ah yes, detail... i do love me some detailed work.http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs193.snc3/20068_314852403437_836333437_4730989_429191_n.jpg
This is my first tattoo right after I got out of the chair
very nice, logik.
ah yes, detail... i do love me some detailed work.http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs193.snc3/20068_314852403437_836333437_4730989_429191_n.jpg
This is my first tattoo right after I got out of the chair
its supposed to be my grandmother who always used to take care of my when I was young, she ment the world to me and I felt that my first piece of art should be her. so my pops helped my find a picture that was a mixture of what I was looking for and this is what was found.good stuff. what does it mean or stand for?
I wish. He perfected me one round.lol.. he "looks" like a cool guy, but you know what they say about looks.
anyway... did you win?
country? yesNoice. Were you born in another country or continent?
I hope it isn't Canada.country? yes
continent? no
I hope it isn't Canada.
Please tell me it isn't Canada.
noI was kinda referring to the "Ukraine" shirt and wondering what was up w/ that....lol...she DOES look Russian or even Mediterranean....don't you think?