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The Biggest Chokes, Screwups, and Missteps in Tournament Matches


Administrator and Community Engineer
I'm making this thread because STORMS suggested it.. But also because I think it's an interesting topic. The title is pretty self-explanatory, but:

What are the absolute biggest and most costly mistakes you've seen (or made) in big tournament matches so far? The heartbreakers that turned a surefire winner into a losing match, totally turned momentum, or put a surprise victor into a higher placing?

The aim is to keep it positive -- so hopefully these are things we can all laugh about afterwards and learn from. If you can't think of one someone else made, then what is YOUR biggest mistake at a tournament? The one you wish you could take back, and still think about to this day?

Sharing is caring.. Can't wait to see what people come up with :)

EDIT: I should add -- if you have a Youtube video, and can link us to a time so we can all rewatch, that's even better :D


Grapple > Footsies
2nd game in losers at Comicpalooza. 3rd game 3rd round. I have full meter - accidentally mash both kicks while holding block giving me a kabal xray straight into a blocking Kung Lao for a 40+ percent punish...That was the day I learned both kicks together = stance change....smh


Administrator and Community Engineer
2nd game in losers at Comicpalooza. 3rd game 3rd round. I have full meter - accidentally mash both kicks while holding block giving me a kabal xray straight into a blocking Kung Lao for a 40+ percent punish...That was the day I learned both kicks together = stance change....smh
That's crazy.. And I wouldn't have known about that 'feature' were it not for your post :p


Uh MLG anaheim getting hit by mil's wakeup rolls fighting Pig Of The Hut, lol man that fight was still crazy though and respect to pig of course for being a good sport/player. Most recently, getting hit by a 1,2 ex net from my bro Denzell when I had a huge lead with jade haha, that made me so salty.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I know Pig Of The Hut 's! Not knowing the fatality input in a top 8 match at Evo lololololol still the best thing I've ever seen..
Lmao but I won the match

I did forget it (shout outs to no blood code) it's funny reading YouTube comments . I won the match but got blown up cause I wasn't "skilled enough" to do fatality

My biggestchoke was Anaheim against riu match 4


Come On Die Young
Both of mine happened at MLG Raleigh lol. First of all my match with PL, I came 1 combo away from finishing him but I got so nervous and started going autopilot trying to d1 crossovers and got blown up for them when he started recognizing it.

Then after that I played Smarrgasm. My first mistake was training him vs Kitana the day before because he had to fight 16bit, so I basically taught him how to beat me. Huge mistake. Then when I played the match, first round I got him in a corner combo and was about to finish him. I was like "yes! i got this now" all confident and everything, and completely mindfucked myself forgetting where I was in the combo and dropped an easy finish. Completely killed all the momentum I had going into it and I fucked up.

As for someone else's biggest choke, I have to say it was Forever King vs Tom Brady. King completely had him and had a ton of options to finish him off, but he overthought everything by respecting Brady's options too much, ultimately throwing the match.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Not punish or antecipate PL's jumps when he plays Kung Lao earned him a lot of matches at EVO 2k12