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Deciding between mains


I main Johnny, Jax, and Sonya and I'm quite good at all 3 of them. The problem is that all 3 of these characters serve roughly the same purpose and I don't feel I need to know all 3. So I'm looking to drop one or two of them and pick someone else up to help round out my team.

Johnny Cage - I've got Johnny down really well, he was my main when I first started playing, and I feel like I have the most success with him. I never miss any hit confirmed nut punches, or miss any chance to frame trap, I usually get max damage out of Cage and I don't ever feel dissatisfied with how I play while using him.

Jax - I've got Jax down alright, I'm great at using his ground pounds, decent at his pressure (Not amazing), decent with his footsies, and I can land his corner combo's. I don't know all of his set-ups, or all of his options in the corner though, I'm usually not able to use all of his strings, and I seem to lose with him more often than with Johnny (But I think it's because I rush down to much)

Sonya - Ehhh, Sonya I feel confused with, at least online. Offline I destroy with her, My spacing is great, I've got every single combo for every situation down, never miss MS cancel's, exc. But it seems I get knocked out of my strings a lot, I have a bit of a hard time getting people off pressure, and I seem to lose a lot online.

I want to learn someone else new to help round them out, but I don't know who. I like Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, Kitana, and Nightwolf and I'm really solid with Stryker and Sheeva (Never use them in serious matches though) Should I choose to level up one of these characters, or should I pick up someone else entirly? Who would probably help round me out the best?

TL;DR - I main Jax, Sonya, and Johnny. I want to drop one or two of my mains and pick up a new character to round out my team.


Dojo Trainee
With a character like Johnny, I'd say Smoke or Kung Lao to round out the zoners; since Kenshi & FK worst mu's are probably these. As for Kabal: you should probably keep Jax.


I'm not a huge fan of Smoke, but Kung Lao isn't bad, I was sort of considering him if I couldn't pick up anyone else (I'd prefer to use someone else honestly.) I also seem to have trouble with the Jax Kabal Match up even though Jax is suppose to be a good counter pick against him :(


Dojo Trainee
Well have you worked on your footsies on that mu? Jax wrecks Kabal in footsies, gp go under iagb & he can outzone kabal if the situation goes his way. We can run that mu if you'd like, i see you're on xbl. Add me.


Show me what you can do
I don't play any of those characters, but they all seem rush-down based. I'd go with Lao. He doesn't have to nessecarily respect zoning. And he's a rush-down character as well, which seems to fit your description. I know Liu is a rush-down character, and he struggles with zoners.


Alright thanks Hazezie I'll send you a FR sometime today, I think the main problem is my lack of Kabal knowledge, I just don't know how to use Jax against him.

I like Rushing people down, gaining momentum and doing a lot of damage over a short time, I don't mind the long wait of getting in since I know I'll make it up once I am in. I tried playing with Liu for a little while but it seemed like all of my other character covered his match-ups better, Kung Lao I've litterly only played with once or twice but I play against my local friend who mains him all the time.


I still don't want to know all 3 of my mains, I feel as though I should drop at least one of the 3 since they are all so similar and I think it would help if I focused on less characters. I've seen Curbo have some success with the Johnny Kabal match up, if that match-up works for me when we play I may drop Jax I feel like he's my weakest character anyway D: I'll get your opinion on it as well while we're at it.


I've seen Curbo have some success with the Johnny Kabal match up, if that match-up works for me when we play I may drop Jax
Don't give up if you lose a lot of matches. If you are patient enough, you'll find away around everything. Curbo is a good example like you said but it all comes down to ego and pride. Are you willing to put that aside to find a way around things or take the easy way out and pick another character? Nothing is wrong with that imo. Even though I play kabal, I find a lot of matches tough mainly because I haven't been playing him and the game long. I have yet to switch because I can't figure out a match up. I only use kabal for tournaments, even if I get ass raped.


I'm just trying to lessen the amount of characters I play, I don't mind learning bad match-ups with the characters I keep, I just don't want to have to focus on as many characters. Jax is suppose to be good against Kabal but I usually feel more comfortable with Johnny, and this goes with most match-ups.

It just seems unnecessary to know 3 rush down characters, I don't necessarily need to learn anyone else, I just want to know which of these 3 I should drop. Hopefully Hazezie will help me decide though.


Freddy actually looks pretty sick, I'll give it a serious consideration since I sort of want to learn a zoner (That's why I want to learn Ermac), although I kind of want to learn a more footsie character like Scorpion or Nightwolf. I'll watch some more gameplay on him though and see if he's worth me buying. Thanks for your input ^^


Dojo Trainee
I play Kabal non-stop. Although, i do have Freddy & the Cage whenever i feel like using them lol


Mr. Milenna seemed to be doing alright against Pig of the Hut's Kenshi with Kitana, maybe I should pick her up and drop Jax or Sonya then? o_o Seems like my best options right now are Johnny/Sonya/Kitana/Freddy, I don't know about having 4 people on a team though, I think I'd be better off with 3.

Edit: I can't insta-air-fan to save my life, (probably mostly because I play on a normal xbox controller) so I can't fully tap into Kitana's ability, this is one of the main reasons I haven't picked her up already :l


Id say pick up Freddy, when used right at a high level that mofo is scary as hell.
Pick up Freddy, and drop who? Everyone seems to want me to go with Johnny and some people think Jax, but no one seems fond of keeping Sonya.


24 Low Hat!
Mr. Milenna seemed to be doing alright against Pig of the Hut's Kenshi with Kitana, maybe I should pick her up and drop Jax or Sonya then? o_o Seems like my best options right now are Johnny/Sonya/Kitana/Freddy, I don't know about having 4 people on a team though, I think I'd be better off with 3.
A good idea is to have polar opposite characters, but those who have a similar footsies game. I think Kitana and Cage are similar as they want to bait out an attack or poke, you dodge, it whiffs, and you punish with F3/F2. Do your big combo, squeeze with pressure to frustrate them then wait for another mistake and go in again. Thats how i envision an aggressive footsie playstyle and i think that Kitana and Cage will play very nicely to that playstyle.


Theres No Escape
Pick up Freddy, and drop who? Everyone seems to want me to go with Johnny and some people think Jax, but no one seems fond of keeping Sonya.
You said you're most comfortable with Cage so stick with him. You can always improve on your bad match ups when you're comfortable with a character. Don't drop him.


I'm dropping Jax then, I'll try picking up both Freddy and Kitana and see who works for me better. I'll probably end up keeping Johnny and Sonya, but rounding them out with Freddy or Kitana. Thanks a lot for the input guys, you're helping me resolve this really quickly lol.


If you like, you can add me on XBL - and we can get some games in, I could hopefully show you what freddies about :) - my freddies only like 5days old, but im not to shabby if i say so myself.


If you like, you can add me on XBL - and we can get some games in, I could hopefully show you what freddies about :) - my freddies only like 5days old, but im not to shabby if i say so myself.
Definitely, I'd love to run some games, I'll add you tonight when I add Hazezie I've actually never played a Freddy before, EVER lol so it should be pretty interesting.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Well, although I have never fought you or seen you play, I think I can give a bit of a good answer.

You want to choose one or two of those characters to drop and find somebody who accommodates for their bad match-ups, particularly the zoners. Am I right? Well, let's take a look at some options.

Raiden - he controls the game pretty well as long as he has the life-lead. He can't be zoned or rushed, and every time you make an impatient move, he can capitalize upon it. Also can't be cornered unless you become predictable with your escape routes. Of course, you have to play Raiden with kind of a complicated mindset, but I assure you that it pays off.

Smoke - with the threat of his Smoke Bomb and Shake, attempting to trade projectiles with him becomes useless. He can move around the screen with ease and punish heavily with the use of his EX Smoke Bomb resets. If ever you take the offense, you want to go for as many throws as possible, same with Raiden.

And possibly a third recommendation...

Rain - I have started playing this character a lot lately and I find he complements me well since I am a Sonya player due to the use of his Super Kick cancels. His high damage and armor make it so his match-ups are perfectly balanced...no good match-ups, but no or very few bad match-ups either. He can't really zone, I will admit, but he can be very mobile and dominant with his pressure.

As far as Kabal goes, I would definitely hold on to Jax. I can't say I know Jax like an expert, but apparently he kills Kabal. Then again, even when I'm Sonya, I don't really have trouble handling Kabal...yes, I know it's odd, I can't really explain it.

I hope this post helps.