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My last attempt at an accurate community tier list.


I really dont like Quan Chi having his own tier. At least bring half the guys down to that tier. You blow up Mileena while Sub is probably a better character overall. No way Mileena is that high. Mileena only does good vs people who jump and dont block. She so overrated. Shes not even my main character so its not a a case of me down playing her like every1 does with their main. I'm just being real about Mileena.


Loses to uppercuts
Charybdis (See "The Odyssey" or Google it):

Kenshi, Sonya-3 because she's my Main., Smoke, JAX, Freddy

Kitana, Sektor, Cage, Shang Tsung, Cyrax, Kung Lao, Raiden, Reptile, Mileena-1, Ermac

Who the fuck cares
Quan Chi

Sword Fish:
Liu Kang, Rain, Skarlet

Sub-Zero+1, CSZ, Nightwolf+1, Sindel, Stryker

Kano, Noob Saibot, Scorpion+1, Sheeva, Baraka, Jade

Red = my opinions.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I just watched it and wanted to comment on the Reptile part. I don't see Showtime, THTB, Rapzilla, Scoot, myself etc. ever saying Reptile isn't good. I'm pretty sure we'd all agree he's either top 10 or just ouside of it. The only Reptile players I've seen complaining about him are Chris G and teef when he used to play he kind of told me that Reptile has lots of problems which I disagreed with.

And I think Reptile v. Kenshi is 5-5. On the smaller stages Reptile would have an easier time and KEnshi would have an easier time on the larger ones.


Best list i've seen, near flawless

honestly i think baraka is on the same level as Stryker and Nightwolf. If i absolutely had to change something i'd move him up to (B) and make sheeva have her own tier. Otherwise perfect imo.

Great job Tom Brady, Welcome Back?!

Tom Brady

Tom Brady, do you think that there will be modification on this standard list if everyone is to come into agreement?
in these groups, no. if i actually tried to number them from 1-31 then yes.

S+ = the very best in the game
S = not as good as S+, but still separate themselves from the rest of the cast.
A+ = the bottom of the top 10, to the high mid tiers, to the bottom of the high mid tiers.
A- = Quan Chi because he is almost untierable due to how he fluctuates with or without meter.
A = middle of the mid tier characters.
B = bottom of the mid tier characters aka unfish
C = the lower tier characters aka FISH!!

by using groups is prevents a situation where a character now moves from #14 to #13 and now the tier list has to be re-tweaked. this way they still stay in the respective grouping. the way the community is ,for a tier list to be accurate and agreed upon, it need SOME room for slight movement without having to re-do a list. do a #1-31 doesnt allow for that but a grouping does.

Tom Brady

I just watched it and wanted to comment on the Reptile part. I don't see Showtime, THTB, Rapzilla, Scoot, myself etc. ever saying Reptile isn't good. I'm pretty sure we'd all agree he's either top 10 or just ouside of it. The only Reptile players I've seen complaining about him are Chris G and teef when he used to play he kind of told me that Reptile has lots of problems which I disagreed with.

And I think Reptile v. Kenshi is 5-5. On the smaller stages Reptile would have an easier time and KEnshi would have an easier time on the larger ones.
the players you listed are not who i am talking about. i am actually not talking about certain people, i mainly refer to a portion of the reptile community who dont see him as a good character. not all reptile players down play him, but those that do are out there.


and if he does so what? look at sub.. i just beat 2 great KL players.. sub top 5? fuck no. if slips blows ppl up its because he is that good and he supersedes scorpions issues and bad MU's, not because "oops.. scorpion is top, boy did we miss that one".
While I agree with you, your tier lists have dramatically changed over the past months and this can only be because of peoples performances.

What I'm trying to say is this game is not fully explored, your list will change again

Tom Brady

While I agree with you, your tier lists have dramatically changed over the past months and this can only be because of peoples performances.

What I'm trying to say is this game is not fully explored, your list will change again
again, take a character like mileena.. so what if someone proves shes is maybe #12 and not 15-16, she still stays in A+. see how the grouping works?


Go to hell.
and if he does so what? look at sub.. i just beat 2 great KL players.. sub top 5? fuck no. if slips blows ppl up its because he is that good and he supersedes scorpions issues and bad MU's, not because "oops.. scorpion is top, boy did we miss that one".
I know you took a long break from the forums, but making insane top 5 posts is just... giggles. I wanted to do one for Scorpion purely for the lulz.


To Achieve, You must Believe
Tom Brady
Best list I have seen so far man! keep up the good work! Hopefully i can exploit my character to the fullest and maybe change your mind a little, lol but i do agree on even match ups across the board kang....

As for Sindel, she takes a great amount of work to make her look really good... but in the end i think that bich is going to make an appearance by someone with some great technicality and execution at EVO no doubt... she is pretty disgusting..

Tom Brady

Tom Brady
Best list I have seen so far man! keep up the good work! Hopefully i can exploit my character to the fullest and maybe change your mind a little, lol but i do agree on even match ups across the board kang....

As for Sindel, she takes a great amount of work to make her look really good... but in the end i think that bich is going to make an appearance by someone at EVO no doubt... she is pretty disgusting..
I put kang in mid tier because of the fact that he mainly has a lot of even MUs. hes not low mid but not top tier either. the fact that he has a lot of even MU's has pretty much had him fly under the radar for quite some time, even now I think he is still a little under the radar.

i agree about sindel, takes a lot of work but she is a real bitch at the highest level.


Tom Brady what d'you think about Raiden? I mean a couple of months ago you thought he was the best? What's changed in your opinion? I still maintain he's around the top 5 for sure but many disagree with me. What's your take?
So how is Reptile a bad match up for Kenshi? I'm not being sarcastic or douche-y or trolling....I'd like to know. Kenshi has reflect, armor moves, and spirit charge. Reptile has bad mobility outside of dash, and many of his forceball set ups, which allow him movement, are negated by reflect. Again, I'm simply speculating/theorizing here. I'm no Rep player, so I'm not sure. I would however, like to hear the thought process behind this.
Kenshi may or may not be a bad mu, it is still an iffy issue. However, on paper it seems that reptile controls the match. If reptile make one correct read and do dash JIP thats 40%, however one correct read of kenshi is only 8% or so. And reptile has fb to get in easy. Kenshi has better tools at jumping distance for sure.

Sure kenshi has spirit charge, but one wrong read of down slash, tele combo, upslash is 40%. And no..... Reptile has the best mobility in the game, what are you talking about.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady what d'you think about Raiden? I mean a couple of months ago you thought he was the best? What's changed in your opinion? I still maintain he's around the top 5 for sure but many disagree with me. What's your take?
what changed my mind? realising he was nerfed a bit too hard lol. top 5? no.. maybe bottom of the top 10? possible. either way, he is somewhere in the bottom of the top 10 to the top of the mid tier which keeps him in A+.


what changed my mind? realising he was nerfed a bit too hard lol. top 5? no.. maybe bottom of the top 10? possible. either way, he is somewhere in the bottom of the top 10 to the top of the mid tier which keeps him in A+.
ok thanks for the reply. I've always maintained that he doesn't necessarily have the tools of a Kabal or a Sonya or a Kenshi for that matter but still the way he is designed makes him hard as hell to beat. I think teleport is still one of the best moves, he can whiff punish as well as anyone, good at protecting life leads, is all about mind games really. That's why I thought he was still really good. He still has a decent corner game imo and does good damage in general. I definitely respect your opinion though so thanks.
uhhh, when are we going to get over this whole "Jade belongs next to Sheeva on the tier list" idea. If we're talking about tools, what does this character not have? Damage? Oh wait, she gets 35 meterless and 41 - 45 percent for 1 bar! Footsies? Some of the best ranged normals in the game, some of which lead to good damage too. (b2, b1, u3 in the corner) She also has the luxury of having a 6 frame d1 and 7 frame d3. Her d3 also lowers her hit box a ton, as does her sweep. A lot of her moves are 0 on block too, or can be made 0 by confirming into a safe special.

Specials? how about a shadow kick thats neutral and leaves her at good positioning, a (slow) overhead combo starter with insane range (and armor if enhanced) , boomerangs which are ass by themselves, but can be used with glow to ghetto counter zone (or enhanced to set up resets/throw opportunities). Finally, this character has a move which completely negates most projectiles in the game and makes them all unsafe due to her plethora of ranged normals and specials. Oh, and when its enhanced it gives her fucking armor all over her body, so she can blow up your pressure with 35 - 40ish percent by making a good read.

I'm not saying that Jade is a 1op 10 or even top 15 character, but seriously, bottom tier? Take a minute to consider her options and her play style (footsies footsies footsies) and compare it to the other characters that she's grouped with, especially in the context of todays metagame!

Aside from this Jade rant, this is a really good list. It's very interesting to see how quickly this game is evolving


again, take a character like mileena.. so what if someone proves shes is maybe #12 and not 15-16, she still stays in A+. see how the grouping works?
Again, you have a point, and yes that makes sense, but our characters have moved up and down the groupings before

I understand you want a tier list and one for reference doesn't hurt but because of the size of this community things like this naturally take a bit longer

PS: this is not me trashing your list or anything


Tom Brady

I know you say no character is bad. But i still think this is ignorance making Jade the absolute worst character.
She is not the worst character. A player from Montreal recently decided to main her, and I have never seen anyone play jade like the way he does.He was able to beat take2chance in jade dittos. I dont know if chance is the best jade or not, but he has mained her for a long time now and does not have a developed jade like montreal does. He was able to beat out a cage player at toryuken using Jade. How did he do this? He used her really good footsies game and used armor at the right times to beat out cages f3 and punish him.

loling also has discovered a sort of rune trap that jade has. similar to quan chi, but it is escapable. Its escapable but very hard to escape and has to be escaped at the right time and you can even be punished and put back in the trap. If jade has all 3 meters and you decided to just block all her meters, she makes back 2 meters doing this. You are essentially eating a 5 bar rune trap.

Not only does LolingOctopus ( the jade player i speak of) do high damage combos, but after 1 or 2 combos, jade is putting you in the corner and she has some good corner pressure. He also has 40% combos.

Tom, can you please explain why you have her so low? If she is the worst, she has the worst tools then correct? yet loling was able to use the proper tools the character has to beat cage of all characters. I know Shady uses kabal and i know he had casuals with loling, I dont know what happened but i would like shady to speak about lolings jade.

I am in no way trying to flame/troll/blow up/call out anyone, I really want to know why people think she is bad. In my opinion, she is the new mileena.