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MK9 is 7th best fighting game according to MetaCritic scores?


Deus Fulminatus
You guys know metacritic is a joke right? I wouldn't put too much stock into it. Especially for games, it's all about moneyhats. EA and Activision regurgitate the same shit year after year, but are always given top marks by the video game industry, because no one wants to call them out, and get cut off the press list for future games/reviews. Not to mention the fact that modern video game reviews in general are more concerned with features, story and presentation over gameplay, which to me, is the most crucial part of fighting games.

There's no standard for their scoring system. One website could give a grade of B- which somehow translates to 70 percent, and then another site will give a grade of 2.5 out of 5 and which will then translate to 60 percent. WTF.
I read somewhere that Metacritic uses a secret formula to give weight to certain review sites more than others. So that two 70%'s from two different reviewers are not worth the same in the overall number.


Head Cage
How is Vanilla Sf4 better than Super or AE? How is Guilty Gear not on the list? How s KOFXIII so low? How is BBCS Extend even on the list?

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
People, MetaCritics and Gamerankings collect the aggregated scores of other reviewers from various websites and magazines (Gamespot, IGN, Gametrailers, etc); this list isn't based on a poll, and both sites apply to every video game out there. And keep in mind that updated versions of games always get lower scores than the original versions because they're essentially the same thing--originality is taken into account because the whole point of reviews is to give insight on whether or not the game is worth the purchase.

That all said, I think there is no dispute that MK9 is without a doubt the best traditional fighting game out there for the casual audience. It has more content than any other game in its genre. Competitively, it's come a long way, and is my personal favorite, but I don't know about it being #1 in that field. lol.


Dojo Trainee
To me, videogame ratings are just a bunch of aribitary, subjective and uneccesary numbers that give people who are to lazy to read reviews, an innacurate representation of the written review. The review itself is someone elses opinion anyway so people shouldn't really take to much out of it until they play the game for themselves. I've lost count of the amount of times i've read a negative review about a game, then tried out the game for myself and loved it. Even mk had some negative reviews and just because those critics had those opinions anout the game, it doesn't mean i did do.

Most critics aren't even in favour of review scores but the games industry and publishers in general almost force them in a way since they won't give coverage of their game if a certain site or publication refuses to stamp a review score on a game. They know people are easily influenced by these numbers since they can't make up their minds for themselves. This could be because those people can't access the game and try it out for whatever reason or even that they're too busy to read every single review for all games they're interested in though but still, basing your game purchasing decision on a number or letter..

I would assume most of those critics never went on to play mk competitvely and really get into like most people in the community today so they didn't get to expereince just how deep and fun the game is to us now considering most of them reviewed it release week. That's why most of us disagree with the list, well that and we're mk fans. Anyway bottom line, i don't think too much of these lists and probably never will.

just my little rant on review scores lol:p


EX smash solves all
Online editions shouldn't be counted, however I know Street Fighter is good.
My list:

Average uneducated media guys list:

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
To me, videogame ratings are just a bunch of aribitary, subjective and uneccesary numbers that give people who are to lazy to read reviews, an innacurate representation of the written review. The review itself is someone elses opinion anyway so people shouldn't really take to much out of it until they play the game for themselves. I've lost count of the amount of times i've read a negative review about a game, then tried out the game for myself and loved it. Even mk had some negative reviews and just because those critics had those opinions anout the game, it doesn't mean i did do.

Most critics aren't even in favour of review scores but the games industry and publishers in general almost force them in a way since they won't give coverage of their game if a certain site or publication refuses to stamp a review score on a game. They know people are easily influenced by these numbers since they can't make up their minds for themselves. This could be because those people can't access the game and try it out for whatever reason or even that they're too busy to read every single review for all games they're interested in though but still, basing your game purchasing decision on a number or letter..

I would assume most of those critics never went on to play mk competitvely and really get into like most people in the community today so they didn't get to expereince just how deep and fun the game is to us now considering most of them reviewed it release week. That's why most of us disagree with the list, well that and we're mk fans. Anyway bottom line, i don't think too much of these lists and probably never will.

just my little rant on review scores lol:p
My favorite part about review scores is when people bash the hell out of reviewers for giving a game they like a bad score, but don't read the review itself. There have been many times I disagree with the scores reviewers give a game, but agree with many points they make in the actual review. lol.


MK9 as number 7 is pretty surprising for anyone ranking fighters. Strange how it didn't even make top 5. Whatever though. It really doesn't matter.