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How to properly antiair?


Dojo Trainee
Sonya has a very short range D1 as opposed to Scorpion who's D1 can actually AA an opponent jumping in from 3 / 4 of the screen.

You'll want to AA with her uppercut (cross-ups / jump-ins) because it's one of the best in the game or standing 1 jab on jump-ins.

You can also AA with EN Cartwheel for a combo into standing reset just to piss off you opponent. :D
That's usually what I do is uppercut when I don't fall victim to D1 muscle memory. I really need to get in the habit of dash then standing 1 AA with her though when I get crossed up. Non crossups I just standing 1 but I go into Scorpion mode when they cross me up most of the time and her shitty D1 vertical hitbox kills me usually.