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New The Hobbit Trailer


xbl-OBS trustinme
well it surely cant be worse than the lotr trilogy,what a complete waste of 9 hours that was.its a shame peter jackson doesnt make films like bad taste and braindead anymore,they were fucking hilarious. intergalactic wanker!


xbl-OBS trustinme
lotr,the only film that i left the cinema shaking my head followed by a fit of laughter.theres a certain type of people that liked those films and i dont want to be around them.if im going to sit and watch a film for 3 hours it had better be worth it such as braveheart or the shawshank redemption,fuck the hobbit.
lotr,the only film that i left the cinema shaking my head followed by a fit of laughter.theres a certain type of people that liked those films and i dont want to be around them.if im going to sit and watch a film for 3 hours it had better be worth it such as braveheart or the shawshank redemption,fuck the hobbit.
You make no sense. You mean nerds, geeks, outcasts, families, what type of people, Lol.