Mr. Sexy Pants
I didn't know Wario was a fan of Mary Poppins????A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.

I didn't know Wario was a fan of Mary Poppins????A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Dubson and I played a practice run yesterday, a tad choppy but manageable. We are going to try on Fri from another connection, damn I think after 6 or 8 games we broke even, or closeTried to play dubson today it was horrible lag between us. Now that i think of it, i counldn't even counter like i wanted to same on his side also I'm pretty sure . Hopefully this can be fixed if he some how beats Aria Delano because there was a waiting sign in the middle of the screen just makes it no fun!!!!
@mkrookie, give me a couple hours and i should have word from dizzy. ill hit her up on myspace in a few.
congrats to cuko for his second advancment.
brackets updated:
@gwizzle and sushi, did you guys give the connection a second try?
I sent her a message on MySpace....we'll see....Any word on this yet? Not looking too messages from her today....
She sent one late last night around 11pm asking to do a round at 9-10pm today. I am not able to do something that late tonight. I had Sunday and tonight as "off" nights while the rest of the days were wide open. What do "rules" dictate about this....
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yea cukoYeah dookie im player 2 in the video.
He needs to PM me or Dookie to vertify this. No offense, you understand. But.....summoning just pm'd me saying his schedule wont allow for us to play and I can whenever you are ready to hide me kensi, come on
Diz said she will be on at 5pm. I will be on from 5pm to about 6:30pm (Eastern Time) tonight. If she is a no show then it will be her own fault and she should be disqualified at that point.How bout MKrookie VS Codo? Both of them have opponents that might DQ out.