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Worst thing to ever happen to you


Go to hell.
Title says it all. Can be an injury, emotional injury, whatever scarred you the most.

I have a plethora. Breaking my face was probably the worst one.


Grodd for Injustice 3
Almost getting pretty much disowned by me mum.
We have a good relationship now adays though :)


I broke my arm when I was 10 and everybody laughed at me when it happened until they saw that my arm was in a complete 90 degree angle behind my back then they was like DAAYYUMMM!:eek:

Oh and today I failed my drive test, I guess I'm not too happy about that.


Getting lost in the middle of Los Angeles when I was 3, meeting a black female cop that rescued me, and then she found my mom.


24 Low Hat!
I had a intestinal hernia at the age of 6

I've been run over by a friend's bike, which gave me a pretty bad head bleed

twisted an ankle skiing

punched in the face by some dipshit racist in grade 6

But what takes the cake was when i was expelled for suspicion of homosexuality. lol its a good story. i was in grade 3, and being in grade 3 i was scared to go into the big boy middle school washrooms (the school went from K to 12). I went with a friend during class. he was in the stall next to me, telling me all about his pokemon on his gameboy advance that he'd brought. eventually he got so desperate and excited to show me that he crawled underneath the stall wall to show me (i had finished by then no worries). Well, a Spec Ed teacher just happened to be in the room trying to get a autistic kid to stop peeing on walls and noticed two kids in the same stall. Naturally being an ignorant, homophobic brat, he tried to get us both kicked out. Principal was a devout Christian so naturally he complied in my case and off i went back to Ottawa lol.

The other kid got a suspension. Why? He was Christian too. I was athiest.

So it kinda sucked to be sexually and religiously ostracised both at the same time. Add on the fact that it wasnt true and the entire school found out within hours and you got one kid who was social introvert for the next three years.

top that bitches.


『T R I G G E R E D』
was friends with a girl for 5 years. i really liked her so i asked her out. she said yes then she bailed on me. 5 years of friendship down the drain and my heart broken. we no longer "hang"


Dojo Trainee
I was watering my pansies past my bed time, and it was late. I was in a hurry to get home so that the boogy monster didnt capture me. so i decided to not grab double-A batteries from toys r us for my night-light . Worst night ever.

Red X

I got my head busted open while playing basketball...

To make a long story short... Ball went to neighbors backyard. I got a ladder because it was too high like 5ft. I got the ball threw it back on our backyard. While I was climbing our neighbors fence I jumped back to out backyard but my Shoe lace got stuck. I fell head first busted eye brows and rushing with adrenaline I stood up feeling a little fainted walk to my moms room and asked to take me to the hospital. She almost had a heart attack when she woke up and see me. I spent the day in the hospital then my Dad called me and why there is a trial of blood on our backyard lololol.

I know my grammar is bad and too lazy to edit because i am using iphone.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

At the age of 18/19, I was manipulated into a pseudo-relationship by a maniacal underage girl and her equally insane family, during the course of which I was fucked around on, threatened with law enforcement and violence from even-less sane family members, paraded around like an idiot while my friends all tried their best to convince me to get the fuck out, which my conscience wouldn't let me off with so easily as I was convinced if I did, either she'd immediately go the suicidal route and her death would be on my conscience, or I'd be persecuted by the previously-mentioned psychopaths and hung out to try, offered the pain pills of the fuckhead she was cheating on me with after I'd just gotten done kicking a reeeeally bad habit (this came later on AFTER she decided she was done with me and left on a whim), and on top of all this, lied to about a supposed "miscarriage" that unraveled my mind so thoroughly, I proceeded to eat an ungodly amount of drugs and almost died in the bathroom of the deli I used to work in.
Miraculously, instead of being hospitalized, I simply asked my boss with my last useful conscious words if I could take my break early, passed out on the break room table expecting not to wake up, and came to EXACTLY half an hour later, unharmed, feeling like a million bucks. I took it as a sign from above to get the fuck out of dodge and regain control of my life, and I did, and thus, Box was saved.

Also, I had kidney stones last year.

That shit suuuuuuuuuuucked.