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Why did you choose your main?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The Mustard Man's moveset has been my most comfortable since MK3.
There is no weapon more satisfying than the Net.

Noob is the personification of evil. You don't get more bad guy than that.

If I ever add anyone else, it'll be in keeping with the Lin Kuei trend: Sub-Zero. Definitely in favor of Sub.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Because he wore a hat and the straw hat was just so much better then Kung Lao's.
Truthfully When i was a kid i was fascinated by the sound Raiden made when he did his Torpedo in MK2 and my other main Nightwolf started when i saw his friendship in MK3 (his specials all were very interesting to me aswell). Gotta love that Thunder God.
I had a hard time deciding between 7 or 8 characters so I asked my fieance as she was passing thru and she said "skarlet or Sonya cuz those are the only ones I like" so I chose skarlet due to sonya wasn't on my list I was choosing from lol

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
Ive had a bunch of mains since I have been playing. Originally I mained Mileena but stopped using her because I got bored. I mained Kano because he was my favorite character in the original MK, but he is total garbage in this game. I mained Baraka for awhile, but his slow normals are just not my thing. I am maining Cage now. Its been prob close to a month. He is fuckin cool and fits my aggressive playstyle. I still suck with him but I'm gonna stick with him aside from my pocket Lao for Kabal counterpickers.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i have no main...i have 3. Kitana, Kung Lao, and Reptile. I picked this team because they seem to cover each others weakneses well. Altho i still think the ultimate team would be Kenshi, Kabal and Cage. Or Kenshi Kabal and Kung Lao (lol, the KKK of MK)
First main: Cyber Sub-Zero.
Because he is motherfuggin' Sub-Zero transformed into Predator! I was still in my noob days, so I didn't do that well with him, but I stuck with him for a while till I got used to Shang Tsung.

Second main: Shang Tsung.
The old sorceror's ability to morph has been my favorite thing about him since MK1. In MK9, I enjoy his ability to play technical zoning, close-kombat, morphing into his opponent, and Upskull game.

Third Main: Kratos.
I saw a video of NRS collaborating with Santa Monica Studios on making Kratos for the PS3 version of MK9:

And I didn't like the feeling of seeing the work NRS put into creating him go to waste. Besides, I like Kratos as a character.
I still have Cyber Subby and Shang in my small array of fighters, only they are alternates.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
My Fav MK character is SZ but when I first learned the game I was into combos and the coolest one I thought was Reptile's 122 x FFB BnB.I even went crazier when I discovered about his 321 x EB(whiffed) BnB

DJ L Toro

Kung Lao because i liked that perfect legend beat mileena (played by reo, i've always just hated mileena though) in evo 2011
Kitana because she looked fun and DAMAGE.
Freddy because it's not hard to troll the shit out of people with him.


kung lao swag walker
Mostly because he just clicked for me. I love Sub-Zero with all my heart, but in this one he just isn't as fast as I would have liked. So I opted for scorpion cause my other favorite Kano just didn't feel well, and Reptile felt weird. His combos did damage, and he had the mix-ups, and mind games I liked. To be honest no other character in this game even remotely attracts me.


Up the Irons!!!
Originally chose Cyrax to troll my friends with his original bomb-trap and resets.

I ended up really liking the character and have been with him ever since <3

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Skarlet because her playstyle fits me perfect.
She is red
has swords on her back
and she is fast on the hands of a good player


The Janitor.
Because of Tyler Lantern, he was my first MK influence and i decided on Reptile.
Oh and Smoke Because i used to get my backside handed to me when i mained sub zero
(SZ is the Easiest character to pick up at first imo)

so i decided to learn smoke and turn the tables on them, turns out he's easier to use than i thought.

Smoke isn't exactly my play style but once i adjust to him i'll love him 100% as i enjoy his combo's.


There's a storm coming
Rain=Prince of Edenia. Trunks=Prince of Saiyans (technically). That's why I main Rain plus, he is purple!


Because Stryker and Jade are bossy, I like their counterzoning, defensive playstyles, coupled with their amazing story lines, designs, and specials. I don't care how good or bad people say they are, they're my team <3.

I was told it would be too easy but even if it's not, I can be flashy about it.
Jade be trolling. She is very stylish though.