Oh wow I forgot about my real biggest one...
Way back in January i went to a local tournament in Virginia hosted by the MAK guys. I went completely for fun because I was mainly there to visit friends in Richmond. Somehow, I ended up beating a bunch of people and made it to grand finals vs Death. He hadn't lost a single game all day so I was naturally worried. Down 2-0 (I was on losers side) I adjusted and took a game, giving me a lot of momentum. The next game, we both have a round, he has like 20% health and I catch him in a f2,1. In my biggest mistake of my tournament career, I decided to not go for consistency of a simple jk~fan or b2~fan, and went for a njp as if I'm going for a max damage combo. I mistimed it and lost the match. It's really disheartening to hear the crowd rooting for you going "OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" to ".....ugh".