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Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Ok, this needs a thread for its own.

Anyway, Ed updated it again, and their is a number below the big noob.com .

And 3 8's are highlited in red.

MK8 will be released on August 8, 2008 is what I am thinking. (8-8-08 )



You're idea makes plenty of sense but unless they go back to 2D this game is probably going to suck regardless.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
You're idea makes plenty of sense but unless they go back to 2D this game is probably going to suck regardless.

I hope the next year or so with SF4 & MK8 will be like the good old days, minus the arcades (which is never a good thing, but I'll take what I can get).

2-D, FTW.


Premium Supporter
There is an overwhelming desire for a new 2D MK game. It's unbelievable how much I see it posted in different places. Who really cares about fake 3D games? I mean, if they were true 3D, their heads would probably explode. They really don't know how to even make a 2D game, and they've wasted a lot of time on the "2.5D" games. Perhaps a true 3D game will not even have moves? That's one way to balance it at least. No attacks, no moves, no fighting.

I really have the utmost contempt for Midway, Ed Boon, and the likes when it comes to their ability in making a good fighting game, and I think most people know that. MK8 doesn't have me interested in the least bit and I will be very surprised if they come up with anything the least bit reasonable on the first shot. I think VERY simplistic gameplay is the key here in terms of per character. Bring the character count down to around 12, but also bring the move count down closer to MKII/MK3. The problem is we don't have any idea what direction they are taking this. We can say things like "Oh they should do this, or that and the next thing" but they might be like "Oh, well we're not really going that direction, you won't be able to see your character when you fight."

I'm only curious as to what they can possibly do here. I mean, they keep talking about reinventing the franchise but they said that for MKDA, and the fighting system, and the graphics, and gameplay, or whatever. They can't really change anything. All the they can and should do, is take elements that you can't "copyright" from other games, and put them into one good game, but they won't. They'll come up with some new feature that will be utterly useless, or broken, but again, I have a strange feeling they are going to do something monumentally stupid with this game and that will be it. Then make at least 2 sequals adding characters, fixing broken concepts, and creating new broken concepts. They want to take things in a new direction but really they just want to take players' wallets into the same direction.


Any ideas yet about the earth and moon? Or is it just an excuse to have the distance there with three 8's highlighted in red?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Any ideas yet about the earth and moon? Or is it just an excuse to have the distance there with three 8's highlighted in red?
Yeah, thats my guess.

You know that guy loves to fuck with us...lol.

Ever since he started,...bastard.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Well now their is a countdown. 29 days 16 hours. hmmm...
thats been on there for a little while now, but its a countdown until the Midways Gamers Day (the E3 for Midway). This is where and when Ed & Team MK will reveal MK8 to the workd.


We should all show up and boo their asses so fuckin loud if it is 3D while they are being interviewed.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
We should all show up and boo their asses so fuckin loud if it is 3D while they are being interviewed.
That would be awesome. We'll get niggy to make us costumes of 2-D versions of the characters, and yell out stupid stuff, "3-D sucks, [ban incoming] balls." and "hey you, bad guy." & "dude?". lol


We should all show up and boo their asses so fuckin loud if it is 3D while they are being interviewed.
That would be hilarious. If I had money to burn, I'd make "UltimateMK.com: we reject your 3rd dimension" t-shirts and bus people to it.

Actually...I like that idea for a t-shirt :confused:

EDIT: and on the moon thing from noob.com, April 17th is when the counter is up and April 20th is a full moon. Maybe they figured that was close enough, lol.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
That would be hilarious. If I had money to burn, I'd make "UltimateMK.com: we reject your 3rd dimension" t-shirts and bus people to it.

Actually...I like that idea for a t-shirt :confused:

EDIT: and on the moon thing from noob.com, April 17th is when the counter is up and April 20th is a full moon. Maybe they figured that was close enough, lol.

Thats great, Dreemer, and yes, I'd buy that shirt. (even though I really REALLY want a MK hockey jersey).

That would be so sweet, after the trailer and its 3-D, rip our outside layer of clothes off and start chanting. haha

we are the nerds of the MK kommunity.

And I love it.


Noob.com is a site owned by midway. Typically it acts as ed boon's homepage. When its not acting like a ripoff of the SF4 countdown ^_^


I can see a conference room full of MK team members.

Person 1: "Oooh we should have a countdown like SF4 did!"
Person 2: "But ours has to be better"
Person 3: "Guys, instead of just a planet, let's do a planet and it's satellite!"
Person 2: "My god, it's perfect."
Person 4: "Genius"
Person 1: "Totally different from a countdown with a planet."
Person 4: "And lets use a Christmas countdown."
Person 2: "Yeah, why not?"


Dojo Trainee
I can see a conference room full of MK team members.

Person 1: "Oooh we should have a countdown like SF4 did!"
Person 2: "But ours has to be better"
Person 3: "Guys, instead of just a planet, let's do a planet and it's satellite!"
Person 2: "My god, it's perfect."
Person 4: "Genius"
Person 1: "Totally different from a countdown with a planet."
Person 4: "And lets use a Christmas countdown."
Person 2: "Yeah, why not?"
yea, not even going to bother to look at the site.

MK's had chance over chance over chance. Its not coming back. Forget about it.


I can see a conference room full of MK team members.

Person 1: "Oooh we should have a countdown like SF4 did!"
Person 2: "But ours has to be better"
Person 3: "Guys, instead of just a planet, let's do a planet and it's satellite!"
Person 2: "My god, it's perfect."
Person 4: "Genius"
Person 1: "Totally different from a countdown with a planet."
Person 4: "And lets use a Christmas countdown."
Person 2: "Yeah, why not?"
Hahaha except it was all one person talking to himself, trying to put together a counter with limited resources. ;)