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MK Matchup charts lists etc

I know everyone is really trying to number crunch in this game so they can tally up who has the most favorable/winning match ups. While that is fine and dandy however it doesn't matter how dominating a character match ups are overall. If they lose a couple bad match ups it really doesn't matter how dominating they are in the other match ups.

What people need to try to do and find out is making certain match ups closer to winnable.

For example Cage who is the main problem right now (I feel like sonya is a lot worst though)

Lets break down what tools are needed to beat cage.

- A fast attack that leads to a lot of damage or pushes him far away from you so you can zone him.

- Armor and if its safe armor that is a + to top his strings or get him off of you in general.

- Being able to match or out damage him

- Good zoning to stop him. ( but in my opinion its not that hard to get past the zoning in this game. Nothing is like Dahlsim or Sagat from SF type zoning. )

There are a lot of characters who fall into these categories to deal with Cage for example:

- Fast attacks that lead to hella dmg: Sektor, Sonya
- Armor and or safe armor: Kabal, Shang, Rain, Jax, Kenshi
- Good zoning: Kabal, Kenshi, Sonya, Subzero

I know you can attack him anytime he stops what hes doing and tries to go into another f3 or whatever because hes 0 after everything. Sektor is great for blowing him up then zoning him up close then taking a lot of life from him.

Anyway that is it for Cage.

Lets move on to Kabal. Kabal is annoying for a lot of people and a lot of characters but no one seems to realize his counter poking is ass. Everything he does puts him at a big disadvantage forcing him to ex dash cancel out which is unsafe. Yea he can nomad dash cancel his normals but all you have to do is crouch and poke him out and he can't really do anything besides commit to doing a dash, or one of his specials. Yea they push back and can give an advantageous situation for him but its just as hard for him as it is for you upclose.


RIP Ex Smash
I know everyone is really trying to number crunch in this game so they can tally up who has the most favorable/winning match ups. While that is fine and dandy however it doesn't matter how dominating a character match ups are overall. If they lose a couple bad match ups it really doesn't matter how dominating they are in the other match ups.

What people need to try to do and find out is making certain match ups closer to winnable.

For example Cage who is the main problem right now (I feel like sonya is a lot worst though)

Lets break down what tools are needed to beat cage.

- A fast attack that leads to a lot of damage or pushes him far away from you so you can zone him.

- Armor and if its safe armor that is a + to top his strings or get him off of you in general.

- Being able to match or out damage him

- Good zoning to stop him. ( but in my opinion its not that hard to get past the zoning in this game. Nothing is like Dahlsim or Sagat from SF type zoning. )

There are a lot of characters who fall into these categories to deal with Cage for example:

- Fast attacks that lead to hella dmg: Sektor, Sonya
- Armor and or safe armor: Kabal, Shang, Rain, Jax, Kenshi
- Good zoning: Kabal, Kenshi, Sonya, Subzero

I know you can attack him anytime he stops what hes doing and tries to go into another f3 or whatever because hes 0 after everything. Sektor is great for blowing him up then zoning him up close then taking a lot of life from him.

Anyway that is it for Cage.

Lets move on to Kabal. Kabal is annoying for a lot of people and a lot of characters but no one seems to realize his counter poking is ass. Everything he does puts him at a big disadvantage forcing him to ex dash cancel out which is unsafe. Yea he can nomad dash cancel his normals but all you have to do is crouch and poke him out and he can't really do anything besides commit to doing a dash, or one of his specials. Yea they push back and can give an advantageous situation for him but its just as hard for him as it is for you upclose.


My blades will find your heart
After my last tournament and these last few months of discussing matchups, I have found out a great piece of info.

It doesnt matter, it is all next to worthless. It will always come down to the player and his or her knowledge on the matchup. Even then they have to be 100% on their execution or you have an opening to counter. Matchups have become more pointless in this game as time has gone on.


This game has four "scrubby" characters. They are Kabal, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi. If a patch ever comes out, (which I doubt at this point in the game) they should be addressed above all other characters. No more random nerfs like taking away Jade's u+3 and Kano's knives. Target the best characters, not the rest with nerfs.

At least with Kabal, people can't just pick him up as a side character on the fly, and then run through match ups easily like you can with some of the other top tiers.


Focused Grace and Intensity
I should throw in that Skarlet has safe armour on her EX red dash. Also CSZ and Smoke have their 1-frame parry's to counter any even small gaps in his pressure.

I also think Kitana's 2,1 can really hurt Cage in the footsies/baiting dept. the range on the 1 in that string is insane and I always see it catch high lvl Cages trying to d3 their way in all the time. It also helps that her fans at least make him work a little to get in and weave out mistakes/setups for 2,1 hit confirms into lift or EX fan, esp if the cage player is crouch poking their way in.


Zoning Master
The best characters to pick vs. Cage are:

1) Kabal
2) Kenshi
3) Freddy/Sektor

As far as Kabal goes, he is fine aside from the +9 block advantage on 2 xx NDC and iaGBs doing 9% of damage. Many people try to use this character. Very few are successful in tournaments because of execution.


" Bros before Hoes"
This game has four "scrubby" characters. They are Kabal, Sonya, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi. If a patch ever comes out, (which I doubt at this point in the game) they should be addressed above all other characters. No more random nerfs like taking away Jade's u+3 and Kano's knives. Target the best characters, not the rest with nerfs.

At least with Kabal, people can't just pick him up as a side character on the fly, and then run through match ups easily like you can with some of the other top tiers.
Sonya requires execution too bro so she ain't scrubby like cage. You cannot pull out a "pocket" Sonya and expect to win. Besides Sonya doesn't have any free match-ups.


The best characters to pick vs. Cage are:

1) Kabal
2) Kenshi
3) Freddy/Sektor

As far as Kabal goes, he is fine aside from the +9 block advantage on 2 xx NDC and iaGBs doing 9% of damage. Many people try to use this character. Very few are successful in tournaments because of execution.
True to those above characters but I can tell you without a doubt that no ones pocket sektor will be beating any competent cage at any tourny. Sektor is actually REALLY hard to win with if you plan to just scratch the surface.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Lets break down what tools are needed to beat cage.

- A fast attack that leads to a lot of damage or pushes him far away from you so you can zone him.

- Armor and if its safe armor that is a + to top his strings or get him off of you in general.

- Being able to match or out damage him

- Good zoning to stop him. ( but in my opinion its not that hard to get past the zoning in this game. Nothing is like Dahlsim or Sagat from SF type zoning. )
Lol....Cervantes' Flash Geo Da Ray from SCV.

21f start-up , +8 on block , leads to 30% damage mid-screen , 50% in the corner.

Cervantes for DLC?


" Bros before Hoes"
Wait you said Sonya takes execution? :confused: d4 ms f1 is execution? Wait hold up dog do you have trouble doing SRK fadc ultra in SF or something?
D4 ms is not enough to win. You have to understand her to be able to take a round. All d4 ms will do for you is get you in. When ur in then what?:rolleyes:
EDIT: If she was so scrubby and everyone agrees she is better than Cage how come there are only 4 Sonya players, 1000 Cages, and 100 Kabals in the U.S scene?


Go to hell.
He has no armor and doesn't really hurt you enough
REO was talking about nerfing the top 4. Don't, just bring the others characters up to their level. That's where I said Noob has the POTENTIAL to be buffed into a level of asshole zoning rivaled only by Kenshi.


" Bros before Hoes"
There isn't anything to understand. I'm pretty sure since you use Sonya you want her to feel like she takes thought.
I main both Sektor and Sonya. I'll tell you this Sektor is easy to use and Sonya is not. If you don't use her exclusively you will definitely get blown da F%*# up!


Or people just need to realize that the random advantage bug isn't random, people need to stop thinking that jump is how you escape pressure. REO's video on how to fight Cage is exactly why people lose to him. Crouch under his pressure and he loses half of his pressure options, d3 under his knees and he will struggle applying mid pressure.


Fear the Skulls
sonya is not that hard to pick up. her d4 game is scary and d4 to ms is mostly all i saw morty doing when he uses her. d4 to ms is her get in and ex cartwheel is her stay in your face and dont forget that you cant really try to AA her cause of her safe ass divekick that combos to a reset. Sonya is not that hard on execution at all. Try skarlet resets and combos then get back to me.


The best characters to pick vs. Cage are:

1) Kabal
2) Kenshi
3) Freddy/Sektor

As far as Kabal goes, he is fine aside from the +9 block advantage on 2 xx NDC and iaGBs doing 9% of damage. Many people try to use this character. Very few are successful in tournaments because of execution.
Sonya beats Sektor 6.5-3.5. I wouldnt recommend someone picking sektor against me.

NVM I saw it was Cage. But I still think Cage beats Sektor.