Storms - I'm absolutely happy to have met you for the first time. We had such a great time, laughing, cracking jokes, and plenty of serious conversations. Like I told you when I got there, "I finally got to meet up with my partner!" I had a great time hanging out with you, and I'm glad I made the trip, it was worth it. And you will be seeing more of me in the future.
AC - Congratulations on winning UMK3, you absolutely deserve it. It was great meeting you for the first time, you're a hell of a guy, and I hope to see you in Cali one of these days. The picture I took of you was great, by the way. I'll post it later today for you. See you again soon, Simon.
DarkRob - You're a really great guy man. It was definitely nice finally meeting you in person, and it was fun playing you on the MegaCab and on Mame. For some reason, I always feel like I learn games when I play you. Thank you for letting me room with you the first day, and thank you for the stick I stole from you!(JK) lol
9.95(Phil) - It was awesome meeting you. I've never seen a guy work as hard as you do. You owned running the brackets, and everything else. You do so much for this community, you are definitely a leader for this community, and I absolutely look up to you man. Keep doing what you do best, and I will see you at the next tournament!
Shock - You're one of the chillest guys I've ever met. It was great to see you again, and hopefully we can compete once MK9 drops. You have very nice sticks man, what you do, and have done for the community is awesome, and you have my respect for a lifetime. I hope to see you soon.
REO - After talking and playing along side you for so long, we finally got to meet up. It was a pleasure, and I'm looking forward to leveling up along side you for MK9. We have to keep BMF alive, and start getting ready to beat the shit out of everyone in a month! lol I look forward to seeing you at Power Up. And I'll try and hit you up on aim with Tom later. Oh, and I forgot to get your number, I'll PM you mine in a bit.
Summoning - Nice to meet you man, I've heard so many good things about you. It was nice to see you play some MK2 matches in Robs room.
Aure - I'm glad you made it out man, and it was nice chilling with you once again. You're one of my favorite people in the community. And I wish I was able to hang out more often with you. But for now, I'll see you at the next tournament. Maybe I'll pick up MVC3 for fun, just to get some matches in with you before MK9. And thank you so much for spotting me at McDonalds. But damn you for making me look like a crack addict! lol Maybe I'll get some free food when I visit that place. Either that or I'll get arrested. lol
Arez - You're a chill ass dude, and I'm happy that you made it through man. Next time we need to bring HDR and battle it out. I was only upset that you didn't crash in through the doors wrestling alligators! lol
Tom Brady(Bill) - It seems like we see each other every week. You're closely becoming one of my tournament buddies. I see you just as often as I do my Cali players, and we live so far away. I'm looking forward to leveling up with you. And since I see you often, I may not tell you man, but I look up to the player you are. Congrats on getting signed, and I'll see you at Power Up!
Dancock - Finally got to meet up with Dan. You're a great guy! So many thanks go to you for booking my flight. I wouldn't of made it out there without you dude. Thank you Thank you Thank you! Hopefully next time we get some more games going. Taco Bell rules! lol Oh, and FYI. You booked my flight to SAN(San Diego) airport for my arrival, not SNA(Santa Ana) My sis and bro had to drive 2 hours to pick me up for my fail... lol
THTB aka Azuro(Dontay) - FINALLY! I've known you for years man, and we finally got to meet. You're as chill as you are on the forums. I still remember the first time I met you via online MKA. You were this random guy with the gamer-tag, "Azuro." lol I cant believe everything from that day, led up to this great weekend. Dude, I'm glad we finally met. And hope to see you at Power Up!
Rissing - Congrats on getting 3rd on MKvsDC. You're a great guy, and I'm glad we got to chill on Sunday. We got to talk so much that day, it was definitely nice kicking it with you. Too bad we live so far away. But nevertheless, I will see you at the next tournament, Luis.
Rey The Great - I had no idea who you were until Rissing had told me. I really wish we had more time to chill, or have games. But definitely next time. Thank you so much for showing up man, and I hope you enjoyed yourself. See you soon.
Gerchap - Nice to meet you man. You're a hell of a guy, and definitely a friend. I hope to be seeing more of you in the coming future. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask, we are all here for each other man. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing you again soon. And hit me up anytime you want to have a chat. See you soon.
Riu48 - Man, it was a pleasure to meet you man. Good shit on the interviews, and GG's on Super, and MKvsDC. I definitely look forward to playing you on MK9. Hope to see you again soon man. I'll be attending every tournament once MK9 drops, so you will be seeing more of me. Hit me up on aim when you get a chance. Also, I don't think I got your number, hit me up so I can give you mine.
Hey-Now - After years of playing you on MK. We finally got to meet. It was a pleasure meeting you for the first time man, glad you came through. And I definitely hope to see you again soon man. Keep coming out to these events.
Pistol - It was great finally meeting you man. Too bad we couldn't get more games going. But at least we got a few in. Those few games were worth 1000 times more than anything we have got in online. I'm looking forward to playing you again soon at the next tournament. I wont be playing SSFIV anymore, but hopefully we get some games in for MK9.
Psychochronic - Nice to finally have meet you man. Hope to be seeing you on some MK9 in the future. And see you at Power Up!
Rouse Bros - Nice to meet you both. And GG's on UMK3. It was really fun. Hit me up on XBL anytime. And hope to see you guys soon at the next tournament.
Red - ??? I was told that I talked to you. Who the hell were you? lol Damn you for being a ninja!
Thank you so much Big-E for hosting this event. I'm giving you the "CALI SEAL OF APPROVAL!" lol I had a blast. Thank you for giving the MK-Community a place to call home.
I hope I didn't miss any of you, if I did, I'll just update the list. There was just so many people there, and the atmosphere was great! But for now.