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Perfect legend dose not down play Lao at all pig.. He is just being honest about him.. he is not even half as good as prepatch Lao. Usedforglue is a great player.. his kung Lao guide is great but he is still not top 5 anyone who says he is, is full of shit. Low hat -13 D3 only 9 frames easy to counterpoke very hard to hitcomfirm against D3 with 7 frames. 2 4 if 2 whiffs your fucked.. D4 12 frames slow as fuck.. D4 low hat easy punish.. Dks way unsafe even for mobility your gunna dk into mashing D3s teleport easy to bait. Ex Tele jump out off.. even take the hit of the 3 airborn if you want to stop pressure. The only reason kung lao is any good is for zoning and even then if your opponent knows the matchup its hard.. The fact your abusing PL is just lol.. he won EVO in 2011 his main got totally changed. Kung Lao is down there with scorpion reptile ext now..

Better chars are..


Then these give him a hard time also


Who is going to tell me kung is better than those top chars.. cause your full of shit. I think its time people who main Lao now and do well with him get some respect. My advice to you PL is don't drop him fuck raiden off and keep practicing him. Because damn if you can win a tournament with him now you get my fucking respect. Pig of the hut when you win a EVO championship you'll be on PLs level. That's my opinion.

O and yes for everyone to come back at me with "he has a 6 frame launcher" "best anti air in the game" who the fuck jumps at high level.. he has a 7 frame that's -1 on block and god help you if it whiffs.. the best tool is his roll.. its the only safe thing he fucking has.. If I could change 1 thing I would make his D3 7 frames.


Perfect legend dose not down play Lao at all pig.. He is just being honest about him.. he is not even half as good as prepatch Lao. Usedforglue is a great player.. his kung Lao guide is great but he is still not top 5 anyone who says he is, is full of shit. Low hat -13 D3 only 9 frames easy to counterpoke very hard to hitcomfirm against D3 with 7 frames. 2 4 if 2 whiffs your fucked.. D4 12 frames slow as fuck.. D4 low hat easy punish.. Dks way unsafe even for mobility your gunna dk into mashing D3s teleport easy to bait. Ex Tele jump out off.. even take the hit of the 3 airborn if you want to stop pressure. The only reason kung lao is any good is for zoning and even then if your opponent knows the matchup its hard.. The fact your abusing PL is just lol.. he won EVO in 2011 his main got totally changed. Kung Lao is down there with scorpion reptile ext now..

Better chars are..


Then these give him a hard time also

Kitanna quote]

Should have stopped reading earlier but I had to laugh at Kung Lao comparisons. He's on the same level as Reptile and Scorpion? Firstly, Reptile and Scorpion aren't even on the same level. Secondly how the fuck can you compare Lao to Scorpion? I don't even need to say why Kung Lao is 39052405820 times better. I think we can all agree that Lao has the best mobility in the game, he has a 6 frame launcher with it being the best anti-air in the game. He has one of the best x-rays in the game. His blockstrings are very solid and his footsies are great as well.

You wanna compare that to Scorpion who has no footsies, takes too many risks etc.? The character list is pretty legit though. I maintain that he and Sektor are on equal footing. The other characters may be better (I still don't buy the Cage BS though). Kung Lao is a great character.

You thinking Lao is bad means you think Sektor is bad...which ultimately means you think someone like Raiden must be bad. I know you didn't say it, but your logic supports such an assumption.


Lol scorpion still has loads of great 50/50 resets dude did you see what slips did to PLs kung lao...?

6frame launcher... Best anti air.. who the fuck jumps in at top level cross jumps on reaction you try punishing that with spin.. great mobility what with dks over them yes, dk in gets u fucked if they have a 7 frame d3.. or low hitbox. Teleport gets punished against pros. God why is everyone talking shit when its painted in black and white that he is not that great now. Sigh.


Tell me please Lao is better than these...

Raiden Smoke Jax Kenshi Sector Kabal Cage Sonya.

Even laos damage ain't that great his near combo is 40% best meterless 32% he can do others with slightly more but a bigger execution risk for very little.


Dojo Trainee
Lol....Cervantes' Flash Geo Da Ray from SCV.

21f start-up , +8 on block , leads to 30% damage mid-screen , 50% in the corner.

Cervantes for DLC?
It's not even that good. He has better ways to spend his meter.

Sent from my GT-S5830D using Tapatalk 2


Lol scorpion still has loads of great 50/50 resets dude did you see what slips did to PLs kung lao...?

6frame launcher... Best anti air.. who the fuck jumps in at top level cross jumps on reaction you try punishing that with spin.. great mobility what with dks over them yes, dk in gets u fucked if they have a 7 frame d3.. or low hitbox. Teleport gets punished against pros. God why is everyone talking shit when its painted in black and white that he is not that great now. Sigh.
well sometimes you jump to get in. So with other characters you will use JIK a few times to tell them not to anti-air you and then it opens up the JIP. You cannot do that vs Kung Lao. Spin catches everything. It also interrupts (though it is risky) and the fact that it can lead to 30% damage makes opponents hesitate when they are up close against him. Teleport also if unpredictable is dangerous and it opens up the doors between JIP and jumpin in, baiting an anti-air attack, teleporting to other side and punishing or at least getting your own offense started. He has the tools to get in and when played at high speed he can be hard to keep up with.

Tell me please Lao is better than these...

Raiden Smoke Jax Kenshi Sector Kabal Cage Sonya.
Lao is only better than Cage on this list (and only just). I think Cage is borderline top 10. He is equal to Sektor (cannot say better or worse but probably better). He's worse than anyone else on the list. I never discredited your list. I simply though cannot buy into Lao being on Scorpion or Reptile tier. Also Reptile is way better than Scorpion in the first place.

Speaking of Scorpion, yeah Slips beat PL but so what? Slips is a terrific player but he also had to take risks. If they pay off, Scorpion looks top tier, when they don't work, he's fucked. Add that to his lack of tools and that puts him pretty low down the tier list.


You gota be kidding me lmfao... Cage not only destroys lao and I mean destroys.. he is coming to light "finally" as one of the best in the game with all his safe strings frametraps +5 ex forceballs... Cage is a monster...


Scorpion is better than people give him credit for I play a couple of great scorpion players. Trust me he can give lao a hard time this I know.


You gota be kidding me lmfao... Cage not only destroys lao and I mean destroys.. he is coming to light "finally" as one of the best in the game with all his safe strings frametraps +5 ex forceballs... Cage is a monster...
I didn't say Cage doesn't beat Kung Lao. I said overall I don't think he is a better character. You honestly think I'm going to believe that match-up chart? He is not one of the best in the game. He is the best rushdown character....that's it. We all knew about his tools ages ago, just because Curbo came onto the scene and fucked shit up suddenly we are meant to believe he's top tier? It's flavour of the month and people will disagree with me but I don't buy into it. We've seen it all happen before with Cyrax, Kitana, Mileena etc. Nothing has changed.


M8 Cage is a joke... He is not just flavour of the month it has nothing to do with curbo destroying people I for 1 have said this for ages. Once he is in your fucked if the cage is pro.. and if you get out before your dead your still gunna be fucked up. God help you if your in the corner. And everyone knows this... Even his zoning ain't that bad.. he has green shit pros will get in trust me and when they do your in the spiders web and you ain't getting fucking out.


M8 Cage is a joke... He is not just flavour of the month it has nothing to do with curbo destroying people I for 1 have said this for ages. Once he is in your fucked if the cage is pro.. and if you get out before your dead your still gunna be fucked up. God help you if your in the corner. And everyone knows this... Even his zoning ain't that bad.. he has green shit pros will get in trust me and when they do your in the spiders web and you ain't getting fucking out.
I dunno man I really get what you are saying but it will just take time to figure him out. Why did everyone think Cyrax was the best and then Raiden and then Kabal etc. etc. It takes time. Curbo made people want to discover Cage further now and see what ways we can escape pressure etc. Don't make it seem like it's impossible because it isn't. Once we figure him out I'm not saying he'll become shit. He's really good and I might be wrong about him being borderline top 10 (maybe he is higher) but he isn't the best in this game and not even top 5 imo.
I completely understand, no one likes having their achievements and accomplishments discredited. But this is an argument best settled in game instead of over the forum. besides, neither one of you will secede to the other that theyre right and youre wrong, so it is essentially a pointless debate. however, after one of you stomps the other at a tourney, then someone will know their place.

and likely spew all sorts of more drama all over this forum due to saltiness.

Like people weren't the first to discredit the one who won evo.

Also @others Kung lao is definitely not braindead, 24 low hat? the opponents themeselves were braindead for not blocking low. Lao actually was never as good as people said, people just weren't playing his bad matchups at the time, people played different characters until they started giving safe armor to people. Yes kung lao has fast normals but its about the 1 and 2 which both whiff on low hitbox, like his pokes weren't slow enough, he doesnt even get to use the advantage on hit because of those low hitbox characters. make 1 hit mid!! Nrs! come on it only affects those low hitboxes. Srry for asking for changes...

Edit: imo kitana is in the same situation right nowwhere people thought she was top 3 or even second, except she didn't get nerfed. people now know her bad matchups, that here zoning is overrated unless you play a character that really sucks against zoning.


Totally agree with you. Either give him back his 7 frame recovery on low hat or make his 1 hit mid because this is a joke. They even killed his 44 damage combo for his 112 spin bounce them of the flaw dk 2 exhat 11 24 31 2.. was 44 percent.. now its 38 that combo..


Truth be told kung lao was probably not unbeatable before just noone had played long enough to understand how to best him.. and because NRS where patch crazy then noone got a real chance.. not like now everyone is having the time to work out counter techs. Now the more people learn about other chars the worse lao gets and drops. Because he got nerfed by the gods.

I would put Lao 9th in the tier list dose anyone agree?


Just a slightly above average player.....
Reading a few of the earlier posts sometimes it's better to make a game where the majority if not all characters are really strong then just toning down and nurfing others. Just ramp everything up and things will be better.
Truth be told kung lao was probably not unbeatable before just noone had played long enough to understand how to best him.. and because NRS where patch crazy then noone got a real chance.. not like now everyone is having the time to work out counter techs. Now the more people learn about other chars the worse lao gets and drops. Because he got nerfed by the gods.

I would put Lao 9th in the tier list dose anyone agree?
I usually think you exagerate a bit about his nerfs and how he sucks, but the way youre describgin things in this post is a 100% true. They nerfed a character before they actually figured him out. he is around 9th probably I think like 7th?


However what you also have to take into consideration is at top level...

I think all the top 6 in that list beat kung lao, then you have mellina kitanna skarlet jade(altho she weak) who give him problem due to the hitbox. Then I also think sector has all the tools to best Lao and cage I know dose.. So I'm not saying am right just I think this adds to the reason I would say 9th. Anyone got a different view?