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UMK3 and MKII Summer Jam in Philadelphia, PA August 14th and 15th


SKYPE: igotbass
The word you're looking for is presume. Enjoy it.
Nice Vocab, thats whats up!!

Is it safe to "Presume" that vocabulary on that level led to the line "Paper or Plastic" being high on your daily sayings list or would that be assuming?

I'm sorry for the personal kara-jab, I won't do it again, just kinda ironic?
It's about MK dude, not correcting grammer on a BB ya dig. Let's at least keep in on subject.

You brought up alot of shit in the 30 posts while I was out this afternoon. I would like a chance to respond, and I do have some constructive shit to say, however I have to make it to a meeting at 6:30, ill chime in a little later.

Don't ban me in the meantime.

I think you guys are underestimating REO. I'm pretty confident that he will place at least top 5. In fact, the only people that I will say can beat him is Shock, Joe and AC.

I will say that if Goku dominates you guys like he does, you will have no chance at the tournament. You could have gotten better, which I hope for you guy's sake you did. Not talking shit just commenting on the video AC posted. Goku wouldn't get top 5 with the players that are going, think about that.

Oh and SANS, it's "couldn't care less". Saying you "could care less" doesn't make sense. Don't worry, it's commonly misused like that.


I have great expectations for REO and I am 100% aware for his outstanding skills...believe me, I can't wait to play him...everybody tells me that we'll have tons of fun, Also Goku is a great player and i think he would do well....Sadly, he told me couple days ago that stopped playing UMK3 months ago and also has lost all interest of doing it. The players who are not even mentioned to the equation (argument)(like REO,Summoning,9.95 and Maverick,DreemerNJ and couple more) are gonna bring the big surprise for every one.


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Why would I say "Paper or plastic?" when I'm a Pharmacy Tech?

LOL Juggernaut, I mean, I at least give them 7th place in a 24 person tournament, you said they have NO CHANCE, damn. Bass and Sans Power should change their names to "Mr I Got No Chance" and "Sans Chance." I think Goku would get top 5 TBH. I'll be back later, about to talk over a wrestling match for Friday before I head to Philly.


I think you guys are underestimating REO. I'm pretty confident that he will place at least top 5. In fact, the only people that I will say can beat him is Shock, Joe and AC.

I will say that if Goku dominates you guys like he does, you will have no chance at the tournament. You could have gotten better, which I hope for you guy's sake you did. Not talking shit just commenting on the video AC posted. Goku wouldn't get top 5 with the players that are going, think about that.

Oh and SANS, it's "couldn't care less". Saying you "could care less" doesn't make sense. Don't worry, it's commonly misused like that.
I don't care how it's said and I don't care if it's always misused. You got the idea didn't you? I think you already know how good I am, I flawless babied you and that speaks for itself. The video with Goku is about a year old or maybe older, I've come a long way. By myself too, I didn't have anyone teach me a playing style.

Shock, I'm telling you Sunday is going to be the day I open your eyes up on online players. I would think you would "presume" that statement and "presume" that it's possible you'll get slaughtered. I've seen your matches with CRAZY DOMINICAN.. Not good Shock, LOL.

Oh and Goku would retire you from the game and that's me being honest.


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I went out to a random tournament at a Skate Shop in 2007 with Frankiebonez to play a bunch of guys who really wanted to get into the scene. Their UMK3 machine had a SF 6 button set up, so it was very hard to play on. I remember the guy coordinating it saying that he had two guys who were going to take down me and Frankie, and really hyping it up while we were there. The tournament was set to have 20 guys, at $20 a head but over half their guys either didn't show up or backed down after playing. Wound up being about 10 players at $10 a head. Before the tournament started, the head guy asked me "Be honest, who do you think it's going to come down to?" and I said "It's going to come down to me and Frankie in the finals, but because of the configuration, I don't know who will win." He was very offput by that and basically said "We'll see man, we'll see." So the tournament came down to me vs Frankie, and Frankie won on double danger, of the last round of the last match of the double dip set. Afterward, the guy running it came up to me and said "Ya know, that was pretty presumptuous to say when I asked you who it would come down to, but you were right." This was only after seeing everyone there play.

As for my matches with Crazy Dominican, I don't recall them being "not good" by any means, in fact, very close, fun matches, and we've had some dominant matches against each other. What else is more interesting, is that I never play against Crazy, and I win more matches against him than people who use to play him all the time. Crazy is still not the best I've play against. You couldn't beat Crazy Dominican a single round, ever, using your best, vs his worst.

I'll be back later, about to talk over a wrestling match for Friday night before I head to Philly.


I went out to a random tournament at a Skate Shop in 2007 with Frankiebonez to play a bunch of guys who really wanted to get into the scene. Their UMK3 machine had a SF 6 button set up, so it was very hard to play on. I remember the guy coordinating it saying that he had two guys who were going to take down me and Frankie, and really hyping it up while we were there. The tournament was set to have 20 guys, at $20 a head but over half their guys either didn't show up or backed down after playing. Wound up being about 10 players at $10 a head. Before the tournament started, the head guy asked me "Be honest, who do you think it's going to come down to?" and I said "It's going to come down to me and Frankie in the finals, but because of the configuration, I don't know who will win." He was very offput by that and basically said "We'll see man, we'll see." So the tournament came down to me vs Frankie, and Frankie won on double danger, of the last round of the last match of the double dip set. Afterward, the guy running it came up to me and said "Ya know, that was pretty presumptuous to say when I asked you who it would come down to, but you were right." This was only after seeing everyone there play.

As for my matches with Crazy Dominican, I don't recall them being "not good" by any means, in fact, very close, fun matches, and we've had some dominant matches against each other. What else is more interesting, is that I never play against Crazy, and I win more matches against him than people who use to play him all the time. Crazy is still not the best I've play against. You couldn't beat Crazy Dominican a single round, ever, using your best, vs his worst.

I'll be back later, about to talk over a wrestling match for Friday night before I head to Philly.
I'm sure I wouldn't Shock, LOL. From the looks of it, you got dominated, really bad. I've always heard tons of stories about your "online" EWAShock persona from a lot of fellow MK players. You're a sore loser my man, it's fun on the outside, but on the inside you're dying. You can express how feel on the inside on XBL though, according to people who have experience "Cry-Baby Shock".. Haha... For your sake, I'm glad you never accepted my challenges online. I saved you the effort of removing me off your Friend's List in a fit of "RAGE!!"

You're going down Shock



Oh and keyword on your last post, RANDOM... You'll learn very soon I'm not your typical random player. Ask Juggs why his boy kicked me out of their room a couple months back, LOL. Juggs is a good player and IMO I think he would beat you. I think you guys would have close games, but I think he would beat you in the end. Not to mention, I think Biggavelli would pick you apart and I've absolutely destroyed him in the past.
I don't care how it's said and I don't care if it's always misused. You got the idea didn't you? I think you already know how good I am, I flawless babied you and that speaks for itself. The video with Goku is about a year old or maybe older, I've come a long way. By myself too, I didn't have anyone teach me a playing style.
You sound just like every other online scrub. First of all one win is meaningless, especially in online casuals. Even me beating you 5-0 twice and 6-0 once doesn't mean much, since it was online. But at least I don't go around boasting about it, because let's be honest, that's not that hard to do. Even when you got that flawless baby, you lost 6-0 before you got that win. In fact, I beat you 6-0 and then left, then got like 10 messages from you begging me to come back. And I didn't even know it was you, since you were hiding behind some random GT. So I joined lost, and you and BASS yelled "YouTube" like idiots for awhile so I left. Then a week or two later you joined Sugar and My lobby. Which I got 4 wins against you, you got 4 wins against me. This day I was random selecting, remember? So it's 20-4, but again it's online casuals so it's meaningless. Especially since our connection isn't the greatest. Only brought this up because you seem to think that one win means something, it really doesn't man. And as I said, not even my wins mean something since it was online casuals. But if you're basing your skills against me on online play, I had to set the record straight.

Oh and Goku would retire you from the game and that's me being honest.
Highly doubt this, lol. No matter if you were talking about me or Shock. Goku also lost frequently to me on XBL. At one point he even complained about me kara jabbing too much, which I think was even on this forum. Goku is a good player, but nowhere near a top player. He's much more of a combo player than an actual gameplay player. Just because he dominated you, doesn't mean he can dominate anyone else.

But as I said, you guys could have gotten better. Though according to Triggavelli, you haven't.


The matches with Crazy are so good and so much fun to watch, I like them a lot. I cant wait to see your face after you get owned this weekend Sans....I would give little credit to Bass who obviously prefers to keep all the real talk after we all play, but you Sans....man you are out of your mind. What planet were you on when you said this-"matches with Crazy-no good."I don't care how old is the video with Goku...it shows clearly that you suck 100%. You babied Jugger on flawless???? well guess what bro, sun will always shine on the dogs ass at least once. I talked to people who played recently against you and Bass in Kaillera....no one said anything good for you....None of them said anything like "WOOOOOOW SHIT"...Most of them said the same thing....laggy losers.


SKYPE: igotbass
Crazy is still not the best I've play against.
Not trying to pull your card Matt, but remember the little conversation me and you had at NEC, where you were telling me about all these friends you made through MK, about how your dead homie put you on to this game and how its changed your life ect. (Which by the way was my first impression of you and I thought you were a pretty sincere person to tell me all of that shit), I also asked you who you thought was the best in UMK and you told me that Crazy Dominican "Hands Down" was the best player in the world. I took it for face value. We also discussed why some offline players are scared to come to a tourney.You might not of though I was paying attention to what you were saying but I was. I listen to everything.

I am not saying this to talk shit, I give people the benifit of the doubt in life, however after the first slip up like this I have to start to wonder dude. You defnietly do not come off as a bullshitter, maybe it just slipped your mind, but you definetly said it.


Totally agree about Crazy...One of the best of the best!!!!1 However Shock did not say what you read BASS....He said "played against"....Shock had tad the unique chance of playing in a tourney with LEX and MOE30W (those are from the same category as Crazy...the best of the best)....so you miss-interpret the whole thing wrong.


The matches with Crazy are so good and so much fun to watch, I like them a lot. I cant wait to see your face after you get owned this weekend Sans....I would give little credit to Bass who obviously prefers to keep all the real talk after we all play, but you Sans....man you are out of your mind. What planet were you on when you said this-"matches with Crazy-no good."I don't care how old is the video with Goku...it shows clearly that you suck 100%. You babied Jugger on flawless???? well guess what bro, sun will always shine on the dogs ass at least once. I talked to people who played recently against you and Bass in Kaillera....no one said anything good for you....None of them said anything like "WOOOOOOW SHIT"...Most of them said the same thing....laggy losers.
I don't play kaillera jackass, that's someone using my name. I'm on XBL, under the name HYEHATEUS because I was forced to change my name because of haters. The person goes on posing as me because IGB has a stalker, so ask questions first.

Juggs, that day I flawless babied you, I was invited to that room by IGB. You've never been beaten me 20 games, stop lying. I though you were willing to bury the hatchet, but you're on that LilLoco shit where you say delusional things. By the way, I played TRIGGAVELLi 2 nights ago. Owned him in the first set and then I sent him a message, then he said first to 10. Here's the play by play, I only agreed if he put his MK career on the line and he said yes. He beats me 3 games in a row, Then after the 3rd match I beat him 10 straight games. So, take that for what it's worth and it's not a bullshit story, maybe he'll tell you the truth about 10 straight victories.

I'm also not saying Goku is the greatest, I just feel if he went to the tournament he would beat Shock. I agree that you would beat Goku, I think you're better than Shock, however, up against me, I have your number. I've beaten the best and whether people want to admit that is up to them.

AC, stop writing checks too. Your comments aren't even worth reading, I skim through them because I'm not going to take anything you say into consideration, LOL.

EDIT: Also AC, I never said their matches weren't good ones. I'm just saying that CRAZY had his number and beat him bad. I agree, it was extremely entertaining to watch CRAZY destroy Shock, LOL.
Juggs, that day I flawless babied you, I was invited to that room by IGB. You've never been beaten me 20 games, stop lying. I though you were willing to bury the hatchet, but you're on that LilLoco shit where you say delusional things. By the way, I played TRIGGAVELLi 2 nights ago. Owned him in the first set and then I sent him a message, then he said first to 10. Here's the play by play, I only agreed if he put his MK career on the line and he said yes. He beats me 3 games in a row, Then after the 3rd match I beat him 10 straight games. So, take that for what it's worth and it's not a bullshit story, maybe he'll tell you the truth about 10 straight victories.
No you invited me to the room, then you invited BASS. You were playing under a different GT. Before you invited me back in, I had beaten you 6-0 like I said. So in that series it was 6-1. I've beaten you 5-0 before that. The first time you came to CMK claiming that I was a "pussy" for only playing 5 games. But I explained that the connection was frustrating me even though I was winning. Later on is when the 6-1 happened and the whole YouTube drama started. Then, we had another series. Where I won 5-0 and even posted it in the YouTube comments. And you can't forget the session we had with Sugar. Where we went even 4-4 and you and I beat sugar like 5 times each I think. So that's actually 20-5 counting the flawless baby.

Not saying this to boast, just saying when it comes to our matches online, you don't "have my number". Triggavelli didn't say he beat or owned you, he just said you haven't changed. Just assumed he meant gameplay wise.


Don't worry Sans..i don't read your bullshit drama as well...just looking for highlights or names, that's all.....


No you invited me to the room, then you invited BASS. You were playing under a different GT. Before you invited me back in, I had beaten you 6-0 like I said. So in that series it was 6-1. I've beaten you 5-0 before that. The first time you came to CMK claiming that I was a "pussy" for only playing 5 games. But I explained that the connection was frustrating me even though I was winning. Later on is when the 6-1 happened and the whole YouTube drama started. Then, we had another series. Where I won 5-0 and even posted it in the YouTube comments. And you can't forget the session we had with Sugar. Where we went even 4-4 and you and I beat sugar like 5 times each I think. So that's actually 20-5 counting the flawless baby.

Not saying this to boast, just saying when it comes to our matches online, you don't "have my number". Triggavelli didn't say he beat or owned you, he just said you haven't changed. Just assumed he meant gameplay wise.
We have the video you jackass, I was invited into that room because IGB was in there with you. You ran away from me when I was using Sans Power, so I was using the name Danny Andrews. I will agree that there was one occasion where you 5-0 me. Just once though and that night with Sugar in the room I was destroying you both, LOL. The only win you got on me was that one baby and then after that I beat you 2-3 more times and Sugar kicked me out after he beat me. LOL, you saying 20-5 is you talking out of your ass and making up numbers that sound kinda, sorta legitimate, just stop... lol

Don't talk about not boasting, you dedicate threads on CMK about real good players so people give you recognition. Then, when they don't you add yourself to the list. You're a good player, I'll give you that, but you live in your own little world as far as UMK3 goes. Don't make me remind you about the time me and IGB slaughtered you that time your kitty was hopping around on your xbox, lmao.. That was a bad night for you, lol.


SKYPE: igotbass
Juggs Behave yourself, JAJAJA!

I expected something like this out of you Matt. I personally like the idea. However I see 1 small problem with your logic though, correct me if I am wrong. As I look at the following results:

Road to Evo 2010
1. Joe “iloveu” Ciaramelli
2. Shock

ECT2 UMK3 Results
1. Joe "iloveu" Ciaramelli
2. Simon "AC1984" a.k.a. "AnalCunt"
3. Shock

1. Joe
2. Shock

Winter Brawl
1: Shock
2: AC 1984
3: Rich
4: JusDave
5: Chinua
5: Summoning
7: Comeback Kyle
7: iloveyou

You did win this one, however with a huge asterisk next to your name because.

"Unfortunately there was a bit of confusion and Joe iloveu
was DQed from Winners Bracket due to being unable to play because of
other tournaments demanding he stay."

Now unless I am missing something, I believe your above post should read:

To me it looks like you are having problems decisively beating your own crew. The only time in recent history that you have beat the dude Joe was cause the dude got DQ'd, Just sayiiinnnn! Holla!!

But I am down with your logic, I think its pretty cool, but lets outline this right now. Give me this list of "Your Crew" right now, lay it out, who do I have to beat to get to you? :rolleyes: Give me the list from bottom to top.
We will play Sunday as well, "You can also stop with the Hightail, and Tuck your tail and run comments I will be there on Sunday as well win or lose", however I was under the assumption that we were going to play some "Fun" matches on Saturday, is this now called off? Let's get down some concrete plans, give me your "Crew" tier list that I have to beat to get to Joe's "AfterShock" lol, and I will be down 100%.

Somehow my thread from earlier got derailed. Now how are we going to work this on Saturday? Do I have to Pre-Qualify to play Matt or can I come in off the street and just play? I would like some concrete plans for Sat as I do sense after this post you are getting a little wishy-washy on the flow of things. Are you still willing to just sit down Saturday, Me Vs Matt, and Sans vs Matt ? I will play anyone, but I want to come in off the street and play you first ? Am I allowed to do that or what ?

Let me know so we both have an understanding, that is very clear and cannot be twisted at all.

We have the video you jackass, I was invited into that room because IGB was in there with you. You ran away from me when I was using Sans Power, so I was using the name Danny Andrews. I will agree that there was one occasion where you 5-0 me. Just once though and that night with Sugar in the room I was destroying you both, LOL. The only win you got on me was that one baby and then after that I beat you 2-3 more times and Sugar kicked me out after he beat me. LOL, you saying 20-5 is you talking out of your ass and making up numbers that sound kinda, sorta legitimate, just stop... lol
Then post the video. How else would I have played you first if BASS invited you? You invited me after I had already left the lobby. Came back and you won once and then yall sat there talking shit for like 3 minutes and weren't readying up. So I left.

You saying that there was only one time where I beat you 5-0 is dishonest man. My memory is way above average, I'm sure of that. I get in arguments all the time for people miss remembering what events took place, and I don't mean game related things. There's been countless number of times where I had the evidence to back up my memory, just this isn't one of those cases because in all honesty, I can't give two shits about online fighters. Just when you go around boasting about how you beat me once with a flawless baby like it means anything in regards to online casuals, is when I step in and set the record straight.

What it comes down to is you two giving way too much credit to online play. When it comes to UMK3 on XBL, the netcode is terrible. Even if I were to beat someone 100-0, even then it would still mean very little. Even in the best connections, UMK3 on XBL will always be casual matches. Even in games with good netcode, the games will always be casuals. The only way to prove your better than someone is through consistency at offline tournaments. Key words there "consistency", "offline" and "tournaments". Consistency because if you beat someone in a tournament one time, this doesn't make you a better player. It makes you a better player that day. If you beat someone at 2-3 or more tournaments, then you can openly say while being justified, that you're better than said player. Offline tournaments will always be the only way to prove yourself in every fighter. The difference between online casual matches to offline casual matches is huge. The difference between online matches to offline tournament matches are infinitely greater.


"""""""""What it comes down to is you two giving way too much credit to online play. When it comes to UMK3 on XBL, the netcode is terrible. Even if I were to beat someone 100-0, even then it would still mean very little. Even in the best connections, UMK3 on XBL will always be casual matches. Even in games with good netcode, the games will always be casuals. The only way to prove your better than someone is through consistency at offline tournaments. Key words there "consistency", "offline" and "tournaments". Consistency because if you beat someone in a tournament one time, this doesn't make you a better player. It makes you a better player that day. If you beat someone at 2-3 or more tournaments, then you can openly say while being justified, that you're better than said player. Offline tournaments will always be the only way to prove yourself in every fighter. The difference between online casual matches to offline casual matches is huge. The difference between online matches to offline tournament matches are infinitely greater.""""""""



Then post the video. How else would I have played you first if BASS invited you? You invited me after I had already left the lobby. Came back and you won once and then yall sat there talking shit for like 3 minutes and weren't readying up. So I left.

You saying that there was only one time where I beat you 5-0 is dishonest man. My memory is way above average, I'm sure of that. I get in arguments all the time for people miss remembering what events took place, and I don't mean game related things. There's been countless number of times where I had the evidence to back up my memory, just this isn't one of those cases because in all honesty, I can't give two shits about online fighters. Just when you go around boasting about how you beat me once with a flawless baby like it means anything in regards to online casuals, is when I step in and set the record straight.

What it comes down to is you two giving way too much credit to online play. When it comes to UMK3 on XBL, the netcode is terrible. Even if I were to beat someone 100-0, even then it would still mean very little. Even in the best connections, UMK3 on XBL will always be casual matches. Even in games with good netcode, the games will always be casuals. The only way to prove your better than someone is through consistency at offline tournaments. Key words there "consistency", "offline" and "tournaments". Consistency because if you beat someone in a tournament one time, this doesn't make you a better player. It makes you a better player that day. If you beat someone at 2-3 or more tournaments, then you can openly say while being justified, that you're better than said player. Offline tournaments will always be the only way to prove yourself in every fighter. The difference between online casual matches to offline casual matches is huge. The difference between online matches to offline tournament matches are infinitely greater.
You were ducking and dodging me for months dude, I made a new account because it wasn't just you who was hiding from me. Plenty of haters were (nitrogoose20), so c'mon. You're an alright guy, I have no problem with you, but you're making up numbers. I will own up and say you've beaten me 5-0, I will even admit that Sugar did it under the name Daz Herzeleid. However, you've only done it once. The rest we're either dead even or you'd come in, beat me once and leave, that's what I disliked about you. The day I babied you, was the first time we played in a long ass time. You've only truly owned me once, that was that 5-0 matches we had. Other then that, I owned you with IGB when your cat was on your xbox and owned both you and Sugar that night he kicked me out.

I'm not giving credit to online play, I'm giving credit to online players. Everybody who shows up to the tournaments are for the most part local players. If all the good people I've played with in the past were to show up, tournament outcomes wouldn't be similar. In fact, I'm willing to bet Shock wouldn't place in the top 5, top 10 yes, but not top 5. If people like Twin Paradox, you, ALANIS, me, IGB, CRAZY, Faith, Shaney, Biggavelli, Funeral, Lex, Ded, and others I can't really think of right now, showed up. I guarantee Shock wouldn't have as much success as he does. Let's face the music, the top 3 players that go to the tourneys offline are average at best, no offense. You've said it in the past Jugger, that Shock isn't that good and Sugar was telling me how much of a cry baby he is.

Also, Shock.. I'm pretty sure your friends don't appreciate you referring them as "your" crew. Phil doesn't belong to you and neither does Summonings or whoever you have it in your head is apart of "your" crew. This isn't some tag team stable you created in WWF No Mercy, they're not property. I'd be hella pissed off at you if you kept referring to me like you were the ringleader or some shit.

AC, again, your 2 cents is about as insightful as Shock's ponytail... Just stop already, you're flame-baiting and that can cost you infraction points.. Believe me, I know.


How dare you put your and IGB name next to Crazy,ded_ and Shaney you F-ing worthless peace of Shit ameteur....