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Thank You Tom Brady/JuiceBox!

Tom Brady and Juicebox for permanent commentating positions at all future MLG events. Seriously. I've never been so excited watching MK9 as I have been with their commentary in the background. AAA stuff.


The commentary was pretty high level. Loved Tom calling the game, and loved JuiceBox giving out some entertainment.


Tom Brady was born to commentate MK, and blow up Johnny Cage with Sub-Zero. Juicebox is always hype no matter what game lol. MLG is sick... Anaheim will be off the charts.


Tom Brady was informative, professional and awesome. Shout out to Juicebox for his entertaining hype screeches.


I actually like the duo of them, I'd support them commentating together, they both complimented each other nicely, Tom provided the informative match break down and juicebox's excitement actually got me more involved than I usually get, very hype.
Juicebox is just godlike, most entertaining commentator out there. Tom was awesome too, this event was just perfect, best tournament ever.


Go to hell.
Juice box made me angry. I am pretty sure I told him to shut his fucking face at least once.

And I'm pretty sure SunnyD told me to calm the fuck down


Brady was great as commentator.

While Juice Box has lots of "energy", he kinda sounded like some excited kid reminiscing about MK 2 and seeing MK 9 for the first time.

Brady and Pig would be a great duo as colour commentators.


24 Low Hat!
Okay, breathe. release the caps lock....slowly....there you go. Now clasp your hands together, still your thoughts and think about docile sheep. Lots of docile sheep.

Do you feel better now?
Juicebox wasn't up to the caliber I saw from him at Columbus (until the grand finals). I think he was mostly influenced by his interaction with Tom. Don't view my criticism as negative because I've seen quite a few casting teams being terrible for many reasons while I see Tom and Juicebox as workable and above average.

While I thought Tom didn't mesh with Juicebox like TheAnswer did at Columbus, I was very impressed with his level of commentary and his enthusiasm. I've seen plenty of streams and when he does tutorials by himself he is really good . At tournaments he is very distracted and inconsistent. He really stepped up as a professional analytical commentator for MLG.


Master of Quanculations
I'm beyond thrilled at the level commentary has escalated too over the past few months. Not only do we have that, I think we're seeing the most hype matches in our top 8s of any fighter right now. Not just because I'm an MK player. It's because we don't have the random comeback factor of something like x-factor, or Ultras like in SF4. The ONLY thing close is the X-ray, and they're so rare that when they happen they're shocking. I mean wow, when CD Jr used Jax's xray on REO, that was wild. I think our game's energy is entirely unique and very special.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Told y'all. When Tom Brady isn't drinking, or in the tournament, he's a pro at commentary. Good shit, most hype commentary for MK I've heard yet, hype and informative, owned.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Told y'all. When Tom Brady isn't drinking, or in the tournament, he's a pro at commentary. Good shit, most hype commentary for MK I've heard yet, hype and informative, owned.
You & me and others. ;)

Also, dont forget when he cant see the stream chat, that was my issue. lol


Crazy 88
Brady did a pro job and should be commended for his efforts. I put it out there today and I'll say it again; Tom Brady + BeerGuyEd = MK commentary dream team.