Smoke bomb punishes max tkp. Im almost positive red kick will hit ermac on blocked tkp. Liu kangs triangle kick or whatever its called.. KLs dive kick im not too sure, mils teleport can hit, as well as sektors. Nightwolf ex shoulder charge definitely can hit, kabals ground saw can punish, ans im thinking nd can too, strykers gunshot and ex roll.. Thats wat I think of now.. Test me though.. Itd be better if I had the game in front of me. Lol this might be skewed by my weak block reflexes
Smoke Bomb: No. Force push is -17 on block, smoke bomb has 19 execution frames. 2 frames to block, close but no cigar
ex Shadow Kick: No. 21 frame execution fullscreen, seeing as how max TKP range is almost fullscreen, im pretty sure red kick cant touch you.
ex Dragon Kick: No way in hell. 28 execution frames fulscreen
Dive Kick: 23 execution frames at fullscreen, a big no as well.
Mileena's Teleport: You're on a roll arent you. 24 execution frames, you still have 10 frames to block.
Teleport Uppercut: This has 16 frame execution minimum, in the air, 29 on the ground. So unless your opponent has godlike timing, than you can block this. There is one frame for error. And lets face it, if your opponent jumps just frame and teleports just frame, you deserved to get combo'd.
Shoulder: Normal shoulder is 15 frames at fullscreen, but at max tkp range you could punish a blocked tkp if you do the input just frame. Enhanced version is 19 frames, i say blockable.
Buzzsaws: 40 execution frames fullscreen. Buzzsaws are pretty slow travelling across the screen. Blockable
Gun Shot: 29 execution frames, blockable
Roll Toss: 24 execution frames, blockable
Yep. Everything but NW shoulder, teleport uppercut and even then its tricky to just-frame it. Thanks to Somberness, and to Kami for correcting me