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New number 1 in Ranked Versus


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As an advertisement for the site I made the account UltimateMKoCOM and tried to get it to the top 5 or so. I played about 150 matches over the course of the month, lost 2, and was ranked around 12th by about 125 matches in I believe and after that the next 25 or so didn't increase my rank at all, then near the last night of the account's free month I played Konqrr about 22 or so matches to finish it out. He only dropped maybe 10 ranked spots or so because I was already above his rank of around 32ish at the time, but his TS was high enough the break me through to the first page. Full matches btw. Also, I saw something about banning Droopy, I skimmed the thread and didn't realize until now that he is taking claim for the current #1 booster, but can someone point me to what Droopy did that is ban worthy?

Tim Static

I said it because i would cut any ties with this site, you & everyone here.

Idi understand its not Ban worthy, but it is a tremendously bigtime pussy move.


If its okay for Shock to promote the site, then why cant i put umk.com in my motto? At least id be the first place nubs would look to for answers and what better way than to lead them here? This is where how i got better, thank combo videos and strat guides for that. But anyway ill respect your request and have my motto cleared. I now show no ties to the site in any ways whatsoever.


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If someone checks the top players and wants to contact to them play them, sees that oh I dunno, 2 or 3 have the same motto "www.ultimatemk.com" they are going to be more likely to come to this site and check it out. If those players are interested in playing the top players, or at least who they think might be the top players because they are ranked high, then that means they are more likely a good addition to the site and we'd want them to come here and seek a challenge.


If i get any messages regardin challenges, i will be happy to send them here with a message- If you beat all the best guys on here, you can play me ranked. :D

If they have questions, i will refer them here but only if they are serious about it.


Who's right in front of me? Are you suggesting that you're him? SORRY DC your not on his level yet...
When i played amp, he killed me 14-0 and he looked rusty at the same time. So i would definitely say he is not DC because they both have different styles.