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osu16bit character information data

i went thru all the info from osu16bit pax tweets and took all the character move info and put it together#
i put it into microsoft word first to clean up a bit
anyway here it is


Cyrax ex teleport has a slightly different animation and sound but does nothing that I can see. I tried it many times. I'm stumped.
Enhanced Cyrax air throw travels higher and is two hits
Cyrax X-ray worked on ground.
Cyrax ex net is basically the same..maybe it lasts longer. Ex teleport I cant tell the difference. Ex reverse kick starts with a sliding low
Cyrax ex bombs are sticky bombs that fire straight forward and explode if they hit
Cyrax command grab is bb1 and is unblock able.


Major correction about ermac. After you begin the floating butt slam you can hold block to stay floating. From float you can do air energy blast or air teleport punch or let him butt drop. Maybe somebody will come up with some use but the float and butt slam look shitty. Very slow and the slam does low damage. It doesn't knock down or pop up even in ex.
And it's actually called butt slam in the moves list. No really
Ermac TK slam is just d,b+1
Enhanced tk slam he slams them back and forth a couple times
Ermac doesn't have the float stance now. It's just the slam. You hit d,u+3 he floats up and automatically does the butt slam
Ermac enhanced butt slam I think just staggers them longer
The force choke looking move is a regular move. b,f+1 I think. The enhanced one he flips them upside down and drops them
Ermac ex force push. He turns you upside down and drops you head first
Ermac has a chargeable, dash cancelable b2 like sub zero
Ermacs teleport can be done in air. His air fireball is a downwards short ranged energy blast. Enhanced teleport adds an elbow after.
Ermac grab he grabs their forhead as they kneel, green soul energy is flowing in them then he punches them away
Ermac win pose, floats in the air with souls circling him. Ermac round 1 win pose..little butterfly like souls circle him, he grabs one and crushes it
Ermac ex tk slam he slams them back and forth, ex teleport punch adds an extra hit, elbow bash
Ermac fatality d,u,d,d block lifts them into the air, forces their 4 limbs to fly off, then smashes the body into thr ground head first


Jax throw is the multislam
Ex dash punch has the purple energy trail and automatically goes into a grab when it hits
Jax moves - Sonic wave, gotcha, anti air gotcha, air throw, dash punch, ground pounds
Jax actually has 3 different ground pounds. Close, mid and far with 3 inputs. ex pound pops them up hella high
Jax ex projectile is larger and longer.


Kano does have an ex ball. You hold block to roll in place like mk1.
You can do Kano cannonball with the Cammy hooligan input
Kano ball is not full 360, you can roll qcf then tap up.
input for regular ball is b,d,f,u. You cannot hold block to charge it like mk1.
You can block kano choke grab and xray starter. I ex up ball hits twice
Kano moves: ball, upball, knive, choke a bitch. Ex knives he throws two at once. Ex choke he takes them to the ground


Kitana moves. df1 throws fan. df2 fan slice. db3 pretty kick. db4 is a new low sweep. db1 square wave. bb2 fan lift
Kitana xray is very good. Start up works just like fan throw. IE if you catch them jumping with a air fan you can do xray.
Kitana xray starts with a fan toss projectile. Can be done on air or ground. When it hits she teleports behind them and stabs them in thr head, then teleports in front and stabs them in the face. Easy to combo into it, it works like her normal fan toss.
Kitana db4 is a feint kick, she begins the pretty kick then goes low
Ex pretty kick is 3 hits. EX fan toss she throws one then a second delayable fan. EX fan slice has second hit that knocks down

Kung Lao

Kung Lao has teleport, can jump kick, punch and throw out of teleport. Ex is double tele
Kung Laos db+2 the hat rolls on the ground across the screen. ex is where he throws it to the ground and it bounces up
If you hold 2 it plants in the ground and you can release whenever
Kung Lao ex spin travels forward a little

Liu Kang

Liu flying kick ex has flames.
Liu counter works on throws.
Liu ex fireball is shaped like a dragon and does more damage. Same with low and air fireball.
Liu Kang win pose: he prays then opens his hand, a little dragon appears in flames. Yes a real living pet dragon Liu’s pet dragon is floating in his palm. It sort of looks like the logo. I dunno why Liu Kang has a pet dragon
Liu kangs tag out is basically his mk3 flames fatality
Liu kangs moves are now done with bf. Fireball is bf 1, flying kick is bf2 ect the counter is db1. Ex version is a popup uppercut


Nightwolf ex thunder bolt pops up towards you for combo
Nightwolf's grab where he lifts you up and shoulder rams is a command grab. d,f+2. The version where he slashes them before the shoulder is the ex. It's not a just frame throw.


When you use Noob disabler after you hit them once it ends.
The disabler is not stupid like mkt. The startup and recovery is reasonable.
Noob has shadow slide, portal, teleport, shadow tackle, disabler projectile and a move were the shadow does an anti air kick.
Ex portal they drop out of the portal and land head first
Noob ex shadow tackle has the clone punch them on the ground
Noob tag out is vanishing into a cloud of shadowy ooze
When noobs fireball hits you can't block but you can still attack
noob mkt fireball is a regular move.disables block. EX version said "confused" too..not sure what it means, reverse controls maybe


Reptile ex invisibility grants damage boost
Reptile ex dash elbow adds a second hit where he knocks them up
Reptile acid hand. d,b+2 spinning backhand with his hand covered in acid. Knocks them back. EX version knocks them back higher
His EX invisibility is full invisibility without the predator effect
Reptile win pose. Unmasks. Tongue grabs the camera and pulls it forward.


Sektors ex flame throw burns them longer


Sonya is the only one with a stance but it's basic
Tkd is called "military stance”
Sonya tkd stance is 1+2. tkd 1 is short range shoulder. 2 is longer shoulder. 3 is knee. 4 is double knee. Tkd throw is tackle
Dash out of tkd cancels tkd. Block cancels it and block out of tkd is slow.
Tkd tackle is blockable
Tkd b1 is a dash then two punches
Tkd b2 is a popup uppercut
Sonya leg grab is blockable
Sonya dive kick is d4. Can be done instantly like a Street Fighter dive kick. Combos into normals. Can be done jumping back or towards.
Sonya other throw is knee then snapmare
Sonya has a tackle. Ground and pounds then kicks them away
Sonya EX arc kick and cartwheel don't look any different, the arc kick travels farther and the cartwheel pops up higher
Sonya air throw is a mid air leg grab like mk4. Her ex ringtoss is two, one high one low.
No bike kick for Sonya. Cartwheel, leg grab, rings, arc kick, air throw.
Ex leg grab makes them bounce and she grabs them and slams them. Similar to that wonder woman move.
Sonya throw = knees then turns around and does a shoulder face buster kind of like the stone cold stunner


Scorps jab infinite? What?! Any video of it?
jonny cage and scorpion both have a jab inf in the demo
ex: 2 and 21 with johnny cage are at plus frames on block this number of frames is more than the frames it takes 2 to hit your opponent ( start-up frames ) this allow you to do 2 and 21 infinitily and your opponent cann't jump back dash or attack you just stand there and eat the block damage.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Read all of these on Osu's twitter but nicely listed in order dude, man it's such a pity Sektor has virtually NOTHING :( lol they should have given him an enhanced Seeker that shoots two seekers at once or one after the other at least, I mean they took away his normal seeker as a regular move and made it an enhanced move...ehh he'll still be low lol.

Ermac has a lot of interesting moves and the fact that his TK slam is now d, b +1 means combos will be sooo much easier to do now :) I'm really happy about this!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'd imagine that would be removed by now, since the demo build was from over 2 months ago Brian said in one video :) That's a long ass time ago lol. If for some reason it's not though, I'm sure they'll just tweak it or patch it. At least WB/NS unlike Midway confirmed that this time around! Yes!



Ex dash punch has the purple energy trail and automatically goes into a grab when it hits
Jax moves - Sonic wave, gotcha, anti air gotcha, air throw, dash punch, ground pounds
So his EX Dash no longer launches? Fail! Do we know what the difference between his normal gotcha grab and AA gotcha grab are?

We also need to get the notations standardized before the game releases. I have no idea if "db" is QCB or or diagonal down-back. Same problem with df and some other inputs.


So his EX Dash no longer launches? Fail! Do we know what the difference between his normal gotcha grab and AA gotcha grab are?

We also need to get the notations standardized before the game releases. I have no idea if "db" is QCB or or diagonal down-back. Same problem with df and some other inputs.
Dogg, I am in complete agreement with you about standardizing notation. However, in MK, notation for a move like Sub-Zero's Ice ball in MK-MK4 was always D,F,LP... and this is correct notation... while someone might think its actually QCF,LP it's not... you can perform the move by just quickly tapping, down, then forward, then LP, without ever registering the d/f part of the quarter circle.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Diagonal inputs are not registered for special move inputs in MK, and all directional inputs in a special are taps. So a move like dbFP stands for Down, Back+FP.


Dogg, I am in complete agreement with you about standardizing notation. However, in MK, notation for a move like Sub-Zero's Ice ball in MK-MK4 was always D,F,LP... and this is correct notation... while someone might think its actually QCF,LP it's not... you can perform the move by just quickly tapping, down, then forward, then LP, without ever registering the d/f part of the quarter circle.
I get that special moves in MK do not require full circles, but it's still easier to understand that QCF means "down, then forward". To an outsider, "df" generally means diagonal down-forward. Now, "d,f" makes sense because it's obvious that's not a single direction due to the comma. But we can't rely on people to always use commas. That's why something like "QCF" is far more clear than "df". Or just use the arrow smilies.

Coming from a Tekken background makes it even harder to understand because "df" in Tekken actually means diagonal down-forward. But again, had the original poster use "d,f" there wouldn't be anything more to clarify.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Could someone explain this military stance and tkd a little more im not understanding what it is?!?
I was curious about this myself with Military stance? Like can you only do certain moves in this style?:confused:

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
yes, it's a second stance like in a Tekken game. You hit 1+2 and she goes into it and has a mostly different set of moves.

The Jax EX Dash Punch follow up is he picks them up and slams them down.
at 1:34. That entire thing is automatic.

Anti Air Gotcha is a seperate move. He reaches up for them.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I just remembered that Lii Kang video where he taunted then swept Kitana. He had nothing like a taunt or stance that I saw.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Okay, guys, knock it off. This is an info thread, not a bicker session.

I'm deleting the argument. Back on-topic.



If you watch the Liu Kang video again he also does a flip over kick on Mileena, if you watch the video very carefully he does that taunt/stance before he does the flip over kick. That was the reason I thought it could be a stance, then you have the sweep that everybody else has mentioned which isn't enough evidence due to sweeps being universal for MK characters. Look at it 51 seconds in. If it is a taunt though then thats cool. I suppose the question to ask is if that flip over kick I mentioned is a actual normal or if it is a special move?


Dojo Trainee
Thanks for the video... though these infantile fanboy, wannbe interviewers (not to mention the less-than-eloquent people NRS have speaking for them) really makes these interviews more cringe-worthy than enlightening.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol yeah you can tell which people are fans of the series and which are just there interviewing everyone the same way.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah I think Liu kang and Kung Lao are very fast IMO, maybe it's just me but they seem faster then everyone else.