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Your Favorite Movie


A prop on the stage of life.
Don't forget Judge Dred! Can we list movies that are so bad they're good? We can agree on most of these..but what about ones that flew under the radar?

Con Air
Mk+Mk Annihilation(I seriously thought no better movie would ever grace my VCR at 6 years old)
maaaaaaan that movie sucked. and dont give me the typical response i always get "YOURE JUST NOT SMART ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUE THEME OF THE PLOT"


Zer0Hundr3d you do not understand my love for Borat lol. I literally remember every quote. Some memorable ones:

Borat looks for a pet....
Borat: what kind of dog is this?
Pet shop owner: it's not a dog, it's a tortoise
Borat: is this a cat in the hat?
Pet shop owner: no it's a tortoise in a shell...

Borat and Azamat walk into a hotel
Borat: what's up with it vanilla face? me and my homie azamat just parked our slab outside. we're looking for somewhere to post up our black asses for the night etc. etc.

there are tons more but i don't wanna invade the page with borat poetry :p


Eagle Eye.
Transporter 1 and 2 and not 3
Damn, those are some of the worst movies I've ever seen. I make fun of Taken daily, and I couldn't even sit through all of eagle eye, lol.

I can't call you out without giving my own though, so...

Back to the Future
Black Hawk Down
Drag Me to Hell
The Hurt Locker
Reservoir Dogs
The Town
Winter's Bone

Honorable mention to New Zealand indie zombie movie THE LAST OF THE LIVING. That movie was hilarious.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Zer0Hundr3d you do not understand my love for Borat lol. I literally remember every quote. Some memorable ones:

Borat looks for a pet....
Borat: what kind of dog is this?
Pet shop owner: it's not a dog, it's a tortoise
Borat: is this a cat in the hat?
Pet shop owner: no it's a tortoise in a shell...

Borat and Azamat walk into a hotel
Borat: what's up with it vanilla face? me and my homie azamat just parked our slab outside. we're looking for somewhere to post up our black asses for the night etc. etc.

there are tons more but i don't wanna invade the page with borat poetry :p
Go dog! attack the Jew!!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
silence of the lambs
the devils rejects
ichi the killer

fav set of films has to be the child play films, there just so awesome, "wana play?" ;)


Come On Die Young
Like the KTP, I'm gonna do top 5 and bottom 5. No particular order, though:

Top 5:
Synecdoche, New York
Gangs of New York
A Clockwork Orange
Requiem For A Dream
Waking Life

Honorable mentions: Hobo with a Shotgun, Trainspotting, Kick-Ass, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and Brazil

Two movies with the word "New York" in them is just a coincidence lol... really though.

Bottom 5:
Pulp Fiction
Star Wars (all of them)
There Will Be Blood
Batman Begins
Brokeback Mountain


What is your favorite movie guys?

Mine is Aliens, hands down. The universe inspired, the creature, the weapons, the back story coupled with amazing atmosphere, suspense, and action made this movie amazing. Then comes the games, man I effing love AvP, AvP2, Aliens Trilogy and I am so excited for Aliens Colonial Marines.

No other movie compares in my eyes.

It's top 5 for me, I've seen it over 50 times. I could probably recite every line word for word.

But my favourite is probably Lost in translation or All About Lily Chou Chou followed by The Crow and Hero.

I fully expect Prometheus to instantly break into my top 5. I've never been so hype for a movie.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I don't watch many movies, but I do have a few favorites to choose from, like Yu-Gi-Oh: The Pyramid of Light.


Scarface (can quote the whole movie and I quote it way to much during a normal day every day)
Platoon (so many other good war movies but this was sticks out for me)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (might be my favorite ever)
True Romance (a real good sleeper movie)
Kiss of the Dragon (Jet Li's best imo)
A Clockwork Orange (right, right?)
Fight Club (named my son after one of the characters)

too many to name tbo

Worst Movie ever for me was Avatar (shit was unwatchable to me)

Oh and every single Nicholas Cage movie and or any John Travolta movie were he plays a "bad guy"...


Purple balls covering the screen
Okay these movies here im about to list...are the best ...ever...

Remo Williams: the adventure begins
Big Trouble In Little China
The Thing
The Burbs
Uncle Buck
All the Terminator films
All the lethal weapon films
All of the nightmare on elm street films
All of the friday the 13th films
Any porno

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