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What the F**k happened...?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
why anyone would put money on this game is beyond me. I'd rather take my chances on roulette.

You all have seriously lost sight of rivalry and crossed into just idiocy. Well done children.


Positive Poster!
Shitbaiting and hateposting is against this board's rules.
We don't have to like everybody.
We do have to abide by the board's rules.
I don't care if it's REO or User94187215421999 somebody is slandering, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop it.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I want to own them and rape them you moron. Do you not understand? I want their wallet on the table and I want them to eat their words. What do we call people who talk shit and don't back it up? A Juggs?
Let me get this straight. You want to own them... and rape them?

People have talked shit for years and don't back it up. You call them out for it, the community laughs at them, life goes on. The point your making is that people are talking shit and aren't necessarily not backing it up, but are refusing to try and back it up by not playing altogether? Well there's nothing you can do about that except the above. It's like those online warriors that always overly criticize tournament play/players and say how much better they are but never set foot offline. And these type of people you shouldn't be wasting your time with, doesn't matter how famous they are. In fact the more famous they are, the more the community will naturally see them for what they are.

I don't understand what you're arguing with me for though, I agree with you?


After MLG anahiem the scene was flipped on its head. Its been everyone elses time to pump up their scene. Unfortunately many mk players are new to fighting games and in the forums hype gets missinterpreted and miss used. Also its a sign the game is showing its age. I agree 100% with bone this is the time for a money match perfect storm to keep the competitive interest afloat.