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Fat Kombat - 995Phil's chronicles in weight loss.


So I'm going to lose weight. I'll be sharing my stories, my diet, my victories, my failures... my daily diary of food intake... everything. I used to think I should keep this private... but I have decided that I want it public...I want to be accountable for being a fat ass.

I will be posting pictures, weight loss, etc.

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First Blog entry posted: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/995phil

How I got here a second time.

About 2 months ago, I woke myself up from a sound sleep... not by snoring, not by farting or any other thing that guys tend to do. I was WHEEZING. I was awakend because I sounded like a BROKEN KAZOO. Something had to change.

Now, I've done this before about 10 or years ago when I weighed 250lbs. About 12 years ago, I had major knee surgery from an injury I got playing a game of pick-up tackle football. I blew out my ACL and tore the lateral and medial meniscus of my right knee. That was in December of 2000. On February 4, 2001 I had the surgery and within a few months I was mobile again, and ready for physical therapy. My "doctor" hadn't done a great job in my knee...there was massive scar tissue, he used a screw in my knee that was far too big for me(I'm short, 5'3") which he sawed off the end of to force it to fit. This was going to make losing weight even more difficult because I could constantly feel the pain of the screw putting pressure on my bone. I knew I needed to lose weight to take the pressure off the knee. I cut my food intake drastically. I knew how to eat in order to be fat, so now it was time to eat in order to be thin. Breakfast was a bowl of cereal and 2 glasses of water. In between breakfast and lunch I would drink a diet coke and 2 more glasses of water. Before lunch, 2 more glasses of water. For lunch it was 1/3lb of pretty much whatever looked good and 2 20oz Diet Cokes. If I wanted pasta or some kind of meat, that's what I had...as long as I kept it limited to 1/3lb. I wouldn't eat ANY kind of snack or sweets except once a week...my "day off". 2 more glasses of water at about 3:30pm before I left work(at 5pm). When I got home...you guessed it...2 more glasses of water. Dinner was more of the same...1/3lb of something and 2 more Diet Cokes. Then came the exercise. 6 days a week of cardio for 1/2 hour. 3 days a week of lifting on my upper body, 2 days on my lower body. 6 days a week of abdominals(crunches, upper and lower). On the 7th day, I had my "day off". In 8 months I went from 250lbs to 175lbs. It was an amazing change and I decided it was time to play some sports again...I chose softball over pick-up tackle football.

With my lifting, I put back on about 5lbs of muscle, so for about 5 years I weighed 180lbs. I was pretty solid at that point. I was eating right(to maintain 180lbs) and still working out, and now, playing softball once a week.

Fast forward to now... it's been ROUGH 4 years since the end of my 5 year weight loss. I've moved 3 times, My mom got very sick and eventually passed away(2 years ago now, but was sick for many years beforehand). I'm a stress eater...when I get upset, I turn to food. Needless to say, it's 2012 and since 2008 I've been very stressed. 280lbs of stressed to be exact.

Then, all of a sudden...broken kazoo. Time to do it again.

There's a big difference now though. 10 years takes a huge toll on your body. I never would have admitted that, even when I was 32. I'm 35 now...and I realize how stupid I was. In my 20's, just like everyone else, I felt invincible...I could do anything, or lose any weight I may have gained. Then I met the ULTIMATE equalizer... my 30th birthday. It wasn't until I was 35 that I realized what I had been ignoring for the last 5+ years. 30 was a huge turning point for me. At 30, I developed allergies to things I had never been allergic to before...and it happend virtually OVERNIGHT. That should have been an indicator to me...but I was blinded by denial. Add on the 10 years of the pounding from softball and now both my knees hurt everyday. I wake up and my back is stiff. Both of my shoulders are in pain...my right shoulder has impingement syndrome(that's what comes before a torn rotator cuff) and now my left shoulder is showing the exact same symptoms as my right shoulder...wonderful.

I hate to admit it, but I've been in denial about my body aging. I know I'm not going to be able to lose weight the same way I did when I was 25, but the way I figure it, I don't need to lose 100lbs in 11 months. I would love to, mind you, and I'll give it my best shot to lose that kind of weight... but I know myself. I don't want to use knee pain as an excuse to not exercise. I don't want to use how my life has changed as an excuse either. It's not like when I was 25 and came home from work and all my responsibilities entailed were working out to lose weight and seeing if I could get my socks into the hamper instead of the floor. At 35, I have to cook dinner, clean the apartment, walk and feed the dogs...you know the drill. By 10pm I'm thinking, "Awesome, 1/2 hour before I get to go to sleep." Guess I'm going to have to make that 11pm if I want to put that hour's worth of working out in everyday.

We shall see.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Hey man, glad to hear you're headed back in a good direction.. We all support you and I wish you much success in your endeavor. Your body is something you only get one of -- so taking care of it makes all the difference in the world.

Best of luck and looking forward to hearing about your progress!


Hey man, glad to hear you're headed back in a good direction.. We all support you and I wish you much success in your endeavor. Your body is something you only get one of -- so taking care of it makes all the difference in the world.

Best of luck and looking forward to hearing about your progress!
Thank you. Oddly, I'm not finding today to be that difficult. My weakness is in the middle of the night when I wake up to go pee...LOL... I LOVE to eat bread at that time... and it's SOOOOOO bad to do...LOL.

The good news is, as of dinner tonight, I am 1016 Calories under my daily goal! I basically ate half of my allotment for the day...so if I want to have a snack later, I can.


Dojo Trainee
go on with your fat self!! xoxoxo as it just so happens, i am about to start dropping some weight myself. long story short, i broke my back two years ago and the trek to recovery has been hell. it's still ongoing, but i have recovered sufficiently to deal with the weight i have gained in that time. granted, i love my fat, luscious ass and i love to flaunt it, but i am carrying more than i am comfortable with. that, and i am fast approaching 30 and know it will only get harder. wanna do it together? if not, no prob, i'll still be checking your progress to encourage you and inspire that ass to get it tight, get it right!! :)


go on with your fat self!! xoxoxo as it just so happens, i am about to start dropping some weight myself. long story short, i broke my back two years ago and the trek to recovery has been hell. it's still ongoing, but i have recovered sufficiently to deal with the weight i have gained in that time. granted, i love my fat, luscious ass and i love to flaunt it, but i am carrying more than i am comfortable with. that, and i am fast approaching 30 and know it will only get harder. wanna do it together? if not, no prob, i'll still be checking your progress to encourage you and inspire that ass to get it tight, get it right!! :)
Sign up on myfitnesspal.com and send me a friend request and we will definitely work together!

Anyone looking to lose weight can join in!


Joker waiting room
Thank you. Oddly, I'm not finding today to be that difficult. My weakness is in the middle of the night when I wake up to go pee...LOL... I LOVE to eat bread at that time... and it's SOOOOOO bad to do...LOL.

The good news is, as of dinner tonight, I am 1016 Calories under my daily goal! I basically ate half of my allotment for the day...so if I want to have a snack later, I can.

I used to weigh 102 kgs 224 pounds when i was 14,now i'm 17,weigh 77 kg and going for a sixpack.

it's really not that hard,the first month or two will be the worst,after that you won't be as hungry.

being overweight allows you to have a larger calorie deficit thus allowing you to lose fat much faster than if you were leaner

the pain will go as the weight comes off,i remember having the bone bellow my knee ache because of too much weight to support.

habits take a while to get rid of,try to associate eating with hunger and stress with a relaxation technique,after a month it'll stop pestering you.

good luck in your goals,i know it looks hard but you'll get used to it for sure.


Hey man, I fully support this. I was at 260 a few years ago, and while I'm 6 2 thats still too much. I got down to 170, and kept it off a free years... But I'm back to 220, and I know I newest to set myself right again. I'll be doing the sale thing, getting back to the gym and meeting a food diary. That last part is really important go keep yourself honest.

Youve got my support, and soon I'll be taking the same journey... I'm even about the same age, 34 myself.



I used to weigh 102 kgs 224 pounds when i was 14,now i'm 17,weigh 77 kg and going for a sixpack.

it's really not that hard,the first month or two will be the worst,after that you won't be as hungry.

being overweight allows you to have a larger calorie deficit thus allowing you to lose fat much faster than if you were leaner

the pain will go as the weight comes off,i remember having the bone bellow my knee ache because of too much weight to support.

habits take a while to get rid of,try to associate eating with hunger and stress with a relaxation technique,after a month it'll stop pestering you.

good luck in your goals,i know it looks hard but you'll get used to it for sure.
No offense dude, but youre only 17. It is easier at that age because youre still growing and have hormones going. Things start slowing down alot after 25. I know I've been what phil is going through.

Of course we both can make a change again for the better, but its going to take a bit more work than it would have years ago.


Joker waiting room
No offense dude, but youre only 17. It is easier at that age because youre still growing and have hormones going. Things start slowing down alot after 25. I know I've been what phil is going through.

Of course we both can make a change again for the better, but its going to take a bit more work than it would have years ago.
thats completely wrong

the only difference his age makes is a hundred cals or two,nothing more,nothing less.

the only thing that occured to me was putting on more mass but that was negated by me cutting weight,i lost much of the progress i should have simply because i'm cutting.

testosterone helps retain and build muscle mass,so do the noob gains he'll experience the moment he starts lifting,those will last for some time and he'll build mass and lose fat,something that becomes impossible when his muscles adapt.

i may be young but i know my shit,i was forced to in order to make my life better.

metabolic drops occur after 35,and that only occurs because of muscle breakdown as the body ages,if you work out and eat correctly then that simply won't happen in any significant way(cals i mentioned)


No offense dude, but youre only 17. It is easier at that age because youre still growing and have hormones going. Things start slowing down alot after 25. I know I've been what phil is going through.

Of course we both can make a change again for the better, but its going to take a bit more work than it would have years ago.
Qwark is right...

But, Qwark, I will tell you where the major difference between most 17-25yr olds and a 35yr old... Responsibilities. For most people my age, there are other priorities that come before working out. I'm not saying that some 17-25yr olds don't live on their own...some are married with kids already. Let me say this though, I don't plan on using my responsibilities and priorities as an excuse or a crutch...that's why, if you check my diary, I put "zero" for exercise. It's temporary, but for now it's true. The simple fact is, most 35yr olds don't have the same lifestyle of the 17-25yr olds... their time of coming home where the only I had were"come home from work and all my responsibilities entailed were working out to lose weight and seeing if I could get my socks into the hamper instead of the floor."

Instead, I come home, I have to do chores, take care of my mini-zoo(3 dogs, 5 birds, a rabbit and a turtle)...prepare, cook, and serve dinner for myself and my wife, clean up after dinner, put away any laundry my wife did, take out the garbage...AND THEN I can worry about working out and exercising. By then, to be VERY honest, I'm shot. I don't WANT to work out at that point... by then it's already 9pm, I just worked 8 hours, traveled for 1 hour(minimum), possible went food shopping, and spent the last 3 hours doing chores and dinner.

THAT is what makes it more difficult than when I was 25. I simply didn't have the same responsibilities I do now and I could devote that kind of time to working out as a priority. Now, it has to be one of my lower priorities.


Joker waiting room
Qwark is right...

But, Qwark, I will tell you where the major difference between most 17-25yr olds and a 35yr old... Responsibilities. For most people my age, there are other priorities that come before working out. I'm not saying that some 17-25yr olds don't live on their own...some are married with kids already. Let me say this though, I don't plan on using my responsibilities and priorities as an excuse or a crutch...that's why, if you check my diary, I put "zero" for exercise. It's temporary, but for now it's true. The simple fact is, most 35yr olds don't have the same lifestyle of the 17-25yr olds... their time of coming home where the only I had were"come home from work and all my responsibilities entailed were working out to lose weight and seeing if I could get my socks into the hamper instead of the floor."

Instead, I come home, I have to do chores, take care of my mini-zoo(3 dogs, 5 birds, a rabbit and a turtle)...prepare, cook, and serve dinner for myself and my wife, clean up after dinner, put away any laundry my wife did, take out the garbage...AND THEN I can worry about working out and exercising. By then, to be VERY honest, I'm shot. I don't WANT to work out at that point... by then it's already 9pm, I just worked 8 hours, traveled for 1 hour(minimum), possible went food shopping, and spent the last 3 hours doing chores and dinner.

THAT is what makes it more difficult than when I was 25. I simply didn't have the same responsibilities I do now and I could devote that kind of time to working out as a priority. Now, it has to be one of my lower priorities.
very well,since it's possible that you also might not go shopping for food you can do a full body workout for 3 times a week to help you with your diet.

you can lose weight without exercising,it's just extremely difficult,since you can spare time to go shopping,you probably don't go everyday,dedicate that hour or two into exercise.


very well,since it's possible that you also might not go shopping for food you can do a full body workout for 3 times a week to help you with your diet.

you can lose weight without exercising,it's just extremely difficult,since you can spare time to go shopping,you probably don't go everyday,dedicate that hour or two into exercise.
Again, not going to use it as an excuse... going to try to work the working out in regardless. The good thing is that I don't shop everyday, but when I do it's only a time cost of about 15 minutes.


Joker waiting room
Again, not going to use it as an excuse... going to try to work the working out in regardless. The good thing is that I don't shop everyday, but when I do it's only a time cost of about 15 minutes.
15 mins is 1/3rd/4th of a workout,it's useful regardless.

don't view it as a chore,view it as the means of improving the quality of your life,no more being in pain,no more waking up at night and no more health problems,in the end it's not a question of working out,it's a question of wether are you willing to take control of your body and anything else it restricts you from doing.


15 mins is 1/3rd/4th of a workout,it's useful regardless.

don't view it as a chore,view it as the means of improving the quality of your life,no more being in pain,no more waking up at night and no more health problems,in the end it's not a question of working out,it's a question of wether are you willing to take control of your body and anything else it restricts you from doing.
Like I said... fortunately I've done it before... this is a trail I blazed 10 years ago... it's just a matter of pushing through it and getting it done regardless. UNFORTUNATELY, I will never be able to see working out as anything but a chore... I don't particularly care for it, but it's a necessary evil and I need to just do my chores. The way I look at it...what do I like less...being fat or working out? Of course I like being fat less than working out...so you can see where that goes.


Cold day in hell...
I'm trying to drop about 30 myself. At 18 I was 5'7 138 lbs and a boxer. Now I started out at a flabby beer drinking 24 years old and 167 lbs and have managed to drop to 162 in a week. Good luck man.


Weigh in time this morning... 284.0 lbs. I know the weight falls off much faster at the beginning... it happened the same way 10 years ago.. but damn it's so motivating to see a 3lb difference in one day... LOL.


Filthy Casual
Good luck to you!

I'm trying to lose weight, just my belly. I 5'9 and 192 lbs *lost 2!* I'm aiming at a 1800 calorie diet which isn't hard for me since I actually don't even eat that much. The problem I have is with drinking.

I ride on a stationary bike *has resistances* for 30 minutes a day, do 25 pushups 4 times a day and I really need to start doing some situps haha.

I can honestly go some days with only eating one meal, but if I'm trying to concentrate on that 1800 calorie mark I eat something like this..

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 slices of wheat toast.
snack: 1 yogurt and a 90 calorie special K bar
lunch: Annie's Mac and Cheese Wheat shells, 1 can of tuna
snack: some nuts and fruit
dinner: Salad from panera and a cup of chicken noodle soup.
I will usually have a glass of hot green tea at night with a little honey.
I drink a lot of water and I have cut back a lot on alcohol, I use to have a 6 pack almost every day, but now I have about 2-3 beers a week. Lately I had a very bad relapse and had a bottle of whiskey in one night...the NOVA group isn't to happy with me right now haha. I really need to eliminate drinking all together in order to lose this belly, which is very hard for me! I think I should turn to tea when I want to drink...

When putting on socks starts to become a pain, then you know it's time to lose some weight...