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Pros and Cons (Project)


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Johnny Cage
+Always either neutral or positive in pressure strings
+Builds meter from his crazy pressure game
+f3; a normal thats a special mid and is neutral on block: links to either 1, Frame trap with ex fb, 2, an overhead that has a lot of advantage, 3, a nut punch which f33nutpunch does %20
+All combo enders ending with nut punch can get a free jump punch
+Ex nut punch has invulnerability frames
+High Damage Xray
+High Damage Combos (bnb is just under %40 without counting chip damage)
+Dash is fast and covers a good amount of distance
+7 Frame uppercut

-Forceball is garbage, Cage is pretty much useless if he is far away.
-Some normals can be done on accident, like f2 which puts Cage at a serious disadvantage
-Ex Shadow Kick doesn't have full armor
-Zoners will destroy you, mainly Kenshi, Kabal, and Freddy Krueger
-If your sunglasses break during the fight, you will not get the *ding* sound when you win

Red Son


+ Second Best anti-air in the game (next to KL's Spin).
+ Lowest hitbox in the game.
+ Good d3, d4 pokes, with good range, that also lowers her hitbox.
+ U3 is +9 on block. =D
+ Good footsies.
+ Have a good time zoning with her Iafs.

- All her specials are unsafe.
- Crap d1 poke.
- Average damage.
- Don't have to much tools to keep the pressure going.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele

+ Second Best anti-air in the game (next to KL's Spin).
+ Lowest hitbox in the game.
+ Good d3, d4 pokes, with good range, that also lowers her hitbox.
+ U3 is +9 on block. =D
+ Good footsies.
+ Have a good time zoning with her Iafs.

- All her specials are unsafe.
- Crap d1 poke.
- Average damage.
- Don't have to much tools to keep the pressure going.
Also, 90% of her normals are safe, which is good, plus her hitbox is the lowest of the game. I don't know about 2nd best anti air though, I think Jax takes that spot.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
OK... that's Sub-Zero one is way too skimpy. (giggity)

This must be rectified.

- Best/fastest D4 in the game at 8 frames
- One of the better specials in the game with Ice Clone
- The best corner game with ice clone traps
- Standing reset with the B121 string
- Ice clone option select
- One of the better Xray's in the game (Tom Brady-able)

Prons (Could be one or could be the other... just depends on how things go):
- Most cerebral character (meaning requires more reads and thinking that most characters)
- B2 Shenanigans
- Ice puddle Shenanigans

- Very mediocre damage
- No mobility (slide is super punishable and the only option other than dash blocking or jumping)
- Struggles heavily against zoning characters
- No projectile that can chip damage the opponent
- Problems with low hitbox characters
- 212 string is interruptable
- Standing 2 sometimes whiffs on crouch blocking opponents

I'm sure there is more, but that should give a better idea than the current version. :)
I disagree with Subz not having an anti-zone tool. Iceball offers a free combo if it trades. If that doesn't discourage what will?

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I disagree with Subz not having an anti-zone tool. Iceball offers a free combo if it trades. If that doesn't discourage what will?
I didn't say that. I said no projectile with chip damage...

and that he struggles big time vs zoners... (which he does)

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I was responding to the OP :rolleyes:. On the other hand, it wouldn't matter if it did chip damage its still duckable.
oh... lol.

Well, that's why I tried to make a better version just before your post. haha

I guess that's true, but other character's projectiles that are duckable do have chip damage if blocked so... just sayin.


Dojo Trainee

Fastest standing normal in the game that leads to full combo
One of the best counter zoning moves in the game that leads to 30-40%
Strong Oki Pressure
Great Footsies
Good Space Control/decent zoning
High damage

Needs meter
Specials are unsafe.
His fast normals can be neutral ducked
Crappy wakeup game
I would like to amend you're list with a few of my own thoughts;

Great control of the opponent with various combo enders (continued pressure, full-screen, reset)
Throw is very advantageous
Fast and safe low starter

Virtually impossible to pressure with due to normals wiffing against crouch
Both mids are easily interrupted
No armor outside of x-ray

Red Son

xInfra Deadx said:
Also, 90% of her normals are safe, which is good, plus her hitbox is the lowest of the game. I don't know about 2nd best anti air though, I think Jax takes that spot.
We are in the same boat ;D that's not my words, about the AA. I just think it's pretty descent, it goes foward, straight to opponent's jump.


Όσα δε φτάνει η αλεπού. ........
johnny's projectile is terrible,but you cannot avoid it,when you have no life,you must guess what you need to do f you cannot accept any cheep damage!!!!!!

Red Son

K.O.E_18 said:
I disagree with Subz not having an anti-zone tool. Iceball offers a free combo if it trades. If that doesn't discourage what will?
Ok buddy, just try to do it in the middle of the Kabal/Kitana/Liu Kang/Mileena and Sindel Iafbs, them get back here and tell me I'm wrong.
Ice ball is a good projectile, but these characters can easily see it, stop zoning and block it on reaction, or just jump it and throw another fireball in your face. Besides, Mileena can telekick/roll in your face and Kabal can EN. Dash on you. Try to do it in the middle of smoke bombs, and you'll see what I'm saying, he got Poor anti-zoning tool, We are saying none anti-zone, cause just throw ice balls don't work at high-level play, it's a poor way to try to escape zoning. Your "anti-zoning" tool is as hypothetical as Hitler being a pacifist.


Zoning Master
Anyone have Kano's pros and cons?
Well, I will try to be as generous as I can.

+ OK projectile
+ OK anti-aerial attack

- mediocre offensive strategies
- mediocre zoning strategies
- mediocre defense
- mediocre footsies
- mediocre strings
- mediocre damage output


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends

+Good mobility option
+Can punish a number of things most characters cannot
+Good ground control
+Great wakeup pressure
+Good range on normals
+Good walkspeed
+Versatile meter game

-Slow universal movement
-Walk takes a long time to reach max speed
-Sluggish normals
-Bad air control
-Otherwise mediocre offense
-Excessively reliant on meter


Dojo Trainee

-Best D+4 in the game
-7 frame jab and uppercut
-Cancel into Military stance after any string for many mix up opportunities
-1,1,2~Military stance is great for continued pressure after combos
-40%+ meterless midscreen BnBs
-EX Kartwheel is a safe launcher with armor
-Xray has full armor and can chip an opponent out
-Projectile is fast with superb recovery, especially good for a rush down character
-Dive Kick is a dangerous whiff punisher
-Big boobs

-Tough going against zoning characters such as Kabal and Kenshi, who happen to be popular tournament characters
-BnBs aren't the easiest in the game
-Xray can sometimes whiff even after first hit connects

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
@Eddy Wang - Can you help me, by describing Skarlet's Pros and Cons? It would be great.
+Safe advancing special
+A variety of mixups, while on ground or air
+High Damage Output
+ Normals with a good range
+ one of the best armors in the game (Skarlet's armor last 25 frames, and can be used to create pressure)
+ One of the best footsie tools in the game (F4 puts her crouching, and avoid high attacks and high advancing specials)
+ fast recovery air projectiles
+ Excelent mobility
+ Very strong Fundamentals
+ Best slide of the game
+ 10 Frames uppercut
+ Can Escape Frame Traps
+ Reset creates pressure

-Slow startup normals
- Almost everything she does from specials to strings always takes longer to recover
- Red dash is not cancelable
- Overhead is fuzzy guardable on reaction
- Mediocre Anti-Air options
- Up slash and down slash highly punishable on block
- Slow and punishable teleport on block
- Requires a strong execution level to make her game work
- Meter Dependant
- interruptible strings
- one of the worst 50/50 of the game
- Lacks low starter
Liu Kang

+ Many strings are either neutral or unpunishable on block.
+ Good mixup game.
+ Simple combos that deal acceptable damage.
+ Good projectiles, and has aerial control with iaFireballs.
+ Ability to play both zoning and rushdown.
+ Uppercut has long vertical range.
+ Has a Parry.
+ Easy to pick up.
+ If played right, Liu Kang vs Kabal can be an almost even game.

- If rendered either unable to zone or rushdown, half of Liu's game is thrown out the window.
- Wakeup game is not so good.
- His hitbox includes the headband.
- Uppercut lacks horizontal range.
- Parry has an 8-frame startup, where Liu can be attacked before it activates.
- Hard to master.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
PKM TheFury I dunno if I can add some stuff to the lists.
To Sheeva's pros*only throw in the game that does 14% instead of 12%
and her x-ray is also unblockable along with her aa grab, low grab & stomps (already listed).
To Sindel's pros I could add *the only x-ray in the game that's blocked low and aa's as well.

Fixed again...