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MK Community Banners Inspired by Game of Thrones

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Actually, I'm pretty sure that thread was a response to a thread in which Krayzie directly challenged VSM. He posted some combo in the thread to intimidate VSM and called Maxter's Cyrax outdated.

Throughout the entire course of that thread, all West Coast people did was talk down to others. Then, well-known players came in and said "hey, instead of going right for VSM, why don't you work your way up by challenging groups like WNBA or GGA?" to which they responded "we'd body them" or something. They completely dismissed a bunch of players and proceeded to bash teams left and right. Some of their players, even today, just can't stop themselves from continuously exclaiming "CDJr doesn't seem that great" and maintain the idea that they'd body entire competitive teams despite not really knowing anything about who they would play.

I've been away from the forums for a few days, but all I could remember for a short stretch of time was Krayzie, and a few others specifically, trying to call people out left and right in the name of EGP/West Coast. Regardless of whether or not he actually believes he can succeed, or if he's just trying to slap a hornet's nest and cause hype as an homage to 16-Bit, it ultimately ends with a whole lot of drama.

So, take all this dramatic language and couple that with a group that hasn't really established much of a presence at majors outside their home territory, and you have a group that reminds me of the Targaryen (as of this point in the HBO series).

I'm not trying to instigate any problems, and I don't really want this thread to devolve any further by continuously discussing the validity of the EGP banner. I didn't even make the banner to put down EGP. I'm also not trying to argue that EGP isn't composed of amazing players. I know they are, but in recent history the actions of some of their well-known people (notably Krayzie) have given me the impression that they want to stir things up.

If you're still wondering about all this, PM Krazyie and ask him about it. Also, if, for whatever reason you want to argue all this, just PM me or something. Sorry if the banner offended you, they were all really just meant for fun.
Hey look! I'm going to help prove your point by calling you a fucking retard for not knowing what you're talking about!



Actually, this is what happened.

We challenged VSM. Simply put, the argument that a team cannot be challenged is pretty stupid. If you guys want to play us in a 5v5, go ahead and ask us and we will play. This is why we play competitive fighting games. To compete... But the fact that there are people who seriously believe in the delusion that you cant challenge another team is by far ridiculous.

Then the rest of the thread was hype posts between me and Maxter. The majority understood the competitive nature of it, and was able to laugh at the fun we had just over-hyping our own posts which had nothing to do with our respect for each other.

Do we believe we can defeat VSM? Hell yeah we do. Are we underestimating our opponents? No, were not. If you want to get to the bottom of it, here is the real situation. One of the best teams in MK are coming down to our home turf, and we challenged them to a 5v5, in which they accepted. As for the rest of you, if you want a piece of the action, then challenge us. Don't be so quick to dismiss a team, especially when you're coming to their side of the world. To me, that is the most disrespectful thing to do. You don't tell someone not to play because they are less, you tell them "We are better, and I'll prove it to you!"

^ This is the real EGP. We work hard, get out there and play our hardest. If I would quote a banner with the name EGP, I'd say more like "Fire and Ambition." I love the banners though, well done. I just wish I understood the references... lol My friend told me to watch Game of Thrones a while back, but I haven't got a chance yet. I heard it was really good.

Oh and lastly, our colors are actually black and purple! :p


Focused Grace and Intensity
I keep hearing EGP and Krayzie thinks Canada is free...why? How does calling a nationality free even make sense? Also, if we're so free how come u guys dont come down to TORyuken in downtown Toronto on May 19th-20th and try to prove it (whatever calling a nationality free means to you)? Its a road to evo, so if u really think the comp will be light, well, that would mean u would figure there's easy EVO points then.

Im not gonna engage in the trash talk, especially when it comes to nationalities cause thats just retarded. What we want is for big names to come to our major. I guess for now all I can say to EGP collectively is: "Dont be scared homies!" Come to TORONTO, maybe Russel can teach Krayzie how to play Jade properly :eek: nah I kid...I kid.

Again thats May 19th-20th.


I keep hearing EGP and Krayzie thinks Canada is free...why? How does calling a nationality free even make sense? Also, if we're so free how come u guys dont come down to TORyuken in downtown Toronto on May 19th-20th and try to prove it (whatever calling a nationality free means to you)? Its a road to evo, so if u really think the comp will be light, well, that would mean u would figure there's easy EVO points then.

Im not gonna engage in the trash talk, especially when it comes to nationalities cause thats just retarded. What we want is for big names to come to our major. I guess for now all I can say to EGP collectively is: "Dont be scared homies!" Come to TORONTO, maybe Russel can teach Krayzie how to play Jade properly :eek: nah I kid...I kid.

Again thats May 19th-20th.
Ad Block is on! jk lol

If I have money, I'll try. I love to visit new places.

PS- I don't like to call anyone free. I actually try and defend as many as I can, while everyone is on VSM's jock... lol However, Jer thought it was cool to wage war! muhahahahahaha!

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
Actually, this is what happened.

We challenged VSM. Simply put, the argument that a team cannot be challenged is pretty stupid. If you guys want to play us in a 5v5, go ahead and ask us and we will play. This is why we play competitive fighting games. To compete... But the fact that there are people who seriously believe in the delusion that you cant challenge another team is by far ridiculous.
Please do not misunderstand my post. I never once said or implied that challenging other teams is disrespectful or pernicious. That wasn't what I had an issue with. The discussions from that thread, that spilled into several other threads, had much more than a simple, direct challenge. There were a lot of people putting down other MK communities and individual players for absolutely no reason.

I think some members of this community need to understand the line between hype and being disrespectful. Saying you'll challenge a team and win is ambitious; however, writing off other players or directly insulting them is just being a dick. I'm not speaking about you specifically here; this goes for anyone in the community.

Oh and lastly, our colors are actually black and purple! :p
I used the colors for each house in Game of Thrones (Targaryen happened to be black/red, Baratheon is yellow/black, etc.) opposed to using a community's specific color palette.

Hey look! I'm going to help prove your point by calling you a fucking retard for not knowing what you're talking about!
If it's any consolation, had I known the banner would upset you this much I would have never posted it.



I think some members of this community need to understand the line between hype and being disrespectful. Saying you'll challenge a team and win is ambitious; however, writing off other players or directly insulting them is just being a dick. I'm not speaking about you specifically here; this goes for anyone in the community.
Is WNBA a local group?