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Kombat Tomb Podcast - FAREWELL Show This Weekend...


Grapple > Footsies
Nah guys we're for real. We want to go out on a high note. In 10 years when people think back about KTP they will remember something special. If I try to go on with new hosts it would just taint that. I can't believe how much this means to people, it makes me feel really good knowing that you guys care.

Just remember it all started with a forum post: http://testyourmight.com/threads/i-need-the-mk-communities-help.8703/


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Question for 16 Bit: If you had to assemble a team of wrestlers to play against Europe in Mortal Kombat in the upcoming 4v4, which wrestlers would you pick and what characters do you think they would play?


My question for all 3 of you:

Since everyone always discusses top 5.....

What are your top 5 movies (in order) and why?


Mid Tier
I hope the last episode is friggin 6 hours long, K7 I remember when you had the idea, you even posted it on Game Faqs asking if anyone would even listen. People wanted to listen man!!

More questions for the final show: what are your thoughts on YOGA PANTS

Do you guys think Kabal will kill MK9 tourny turn out, or will people stop bitching and start working on the match up, instead of match up numbers?

WILL KTP RETURN WHEN MK10 (and we all know eventually we will get another one) Comes out!?????? - I fuckin demand it!!


Last Questions:

- Why doesn't McDonald's sell hotdogs?

- If there were a thousand seaguls in an airplane while its flying, each weighing two pounds a piece, but they were all flying in the airplane, would the airplane weigh 2000 pounds more?

- Is it wrong for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers?


16 bit said UFGT might be Slips last tournament. He might be hanging up the boots.
Evo? Slips

Also, I strongly disagree with this ending completely... you guys should think about this a bit more for the community imo... if all of you can't do it, why not select a proper replacement to keep the show running?


PSN: Skkra
I don't really think the show can continue without the current lineup. The give-and-take between those guys, and their personalities in general, is what makes the show so good.

It's sad that the show is ending. It will also be sad if Slips retires completely from competitive play since he's so entertaining to watch, but I can understand why he might decide to do to that.

I hope that the real-life endeavors that are driving this decisions (that's what 16bit seemed to hint at the other night) prove successful for any of you involved. Though I still say that if someone has signed an NDA that says you can't discuss games anymore, you guys should keep doing a show about whatever. 3/4 of your shows weren't about MK anyways! =)


The Marvelous Meter Man
It's a shame because I feel like I'm the only person who understood Slips meaning of life, and the chance of discussing it with them will never happen (as opposed to being any different before). I HATE BEING SO AVERAGE IN THE COMMUNITY!


PSN: Skkra
Assuming someone signed a NDA, it wouldn't matter if they weren't making a show discussing games or gaming
Yeah, true, true. It just blows.

I was relistening to the 16bit VS Slips "what was the best console" argument this afternoon, and to think that there will no longer be solid gold like that being pumped out is seriously depressing.
This community is being way too lenient about this. Heres what I say; The only thing you three get to quit, is tearing. So get back on skype and go back to entertaining me, monkey-boys...
Oh, and I finally need an answer to THE question. Its been lingering out there for a long time, and there is no better forum than the final show to answer it. Who wins, Alien or Predator? Not in a one on one fight, but one whole race versus one whole race. This is an important distinction because Predators rely on noodle-armed science nerds to make their equipment, which implies a whole infrastructure must exist on their home planet that includes non-combatants (children, accountants, mental-institute nurses, sod-farmers, whatever-the-hell-Slips-does). Aliens have no non-combatants, as their children are head-crabs (whose morphology is dependant on the host they infest).
Its a lot of variables to weigh, but... I need an answer. I NEED IT!