good option, it suffers from not being able to be followed up and gives your opponent a wakeup opportunity from jump distance. Sonya's standing 1 is her best ( but far from only) AA option as it is both cancelable and comboable. A standing 4 is another good option for Sonya but is much riskier due to the spacing required.

For crossups, Sonya has D1, EX Kartwheel, and D4 as her best options. A well-timed D1 will poke out of incoming pressure and set up Sonya's rediculous poke pressure at the same time. EX Kartwheel is pretty self-explanatory other than remembering to reverse the inputs to account for the position change. D4 is hard to time but even on whiff, it will lower Sonya's hitbox so low that the crossups will whiff as well. The catch to this is that if you abuse it, your opponent will delay their attack and still nail your ass.

Hope this helps :)

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Anti airing a jump kick requires good reads and spacing really, You want to back up to make their jik whiff and then aa. To beat that they have to wait to jik until later and then you can anti air them normally. Obviously this is easier with some characters than others for example johnny cage's b3 is godlike at this.


Dojo Trainee
On a random note, Noob's d1 may be viable as an anti-cross-up tool. Consistently, that is.

d1 -> 12 shadow charge


Dojo Trainee
Anti airing a jump kick requires good reads and spacing really, You want to back up to make their jik whiff and then aa. To beat that they have to wait to jik until later and then you can anti air them normally. Obviously this is easier with some characters than others for example johnny cage's b3 is godlike at this.
Another option if you're reading like a deep jump kick or something is to actually get CLOSER and AA if your AA has a good vertical hitbox. Just from my experience.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Another option if you're reading like a deep jump kick or something is to actually get CLOSER and AA if your AA has a good vertical hitbox. Just from my experience.
Very true. I was talking more about that like max range jiks that are used to beat anti air jabs. I love doing that though, i dash up standing 1 with cage all the time.