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Strategy frog hopping


can we get some actual discussion happening here please.

has anyone already been using this?

where do people see uses for this?

can this really be used as an escape against , lets say cage to get full screen?

even tho you can not block, is this good for baiting specials?

Big Frog

I've only found uses for it as mindfuckery, otherwise it doesn't really mean anything. Everyone already knows about the standard B2 cancel trickery, but maybe if you did it really fast like my tadpole from another mother Kfrog did in the middle of the video it could just make people go WTF?


You will BOW to me!
can we get some actual discussion happening here please.

has anyone already been using this?

where do people see uses for this?

can this really be used as an escape against , lets say cage to get full screen?

even tho you can not block, is this good for baiting specials?
Yes it is useful. Sweep range. B2 charge cancel to dash and throw. After a succsesful TKP B2 charge cancel dash to get in TKP range again. After a blocked B114 or F114 or F2. B2 charge cancel to dash for throw or other mixups or backdash to go zoning again. Its also very useful while you are zoning. For example you can easily close the distance between you and your opponent to get in range for TKP. Same applies when using it after a jp. B2 charge cancel to down poke, lift, TKP, 31 or whatever you want.

EDIT: From what i ve seen the dash after the B2 cancel seems to be alot faster than the normal dash and covers more ground than the regular dash.


You will BOW to me!
This pretty much makes Ermac's footsies and spacing amazing.
The only disadvantage you have while using this is that you cannot block during the dash or backdash cancel BUT you can use everything else (specials, normals, throw etc). Yeah its very useful in his spacing game.


You will BOW to me!
How can you incorporate this with iAFB?
You could do B2 charge dash cancel to IAB but currently i m not using this. But by doing this you risk abit. You must do a perfect IAB or you could get whiff punished.
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my only problem with b2 dashing so close and going for grabs etc is that once or twice people see what you are doing and wont fall for it . you cant block during this and fast specials beat this. thats not to say you cant b2 and tks instead of a grab.

one thing i like is how much faster and more distance it covers then normal dashes. definatly going to use that to get in tkp range after a combo ends in tkp


24 Low Hat!
Lol i thought this was another thread on K-Frog's jumping habits

I still think that the risk/reward for this is too high. Complete vulnerability just for a moderate increase in speed? At most i would use one b2 cancel dash to get some extra range, any farther than that is bold stupidity. Also, why not just dash block? I mean, at least you're protecting yourself for fractions of a second between dashes. Here you'er all the way vulnerable cause you cant block fast enough to react to anything.

PS. love how he takes something we've all known for quite some time and names it after himself.


How can you incorporate this with iAFB?
you can actually cancel b2 cancela into forward or backwards jumps.

by doing a forward b2 cancel, you can then jump and do an iafb.

you should be able to do this from some distance away
Reactions: gdf