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Worst thing to ever happen to you


Loses to uppercuts
Bro you crazy. I hope you win too, that would be awesome. Stories for the kids.

I have more physical type injuries and few mental scars. I have been dead for 45 seconds, am I cool?

.[/quote]You werent dead, your heart just stopped. Dead people dont come back. And no.


Come On Die Young
Last summer, getting a panic attack while smoking and having constant, horrible anxiety ever since then. Basically why I stay in and play MK and such.

A few years ago I got malaria (twice) while in Tanzania. It wasn't as bad having it, though the second time resulted in horrible chest pains and shitting my guts out every half hour through the night, but it means that I'm forbidden from donating blood for the rest of my life :/
I got a toothpick stabbed through my foot before. I was like 11 lol. Had to go to the hospital and shit, it hurt like fuckk. Almost went through the top of my foot too lol


Got E.Coli and stayed in the hospital for four days. A day away from death, but the 4 days of morphine was worth it. thanx McDonalds!

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Last summer, getting a panic attack while smoking and having constant, horrible anxiety ever since then. Basically why I stay in and play MK and such.
Yeah, man. This happened to me as well when I was younger. I learned to control/stop the panic attacks in a little under a month of having them though, but ugh, that shit sucked. It's all in your mind though. I got so high off that shit that I was actually seeing things, had heightened senses, horrible anxiety, had random images running through my mental eye whenever I closed my eyes, felt like my heart was going to explode, etc. That shit SUCKED. I can't even smoke weed. Forget psychedelics, I'd probably lose my mind. Oh, and I tried watching The Evil Dead 2 while in said state and also attempted to listen to Goratory...that worked out well as you'd imagine!

How people get fucking high off their ass and play in grindcore bands is beyond me. I don't know how Cephalic Carnage does it.


Come On Die Young
Yeah, man. This happened to me as well when I was younger. I learned to control/stop the panic attacks in a little under a month of having them though, but ugh, that shit sucked. It's all in your mind though. I got so high off that shit that I was actually seeing things, had heightened senses, horrible anxiety, had random images running through my mental eye whenever I closed my eyes, felt like my heart was going to explode, etc. That shit SUCKED. I can't even smoke weed. Forget psychedelics, I'd probably lose my mind. Oh, and I tried watching The Evil Dead 2 while in said state and also attempted to listen to Goratory...that worked out well as you'd imagine!

How people get fucking high off their ass and play in grindcore bands is beyond me. I don't know how Cephalic Carnage does it.
nah i wasn't freaking out by hallucinating or anything. i hadn't smoked in a month because of finals, came home and went to my friend's house to smoke. i got super baked since my tolerance was low, and one of my friends made a joke about the weed being laced. so i started freaking out because i wasn't used to the feeling and nearly passed out. a month later, i was driving down to my friend's place in virginia and the feeling started coming on for no reason, so i had to fight it out or i would get in a car crash. i fought it out but the feeling's basically stuck with me and i can't get rid of it.

but i have smoked since then. it really makes me feel a little better actually. i didn't for a few months and then started again, and it's helped a bit.

and i smoked with the frontman of Cephalic Carnage at the summer slaughter tour a couple years ago lol. he's a cool guy.


Got drunk, touched the girl I was sleeping with at her birthday, her boyfriend saw me (yeah, she was cheating), almost got killed (cause he was 2 times bigger than me), than slept with another girl in the same room on the floor while the other girl and her boyfriend were sleeping on the bed (but from what I found out later she was awake and heard everything). What was the worst? I didn't use a condom, so I never got drunk again.


Haaave you met Sektor?
Yesterday...shit everyday since my gf preparing to her exams. I always thought of myself as a loving and caring person, but im runnin out of my cool...that just means playing more Mk btw, but still i really hate that "if i done smthg wrong you should not make me feel guilty about it, but if you do smthg go to hell and never come back" logic. Still not the worst thing, but it constantly makes my days bitter. Should I use breaker dear TYM? :D


xbl-OBS trustinme
lets put it this way my sister and friends say i should write a book about my life,i say whats the point as noone would believe any of its true.the world of a drug dealer/addict is a very colorful,bizarre place.


Come On Die Young
Just a couple more stories because I'm waiting for my laundry to dry...

-When I was 16, I was with my family at my grandparents' place in Long Island. We rented a boat for waterskiing for a couple days. I went with my dad and sister to bring it back to the rental place, which was over an hour away by boat. About 5 minutes in, it started storming. 30 minutes in, the water was getting really rough and we were forced to go really slowly. My dad tried to use the emergency radio but it wasn't working. We were literally in the middle of the bay and it would be a loong swim to shore. The worst part? I REALLY had to piss. If I stood up there would be no doubt I'd fall out of the boat. It was the only time in my life i contemplated pissing my pants, but I didn't out of respect for my dad and sister having to stand in it. When we finally made it back to the rental place like 2 1/2 hours in, I took the greatest piss I ever took in my life.

-Freshman year (of college), I was really bored on a Thursday night. My roommate (who was really drunk) wanted to smoke, so we rolled a j and went outside to smoke it. We just did it right outside our dorm building because it was just a small one and no one was outside. He lit it up, took a couple hits, and passed it to me. As I was bringing it to my mouth, I hear him go "yo!" and take off. I'm sitting there like "wtf", and then see a police car passing by. As soon as he took off the police stopped, got out of the car, and shined their flashlights at me. Since I was holding the joint, they didn't even bother going after him. I was so fucking scared since I just turned 18 a couple weeks before and I had never been in trouble for anything before. I spent 14 hours in jail (2am-4pm), missed my class, and got literally no sleep. Thankfully I got off on an ADC (which means my record will be wiped if I don't get in trouble for another year, and that's already passed), but it was still a terrible experience. The guy I was with in the holding cell really helped calm me down though. I'm always thankful to the people in this world who are there to lend a hand.


EX Ovi should launch
I went to a party and the music was really loud and this weird looking chap sold me sweets which made me black out in a field and wake up shivering and covered in puke.

Oh and i got my foot ran over by a 4x4 when i had no shoes on, screamed in pain, and the guy stopped on my foot and wound down his window to see what i was screaming about.


Oh and i got my foot ran over by a 4x4 when i had no shoes on, screamed in pain, and the guy stopped on my foot and wound down his window to see what i was screaming about.
- Wut u scremin boy?
- U stopped on my foot asshole!
- Fuuu..


I was riding in a car, behind the passenger seat. At a wide left intersection, a pick up truck from the opposite direction slams into us as we take the turn. Got all of the impact. Was trapped in the car for about an hour until the fire fighters dept were able to get me out with the jaws of life. The car door was bent over my bottom half as I sat there in the wreck. I was convinced I was paralyzed as I couldn't feel my legs. Once the dented car door was removed, I could feel my legs somewhat again. Turns out I fractured my pelvis in two places. It was an awful feeling thinking you would be no longer able to use your legs.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Last summer, getting a panic attack while smoking and having constant, horrible anxiety ever since then. Basically why I stay in and play MK and such.

A few years ago I got malaria (twice) while in Tanzania. It wasn't as bad having it, though the second time resulted in horrible chest pains and shitting my guts out every half hour through the night, but it means that I'm forbidden from donating blood for the rest of my life :/
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn :(. Something similar happened to me before if figured out how HORRIBLE that synthetic shit was...I was working @ Six Flags (more fun than such a shitty job had any right to be) and came home to find everyone burning and completely zombified, so I was curious. I just thought they'd found some really sexy grass. They handed me a fully packed device and told me to have fun, and in my infinite wisdom it didn't occur to me that this shit was NOT regular tree and I couldn't just burn it until it was gone...but I did. I was fine, dandy, and feeling GREAT for about an hour until I tried to play MK and realized my breathing was reeeeally screwed up, so I shut it down and figured I was just to baked to be messing with a video game at the moment, but it got progressively worse to the point I could feel my heart beating in my throat and seriously thought I was gonna drop like a log and end up in the hospital. That was terrifying.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn :(. Something similar happened to me before if figured out how HORRIBLE that synthetic shit was...I was working @ Six Flags (more fun than such a shitty job had any right to be) and came home to find everyone burning and completely zombified, so I was curious. I just thought they'd found some really sexy grass. They handed me a fully packed device and told me to have fun, and in my infinite wisdom it didn't occur to me that this shit was NOT regular tree and I couldn't just burn it until it was gone...but I did. I was fine, dandy, and feeling GREAT for about an hour until I tried to play MK and realized my breathing was reeeeally screwed up, so I shut it down and figured I was just to baked to be messing with a video game at the moment, but it got progressively worse to the point I could feel my heart beating in my throat and seriously thought I was gonna drop like a log and end up in the hospital. That was terrifying.
I'm wondering if the stuff I had the bad experience was with synthetic, certainly sounds like it. I don't think it's normal to hallucinate on weed and get heightened senses; at least from everyone I've spoken to who smokes regularly. Ah well. It's illegal here and unless I move back to California where I can get a card for it I don't see myself doing it in the immediate future anyways.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I'm wondering if the stuff I had the bad experience was synthetic, certainly sounds like it. I don't think it's normal to hallucinate on weed and get heightened senses; at least from everyone I've spoken to who smokes regularly. Ah well. It's illegal here and unless I move back to California where I can get a card for it I don't see myself doing it in the immediate future anyways.
Synthetics are a crapshoot gamble. Some of them don't do a thing, there are very few of them are actually not all that bad and will get you where you wanna go (but still aren't the best idea given the chemical components and the likelihood you'll feel hangover-level shitty afterwards), and a good deal of them are fucked to the point you'll be legitimately concerned for your health.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Synthetics are a crapshoot gamble. Some of them don't do a thing, there are very few of them are actually not all that bad and will get you where you wanna go (but still aren't the best idea given the chemical components and the likelihood you'll feel hangover-level shitty afterwards), and a good deal of them are fucked to the point you'll be legitimately concerned for your health.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers it to be a "drug of concern",[76] citing "...a surge in emergency-room visits and calls to poison-control centers. Adverse health effects associated with its use include seizures, hallucinations, paranoid behavior, agitation, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, racing heartbeat, and elevated blood pressure

Well, I got 7/10 of those symptoms lol. Probably safe to say that it was indeed synthetic or laced with something else. This was allegedly "kronic" though. I mean, I remember smoking stress as a teenager, and just laughing like a fool with a giant smile on my face for a few hours; that was enjoyable and I felt perfectly fine when it was over but who knows...can't say I had any prior experience with the stronger stuff.


Lose without excuses
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As a kid, maybe around 5, I was dropped from my Dad's shoulders and fell head first onto concrete. We were playing Basketball, and I wanted to dunk it. So he put me on his shoulders, and I missed the dunk. When he went to rebound the ball, I fell backwards and hit my head on the concrete. I was knocked unconscious and apparently had a seizure. I remember seeing the ambulance, but nothing else. I woke up in the Hospital with my family crouded around me. It's pretty crazy to wake up in a hospital and not know what's going on, felt like I was dreaming.

Other than that, I've broken a bunch of bones playing football and being a generally active kid. And when my Brother got in a car accident, that was a shitty day.

Also, one of my best friends brother died on my Birthday, and his other brother paralyzed. They were in the same car, and got hit by a drunk driver. Pretty shitty reminder every Birthday.


Purple balls covering the screen
Worst things that happened to me....
3) while hammered drunk at a party somebody showed up that i didn't like. Rather than cause a fuss i decided to walk home (but it was really far) so on the way i started hitch hiking on a dark road. It was wooded and i could hear animals all around me. I started whistling as loud as i could. Growing more desperate i stuck my thumb out again at an approaching car. It slowed down!!!! Bit then the blue and reds went on and i got arrested. Lol
2) it was my 18th birthday and i was hammered. I had just broke up with my girlfriend and was very distraught. This other chick at the party was like hey wanna bang and instead of bein like hell yeah i started crying and ran away (i was really drunk lol) but i got a little ways away and forgot my jacket, so i turned around to go get it. But on the way back i broke my ankle. And i mean like BROKE lol.
1) hands down worst thing that ever happened though was the night the mk9 demo came out i played till like three four in the morning, and then i went home. I got woke up at six am by my brother hysterical screaming that my mother was dead, he took me to her house and they showed me her body still on the ground. Worst fucking day ever. :(

representing SVK


My blades will find your heart
1) hands down worst thing that ever happened though was the night the mk9 demo came out i played till like three four in the morning, and then i went home. I got woke up at six am by my brother hysterical screaming that my mother was dead, he took me to her house and they showed me her body still on the ground. Worst fucking day ever. :(

representing SVK
Holy shit.....my condolences bro