A F0xy Grampa
Problem X Promotions
4v4 is most logical, me UFG, the twins vs 3 CD bros + REO
and Death
if thats the case it should be labeled UK vs VSM4v4 is most logical, me UFG, the twins vs 3 CD bros + REO
Another excellent online MK Sig.US should have multiple teams for different regions then maybe?
The UK is only about the size of a large state anyway. More ass for our team to kick too.
No problem, I have to do another calculation, but I think we could be around $500 off. Not sure.CD Bros + Riu48 = UK vs DR :tonyt
Btw, is it cool if I give my donation directly to you later tonight?
And out of curiosity how far away are you guys from the target now?
You should. There is a good $400 people said they'd pledge.I am going to push right until the very last second.
Yeah, good point. I guess with so many good players spread across our very country here, I can just see why there is argument that our top team isn't automatically VSM. Obviously though this is the participants call to make. CDJr and Reo seem like a lock, but Pig, Curbo, Detroit, Kizzle... those could definitely be argued with CD and Max based on how well they've performed recently.The more variables you add the greater the chance it becomes a clusterfuck. There's a reason these things are often spoke of yet rarely actually take place.