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Worst thing to ever happen to you

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
The worst thing? Probably my mom going all looney on pills, setting her clothes on fire on our old fashioned grated floor heater, thus setting the house on fire, me having to call the fire department, having to tackle her crazy ass out the door and then being informed by the fire department that if the fire had lasted an additional 5 to 10 minutes that the gas feeding the fire would've filled the house; exploded and killed the both of us at 17 years old...good times! Kind of humorous now that I look back on it though lol

Yeah, she had some issues! Can't look at shit that way though, I mean I can potentially die every time I start my car. Forget overly worrying about that stuff. She did drive me around as a kid here and there when she was smashed on Tequila and could've potentially killed me there as well...but hey that's shitty parenting for ya. What can ya do?

Touching a roach... ugh.
Touching a roach? My man...I woke up with one CRAWLING ON ME! AHHHHHHHH!

I got arrested.
Well, what do you expect when you walk around punching people in the genitals and screaming "HEYOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!"?

Being alive...
Well, hey! Good news! You're eventually going to die! May as well make the most of it. :)

One time I bought MK, and then PSN went down for 3 months. Those were dark times, luckily I survived my 30 suicide attempts after having to play nothing but South Americans! Came back and life was good.


Getting my tooth knocked out with a broom....by my niece.

Oh and getting my throat slit open by a seatbelt, still have the neck scar too

Lt. Boxy Angelman

My god Lt. Box by your description it sounds like you dated Satan for quite some time.
Bro, you have no idea. What's worse is that after I found my fiance and finally severed ties with her, she got worse to the point she was screwing up men/messing with screwed up enough men that it resulted in what I believe is now a higher-than-one-person death toll. Sufficed to say, I got out right on time.

Lt. Box
Bro, woah. Let me say I am THOROUGHLY happily you lived and turned your life around. Good shit bro.
Thank you, my friend. The fucked up thing is that's not even half the shit I went through with/because of her.

I wanna win ECT just so I can warrant getting my own episode of Life On Boon St. so I can mindfuck the MK world with the insane things that've happened to me...inspiring and terrifying kids and adults with my Boxly endeavors, alcohol-induced God Of War insomnia Fight Club mental episodes, being homeless in the south, the joys of mild schizophrenia, the things that happen when you take a bunch of people from the Poconos and lock them in a house with nothing but whiskey, inescapable memories, and Gears Of War...it's been a fucking RIDE.


Go to hell.
Bro, you have no idea. What's worse is that after I found my fiance and finally severed ties with her, she got worse to the point she was screwing up men/messing with screwed up enough men that it resulted in what I believe is now a higher-than-one-person death toll. Sufficed to say, I got out right on time.

Thank you, my friend. The fucked up thing is that's not even half the shit I went through with/because of her.

I wanna win ECT just so I can warrant getting my own episode of Life On Boon St. so I can mindfuck the MK world with the insane things that've happened to me...inspiring and terrifying kids and adults with my Boxly endeavors, alcohol-induced God Of War insomnia Fight Club mental episodes, being homeless in the south, the joys of mild schizophrenia, the things that happen when you take a bunch of people from the Poconos and lock them in a house with nothing but whiskey, inescapable memories, and Gears Of War...it's been a fucking RIDE.
Bro you crazy. I hope you win too, that would be awesome. Stories for the kids.

I have more physical type injuries and few mental scars. I have been dead for 45 seconds, am I cool?


"Thanks" button abuser.
1. Parents broke up when I was 10. Dad cheated on mom.
2. Fell in love with a girl and she kissed with a guy right in front of me for her birthday. Sad part is we ended up being friends. She was my first girlfriend.
3. Fell in love with a girl I had never noticed but she knows me well. She is really cool, pretty(nice ass too) and talkative. Nothing like any other girl I've met before. Problem is, she's lesbian.

I guess it's not too bad when you look at things some years later.


Loses to uppercuts
I almost poked my eye out face-palming once.

Seriously though, I dont let things get to me. I never really get sad or mad. But I can still get really happy and stuff. The only things that would make me sad is the death of something close to me ie. Family, friend or pet.

I never get hurt so I cant say anything about that. The only thing I have ever broken is both my big toes. Suked, but was bearable. More funny than anything.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Second worst day of my life was probably when I was in high school. I really liked this girl. Like, she changed my outlook on a lot of things, and I really wanted to get somewhere with her. Twas my birthday. I went on Facebook, and like 5 minutes after saying happy b-day to me, she changes her relationship status. She got in a relationship with one of few people I strongly disliked for his cocky ass attitude. Wooo....that was a shot in the heart.

Oh, and the worst experience of my life was during this episode where I developed hypochondria. It's weird to explain, but basically, one day I woke up with a very bad stomach ache. I figured it was normal. But I remained sick for a week straight. I went to so many doctors, but none could find anything wrong with me. All just said I had IBS. I didn't know what that was, so I looked it up, and the first thing I read was that it's incurable. Reading that and stories of people who suffer from this really fucked up my mind. I assumed I was always going to spontaneously develop stomach issues. Everyday, I woke up with fear that I would be sick that day. I'm not lying where I contemplated suicide because it was unbearable--not the pain or symptoms, but that constant paranoia that was driving me insane. And let me tell you, I learned through this experience that when you truly believe you have something, especially stomach related, it becomes a reality because the more I became paranoid, the more likely I got physically ill. This went to the point where I alienated myself from friends and was scared to travel to the store or school. Later on, I realized that the source behind all these issues was that very paranoia, as mentioned, and the fact that I had grown lactose intolerant somehow. It was that simple. Many foods I consumed secretly had milk without my knowledge. Incidentally, it was actually video games that helped me realize this. During Christmas break, I spent most of my time indoors playing a shit ton of games I received as gifts from my friend. I was so calm during this time. Like, to the point where I realized that as long as I cleared my mind from any sort of paranoia, I wouldn't get sick. And since I didn't have to go outside for any reason, I ate whatever the hell I wanted with no worries. This helped me figure out what exactly caused any issues.

But the absolute worst day of my life........that Mew card. I'll never have it.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I think I'd be more prone to be struck by a golf club by an angry jesus freak redneck over here than on an actual golf course. I ain't gonna lie, golf...golf just has no appeal to me. Besides digging ze metal I don't feel like much of a white guy (though in LA I was like the only white guy with like 300 Hispanic dudes). I don't like golf, I prefer hot sauce over mayonnaise and well...white people are pretty damn boring in general.

"Hey Bob! I just got some gourmet coffee and my tax return! ALRIGHT!" This fascination with fucking coffee, what gives? It's coffee. I'll drink it black, I don't really care if it isn't imported from some foreign country then doused in whipped cream, and is nearing 1,000 calories and costs $6. The fuck?!


I think I'd be more prone to be struck by a golf club by an angry jesus freak redneck over here than on an actual golf course. I ain't gonna lie, golf...golf just has no appeal to me. Besides digging ze metal I don't feel like much of a white guy (though in LA I was like the only white guy with like 300 Hispanic dudes). I don't like golf, I prefer hot sauce over mayonnaise and well...white people are pretty damn boring in general.

"Hey Bob! I just got some gourmet coffee and my tax return! ALRIGHT!"
I wasn't on a golf course, I was 9. One of the kids that lived in the complex found a driver in a trash dumpster in the alley, so we got a ball and took turns hitting it down the street. When the oldest kid hit it so far we couldn't find it, everyone dispersed except for me and one kid. He swung at a peach pit that was lying in the grass, and I just happened to be walking behind him on the sidewalk. I don't remember getting hit, I just remember being on one knee and feeling like I was sweating profusely. I touched my head, it was blood, I screamed like a 9 year old kid is apt to. The trail of blood was epic, it ran up the stairs and down to my door, then back down the stairs to where the car was parked.
The best part was when we got to the doctors office, my dad was abusing the SHIT out of the bell, and the lady behind the counter turned around with a "OMG WTF, be patient!!!!" look on her face, that turned to pure terror when she realized I was covered in blood, and the blue handkerchief that was pressed to my head was now red. Then the numbing agent wore off before the doctor came in to give my my stitches. Age 9 was awesome......
I wasn't on a golf course, I was 9. One of the kids that lived in the complex found a driver in a trash dumpster in the alley, so we got a ball and took turns hitting it down the street. When the oldest kid hit it so far we couldn't find it, everyone dispersed except for me and one kid. He swung at a peach pit that was lying in the grass, and I just happened to be walking behind him on the sidewalk. I don't remember getting hit, I just remember being on one knee and feeling like I was sweating profusely. I touched my head, it was blood, I screamed like a 9 year old kid is apt to. The trail of blood was epic, it ran up the stairs and down to my door, then back down the stairs to where the car was parked.
The best part was when we got to the doctors office, my dad was abusing the SHIT out of the bell, and the lady behind the counter turned around with a "OMG WTF, be patient!!!!" look on her face, that turned to pure terror when she realized I was covered in blood, and the blue handkerchief that was pressed to my head was now red. Then the numbing agent wore off before the doctor came in to give my my stitches. Age 9 was awesome......
Lol that is basically what happened to me. Crazy shit man...My cousin was swinging at trash and I was watching too close behind him.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Admittedly, your white friends passing out and doing the borderline gay shit is pretty awesome. A friend of mine was the absolute worst though; if you'd pass out he'd pull down his pants and straight up spread his butt cheeks and sit on your face...I'd feel sorry for those poor souls but I was too busy laughing hysterically at the time being. Fortunately, I always waited for HIM to fucking pass out before I went to sleep, I'd list that as the worst thing to ever happen to me if it had happened to me!