Maybe SC because you went to one national but I don't know the whole issue about that game and who still plays it.
Tekken? Nobody in SA is good enough all though solid. Ramin, knicks, aug, christian, nacho, you?? No, we have a very good community, but not sponsorship level. We both can agree on that.
FOR THE LAST TIME> San Antonio is a 360 town. Your welcome to bring ps3's to fight nights but learn stick or byos.
Cyke_out... If your gonna stick to online then I doubt you want to improve game play. Post your addy and we can arrange to play at your spot or someones house. 3 of us host games alteast once a week or go to Gameworx to play
Although you could be like Rain and come out of no where and be the best in sa just by playing online but ssf4 doesnt lag as much as mk does.