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Critic review roundup of recent major fighting game releases

The fighting game genre went through a long drought with very few major releases not that long ago, but ever since Street Fighter 4, players have seen a number of big named titles pop up.

For the most part, these titles have been fairly well received, with critics offering a good amount of praise and gamers supporting them with their hard-earned money.

To recap what we've seen over the last few years and offer a general perspective of how well they've been received by reviewers, we've compiled a chart listing 18 major releases and their MetaCritic scores. Hit the jump to check it out.



7's not bad, still trying to figure out why regular Street Fighter 4 is > Super Street Fighter 4 though.


『T R I G G E R E D』
terrible list kof 13 @ 17 GTFO and i dont know about the 2 blaze blue games above mortal kombat ive never even heard of them
It's good on a business level. Some people are dumb, please, design a game to be very niche audience oriented, than tell me how that shit sells. I'd bet you'd go bankrupt.

I'd want as many people to play my game or product.


You guys know metacritic is a joke right? I wouldn't put too much stock into it. Especially for games, it's all about moneyhats. EA and Activision regurgitate the same shit year after year, but are always given top marks by the video game industry, because no one wants to call them out, and get cut off the press list for future games/reviews. Not to mention the fact that modern video game reviews in general are more concerned with features, story and presentation over gameplay, which to me, is the most crucial part of fighting games.

There's no standard for their scoring system. One website could give a grade of B- which somehow translates to 70 percent, and then another site will give a grade of 2.5 out of 5 and which will then translate to 60 percent. WTF.