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2nd Official MKII PS3 Tournament (Updated with brackets)

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missed ya there earlier summon while i was out, im on again now if you happen to see this

edit: well man seems like I missed ya again, got one more chance to try it tomorrow, what happens if we dont get to play? I really gotta head to bed now, school in the morning for the first time since thursday, getting up is not gonna be fun
I don't think the 1st round between Diz and I is going to work. I have been trying to get a hold of her since last week for the tournament. Her only replies through PM's are to get on AIM (don't know why). I made a name and IM'd her with no response. I did a friend request through PS3 with no response. Told her in advance I would be on all night last night and she was a no show. Unless the rules are going to be stretched for 1st round deadline, I think a forfeit is emminent.


@cuko, just to make sure. wario is player 1 in the video????? great vid guys:) let me know whos who so i can edit whos player #1 and whos player #2


idea proposal for tournament.

i was thinking it would be cool, if 2 players cant connect or get a hold of their opponent before deadline,what if those players choose a previous loser? like a wild card or "mercy".

players would be able to choose and bring back a previouslt defeated opponent. i think its hilarious and would make the tourney interesting. like what if someone chose a player who lost to a certain player,then gets the "mercy" from a player whos original opponent was a no-show,or if they had connection issues. then that player gets a 2nd chance and defeats the original player who beat him, that would make good conversation,lol/

just an idea proposal


Mr. Sexy Pants
dookie, from the first tourney reserves were set up for 1st round matches forfeits. If there was a problem from the 2nd round, rather than reserve players, we would go to highest scoring losing player from the 1st round to give them another chance. Luckily the tournament went pretty smoothly where we did not have do this.

edit: letting players choose opponents would not be fair since anyone can select the weakest opponent
Tried to play dubson today it was horrible lag between us. Now that i think of it, i counldn't even counter like i wanted to same on his side also I'm pretty sure . Hopefully this can be fixed if he some how beats Aria Delano because there was a waiting sign in the middle of the screen just makes it no fun!!!!
Dubson and I played a practice run yesterday, a tad choppy but manageable. We are going to try on Fri from another connection, damn I think after 6 or 8 games we broke even, or close
@mkrookie, give me a couple hours and i should have word from dizzy. ill hit her up on myspace in a few.

congrats to cuko for his second advancment.

brackets updated:

@gwizzle and sushi, did you guys give the connection a second try?

Any word on this yet? Not looking too pretty....no messages from her today....

She sent one late last night around 11pm asking to do a round at 9-10pm today. I am not able to do something that late tonight. I had Sunday and tonight as "off" nights while the rest of the days were wide open. What do "rules" dictate about this....

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Any word on this yet? Not looking too pretty....no messages from her today....

She sent one late last night around 11pm asking to do a round at 9-10pm today. I am not able to do something that late tonight. I had Sunday and tonight as "off" nights while the rest of the days were wide open. What do "rules" dictate about this....
I sent her a message on MySpace....we'll see....

If she doesnt contact you before midnight, PM me, and she will be DQ'd.
The whole point is she sent a PM at 11pm last night and wants to do the round near the last possible time it can according to the rules. For days I have been trying to coordinate a time with very little effort on her part. I am not able to do it at 10pm tonight...this should have been discussed more in detail and some time set up before the last day of the 1st round deadline.
In my opinion, she should be DQ'd and give me another day to fight someone else. I apologize to all in the tournament but I am not to blame here....
Nothing against ya Diz but trying to get a hold of you as been brutal.....


I'm doubtful about my own match as well, though I understand summonings work responsibilities. I think we are the only two matches left, so what if something could be worked out for us to face off?


there are 3 matches left before tonights 12 mid deadline:

sushi vs gwizzle
dizgirlwillownu vs mkrookie
codo vs summoning
Would it be possible to extend the deadline for the last 3 matches? I understand we had over a week to do these matches but it seems life gets in the way (families, work, etc.).
It would only seem fair that the people involved in the tournament from the beginning should be the ones to participate in it.


summoning just pm'd me saying his schedule wont allow for us to play and I can advance...so whenever you are ready to hide me kensi, come on


holla!! aim : laossushi
OK.. first off doing the DMZ with my pc/ps3 helped BIG time!!thanks guys for helping !! afterward me and gwizzle were able to connect and got a decend connection. we tested it out 20 matches and it ran without any hicups!! yea!!!!!!!!!!!!
after that.. we threw down.
here goes..

and the score is....

Sushi 10
Gwizzle 3

ggs to you gwizzle. you got skills there my nizzle. i was nervous as hell and was tense a bit. i had alot of practice in the past 2 days...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
summoning just pm'd me saying his schedule wont allow for us to play and I can advance...so whenever you are ready to hide me kensi, come on
He needs to PM me or Dookie to vertify this. No offense, you understand. But.....


2nd round matches will start Friday, November 14, and need to be completed by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th @ MIDNIGHT
How bout MKrookie VS Codo? Both of them have opponents that might DQ out.
Diz said she will be on at 5pm. I will be on from 5pm to about 6:30pm (Eastern Time) tonight. If she is a no show then it will be her own fault and she should be disqualified at that point.

Tim or Dookie: you both said you were going to contact her via myspace. Have you and did she tell you guys anything different as far as setting up times and stuff. She is very vague and one word answers to me. Maybe she spills more to you guys since you have a relationship with her already.


codo - if summoning is out i should be on friday after 5pm EST. i'm usually on all night on saturdays as well. just lemme know what is good for you.
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