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Pros and Cons (Project)


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!

- Buckets of anti air options
- Best meterless anti air damage in the game.
- Best air-to-air damage in the game
- Best jumpkick damage in the game.
- 50/50 setups
- decent armor that can parry projectiles on reaction
- tools to condition and create mindgames
- an ANTI-corner game
- community thinks online randoms using this character is sufficient matchup experience, handing you a free win

- Pokes do not give advantage on hit.
- Inconsistent footsies.
- Extremely risky.
- Difficult to use at his fullest potential at the highest level.
- Almost a non-existent corner game. (not that's its necessarily bad, but most of what you will end up doing also works midscreen)
- Unreliable mids.
- Has had most of his tools completely removed from the game because whoever tested him while they were invited to NRS HQ thought his most powerful assets were too easily abusable by scrubs. (Yet Smoke was unaffected.)


Zoning Master
Freddy Pros and cons?
+ one of the very best zoning strategies
+ strong anti-zoning tools
+ great escape tool via EX teleport
+ solid 50/50 mix ups
+ good footsies thanks to NMS

- requires very good fundamentals (unlike someone else in the game)
- huge hitbox and lack of low pokes to lower hitbox
- needs meter to do big damage

Red Son

xInfraDeadx said:
Kung Lao

Best mobility in the game
Solidly deals with other top tier characters in the game, even Kuh-Bawl
Fastest and longest reaching standing poke in the game
Great pressure/mix-up game
One of the best corner pressure in the game
Fastest wakeup in the game (Spin)

Specials are unsafe
Mids/Overheads are slow
You forgot to mention that he have the best AA in the game, also that he can be easily zoned, sometimes, by characters like Kabal and Kitana.
And the Elbow wakeup is as fast as the Spin, so it's the fastest if you say that Elbow is the fastest too, they are together =D.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
You forgot to mention that he have the best AA in the game, also that he can be easily zoned, sometimes, by characters like Kabal and Kitana.
And the Elbow wakeup is as fast as the Spin, so it's the fastest if you say that Elbow is the fastest too, they are together =D.
1. Yes he has the best anti air, edited post.
2. You can't consistently zone him. He has numerous ways to get in.
3. (And i'm quoting Tom Brady on this one) Elbow Dash is NOT a wakeup. AI Reptiles can wakeup Elbow, but humans cannot.


Online Punching Bag

- Plenty of armor on enhanced specials
- Great anti-air grab
- Minimum hits required for big damage.
- Fireball cannot be ducked, enhanced fireball is an overhead
- 22% damage enhanced grab and punch with armor that goes through a good deal of annoying rushdown strategies
- Telestomp, low grab and ground stomp are unblockable
- Some long range melee attacks. B2, F4
- Good chip damage

- Slow normals
- Biggest hitbox in the game
- Grabs are all specialized for standing, air or low if you guess wrong you can be punished.
- All low starter moves are really slow
- Very meter dependant.

Red Son

xInfra Deadx said:
2. You can't consistently zone him. He has numerous ways to get in.
You never fight a good Kabal player yet? ;D I mean, zoners like Kenshi and Ermac can't, but like Kabal and Kitana, have a good time zoning him. Enlight me, what can you do to get in against Iagbs with Lao, that other characters cannot?

xInfra Deadx said:
3. (And i'm quoting Tom Brady on this one) Elbow Dash is NOT a wakeup. AI Reptiles can wakeup Elbow, but humans cannot.
Am I an alien or what? It is very easy for me. KL have the fastest wakeup along with Reptile.


Positive Poster!
Jade PRO:
- Wakeup mobility (Standard flash costs no meter and you wake up with armor and freedom to do as you will for the iFrame duration)
- BEST Armored Specials by far both of which launch for at least 20% damage.

Mediocre damage.



-lots of options to build meter quickly (smoke away, towards, sb, whiffed air throw)
-can charge / dash cancel his xray

-reset is very difficult to do consistently
-big hit box
-no armored moves


That's what happens when's he's repped by spoiled brats who only ever took notice of him when the EX smoke bomb resets got discovered. :REO
Did I reset you or something online bro ? Kappa

I'm not sure the exact stat or metric, all I'm saying is that it 'feels' large. And of course my post was in addition to what was already stated; the ones I listed are not the sole advantages / disadvantages I consider the character to have.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Did I reset you or something online bro ? Kappa

I'm not sure the exact stat or metric, all I'm saying is that it 'feels' large.
No sir, but LBSH, the Smoke forums were dead as a dodo after the initial OTG smoke bomb after the air throw was fixed up until that.

And while yes, Smoke does have a big hitbox, it's not like Kenshi's or Raiden's where everything and it's mother will hit you in crouch block. So I don't see how it's a con.

Red Son

xInfra Deadx said:
I get plenty of Kabal practice offline. I'm crazy to say this, but Kabal doesn't bother me.
All I'm saying is that you can't roll under Iagb, if you are at footsie distance or farther, you can't teleport on reaction and if you try to divekick you'll be hit by de next Iagb. He destroys all of KL's mobility by simply throwing his projectiles.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior

+Best Armor
+Best meterless damage
+Great footsies
+Mix ups
+Best corner reversal game
+RH Cancels
+Armored dash

-Big hitbox
-Weak antizoning tools
-mediocre pokes
-Holes in his RH cancel pressure exploitable by some characters (Raiden's teleport)
-bad teleport