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The Infamous Input Bug Discussion

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

I wanna discuss the Infamous Input Bug

First off I wanna say that the main people who complain about the Input but, 1p player advantage and other shenanigans are some of the worst posters and worst mk9 players out there and if these bugs were removed (assuming they truly existed) it damn sure wouldn't make any of these players any better. We all know who they are....no need to list.

Personally, Im starting to feel like the input bug is more user error.

For example, I notice when i get the presumed input bug it happens more online and on laggy TVs. Then if I switch to an asus, i'll get an "input bug" at first and then wow it just goes away because i slow myself down and correct my timing same thing can be said about when I play online. I adjust my timing of execution and it magically goes away

I definitely feel it could also be related to the shitty hardware we use. I have to replace my ps2 pad every 4-6 months due how much I use it, that doesnt strike me as high quality equipment.

Ninj REO Do you guys have any differences pad vs hitbox? What are your true feelings about the presumed "input bug"

Also Have you guys noticed how much of a Scape Goat for losing its become?


Me personally i never have felt ive lost because of a "input bug"

ive lost all matches due to being out played and same can be said for the 1p advantage for the most part if it does exist truly exist

I never hear CD JR say "I lost cause of an input bug" or other top tourney players.... i dont think ive heard reo say it either.

Any thoughts?

L0rdoftheFLY I know has thoughts on this as well

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You can ask MK Peanuts on his training mode tales. He put a shoe down on a stick to make it hold down so he can practice against d4 (the 4 was on turbo).

And low and behold the shoe was getting standing 4 aka the input bug lol
Never knew this, but do you think it could be the 4 was acting faster than the input of a held "down" button?

I feel like when i do d4 i have to input them at same time or slightly offset of each other exactly the way you do Quan's u3 and mileena u4

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
i have gotten what i presume to have been an input bug that has cost me matches. I try not to use it as an excuse though, as i feel like i could have always done something else that wouldnt have put me in such a bad position. there are days and matches when i get the bug like every other input, and other times when i forget it exists. I just assume it was my own fault and move on.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
i have gotten what i presume to have been an input bug that has cost me matches. I try not to use it as an excuse though, as i feel like i could have always done something else that wouldnt have put me in such a bad position. there are days and matches when i get the bug like every other input, and other times when i forget it exists. I just assume it was my own fault and move on.
I think its more player execution

Not even in the worst situation have i ever gotten anything like you described when you say "every other input"

Thats just bad execution

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I think its more player execution

Not even in the worst situation have i ever gotten anything like you described when you say "every other input"

Thats just bad execution
Exactly! my execution is pretty bad. So i just blame myself. Even if it was actually a bug that time, I dont want to know.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Really, online is the only place I actually get a notable number of input bugs. Then again, online is the only place where doing d,b,f+2 as Reptile doesn't result in crouch, then dash, but rather, crouch then f2.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
on the "input bug" didnt Somberness test this aswell? something about the 4th or 7th frame or something,cant remember.

i play on stick and ive gotten "input bugs" a fair few times but that could easily be my fault as my execution is clown shoes,only ever happens on down pokes to me(d1,d3,d4) dont think ive ever got a standing 2 instead of d2 :confused:

i get the odd njk when trying u4 with mileena aswell but that happens hell of a lot more online than offline, i know u have to hold "up" longer than "down" for inputs anyway


Reptile the other green meat
im looking for a forum post regarding the infamous input bug and someone went thru with their pc and found a certain frame lag of input in the game regarding d3 and d4 inputs

"on the "input bug" didnt @Somberness test this aswell? something about the 7th frame or something,cant remember." <---- this
Ive never really believed in p1 advantage. I just think it has to do with hitboxes and timing.

Input bug the same. I agree with Pig. I think its user error if not lag.

But that's my opinion. I kno everybody that thinks it exists believe it whole heartedly.

Sent from my LG-US670 using Tapatalk 2


Bone and Metal
As a Cyblax player, I shouldn't have to do fancy inputs so my rushing d4 doesn't become a midbomb, that's negative edge. But in addition to that I have to try not to do it super fast, or else the d4 becomes a standing 4.

I mean Jesus tapdancing Christ, give me a break. All of that so I can low poke pressure someone from a distance. It doesn't always cost me matches, but it's freaking annoying.


The Free Meter Police
The thing is... the input bug is terrible... BUT there is a way around it... time your inputs perfectly. So yeah there is a way around it. Either start doing that... or shut up. I mean, it does suck when a close match comes down to the other player doing a cross up and you go for the d1 anti air and you get a standing 1 instead which gives them the win... but if you time it correctly it won't happen. It's just hard to constantly think about when you're thinking about all of the other shit going on in the match. We shouldn't HAVE to worry about it... but we do. So yeah. Go pig.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Input Bug? What is this? i've never experienced before :p

And this is why Ary Dias on our fights keep spamming Kitana d1 to avoid peoples to get in when he is on P1 side.

Who the hell come up with this idea? LOL


the issue is the inconsistency of the game. no one is really saying they 'lost because of the input bug', but there is a ton of wacky stuff in this game. various moves whiff/go through each other A LOT. this game isn't an execution precise game. there is a TON of room for error built into it, so the 'input bug' can't all the sudden become user error when everything else is so loose. play subzero for a few hours and tell me there isn't an issue with the input bug. he's one of the characters where it becomes obvious


i Use a modded cyber now
Never knew this, but do you think it could be the 4 was acting faster than the input of a held "down" button?

I feel like when i do d4 i have to input them at same time or slightly offset of each other exactly the way you do Quan's u3 and mileena u4
yea but if your holding down it shouldnt happen. However it is in the game and if you are a serious player and havent come up with a way to avoid it then it is your fault. We have been playing this game for over a year and ever since the input bug was discovered ive devised ways around it. same for negative edge. Ultimately i agree with you on it being player error, not because it doesnt exist but more because the player simply doesnt prepare for it.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
Input bug happens on the 4th frame after down is registered, this includes after coming out of blockstun. Hardly user error.

As far as this:
BUT there is a way around it... time your inputs perfectly. So yeah there is a way around it. Either start doing that... or shut up.
Kinda tough when every move in the game has a different amount of blockstun.

No sense in being punished for hitting 1 on the 4th frame instead of the 3rd frame after letting go of block and coming out of blockstun.
Iv been in countless hours of practise and never had it happen.
But every other match maybe ounce. It's gotta be fake. There is just too many possible ways to screw up d1 in the game and out