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Am I the only one who hates April Fools Day?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

It's the day that trolling becomes obvious. Not happy.
Exactly. It seems like every year, someone sells me on at least one too-good-to-be-true gag that I end up buying into and being crushed when I discover it's damn, dirty lie.

Screw this. More sleep. Before someone trolls me and tells me Sub got his reset back.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Wow, let's make a day where everybody tricks you in a way that either:

And if you don't fall for it, then it still wastes your time.
Considering its all fake even if you do fall for it it still wastes your time. If you're the one playing the prank though its not a wast of time lol. Isn't part of trolling wasting peoples time?

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I love trolling, outside of April Fools, people expect it on April Fools so it's kind of pointless imo. "Hey, it's April Fools, screw you!"


Dojo Trainee
I agree. Luckily this year it is on a Sunday so I don't have to go work where most of the monkey business takes place. I can bunker up in my house, not answer the phone, and not believe squat on the Internet. The chances of me getting trolled this year are somewhere between slim and none :)


Blue Blurs for Life!
We get enough trolling outside of April Fool's, why do it on a day when it's obvious?

Who invented the holiday, anyhow?

Waste of calendar space. *runs away from anybody who wants to flame him for his post*


I like April Fool's day, it's a light hearted holiday.

I don't believe anything anybody tells me on April Fool's day unless I forget that it's actually April 1st lol.

Also, some jokes are okay, but never take it too far as some do.


Lose without excuses
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What ZAQ and REO said. I love this day, but some people just do it wrong. And there's a line you shouldn't cross and it has been crossed with me before. Like really dark shit about my parents being in an accident. Needless to say, I'm not friends with that person anymore.
Haha, thanks ZAQ. I took this year off because with any luck, next year's is going to be HUGE. That's provided I can get all the stuff I need to make it happen. ;)