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New Mains Tournament on PS3 & Xbox360


Okay I'm not going to be back till sometime in the afternoon tomorrow, all updates will be done when I return.

Remember cut off date is 7PM Eastern time tomorrow.

If you're new, let me know your new community selected main and system you are playing on by tagging STB Espio so I can update.

Derpin Errday

Dojo Trainee
I want to troll...but it's just too easy lol.

If there's enough European players I will set something up for my European brothers and sisters :).

Problem is I can't connect to EU on PSN and don't have XBL nor do most of the organizers.

I would need EU help from my shadow troll;).

System and main? Still don't have a list yet.


B*tch Distributor
I'm down. Hopefully you guys don't mind f3,1 spam with nightwolf. But then again..... nightwolf doesn't have much more then f3,1 to work with :(


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
STB Espio - I can run a EU PSN tourney for this, I'd need a streamer though..

Btw I will be buying Skarlet, I'm just waiting for the leftover change from Nights HD lol


kung lao swag walker
I would like to do this but my net is complete ass in my dormatory and it's gonna rain aka i got that satellite net


Joker waiting room
STB Espio

just saying,if we don't get players from this community,this ain't gonna happen,stryfree,do we know people that

A:Are willing to play
B:Are willing to pick up new temporary mains
C:Can make it

fuck europe.