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Official TYM MK9 Rankings List


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Hmm, agreed. Six months would be easier to tally up. Question then is, which tournaments are being included? And should tournies that have happened in South America and EU be included (which I think they should).

There was that one in Argentina with something ridiculous like 120 players? And then there was the huge EU tournie in France.
Read above, post #23, lol.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Sorry man, so many posts that im missing stuff.

And to quote @A Foxy Granpa, other tournie players outside the U.S. should be considered on the ranking list.
As long as they're properly documented every tournament will be taken into consideration. If the results aren't posted within a week of the tournament, it will not be taken into account.


As long as they're properly documented every tournament will be taken into consideration. If the results aren't posted within a week of the tournament, it will not be taken into account.
That seems pretty good and fair.

I quite liked your over all tournie point system you proposed as well. Perhaps a "tier chart" could be made for tournies, what's considered Minor, Major, and "Grand Slam". I think if a fair point system like you suggested can be worked out, I don't see many people having many objections.


Like I said before, I love the way Tennis structures their rankings. Here's the thing though. Here's the reason why a Tennis player can keep his points for a full year. Think about it. When you watch the big tournament such as the Grand Slams, which are now worth 2000 pts per Grand Slam and the Masters events which are worth 1000 pts per event, you're guaranteed to see ALL the top players there (unless they are injured). Rarely will a top person miss an event. Then again, they have the money to do so.

When we look at our FGC tournaments, that isn't the case. You won't always get every single top player there and many things come into factor. The most important one is money. Not everyone is able to travel so you won't always get all the top players at any said tournament. Sometimes some aren't able to get off work which could also be a factor.

So then it has to be unanimous how we're going to categorize each event. Do we base it on who actually attends, do we base it on the prestige of name of the event, do we base it on both, or do we have a set rating for tournaments like in tennis?

Anyways, here's the link to the ATP website that shows the current breakdown of points.

Also notice, with the exception of some tourneys, EVERYONE gets a point value for going to the tourney. The farther in the tourney you advance, the more points you obtain.


Cock Master!!
I Have some ideas myself but it seems other then tourneys ran by 9.95 no one else is giving a full final list other then top 16. I feel all tournament participants should get a placement even if it's a top 200. I have ideas to make it work out but I need those full placements.

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Dojo Trainee
You should do a hall of fame section too. (examples: Players with the most points overall disregarding the 6 month rule, players that attended the most tournaments) You know, So we can include really good players that don't play anymore, or Don't place high anymore, even though they deserve a mention like Erik Warda and JOP.


So yeah, if EVERYONE gets points, someone will need to be designated to keep track of EVERY tournament to keep everything organized since the numbers can get up there. Maybe even put together a committee to do this.


Brain Dead Bro
32-47 Top 4
48-63 Top 8
64-79 Top 12 (Top 9 4 people tied for 9th 8+4=12)
80+ Top 16 (Top 13 4 people tied for 13th)

-Bonus points for ranked players being there
-(like college football when you beat a higher ranked opponent) If you're ranked outside of the Top 10/15/20 whatever we do....you should get bonus points for beating a top player in your route to placing but only if you place. It'll give low point receivers a chance to keep up with the people on top PLUS reward people with a harder road in their bracket.
-Attracts travel from several states.
-Majors/EVO Qualifiers/MLG
-Penalty for 6 months of no participation.

....can't think of anything right now but I'll think of more. I'd love to help on this if you like my ideas.